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Everything posted by J3X

  1. Due to scripting reasons. I could not find a reliable way ot detecting when a staff started a concentration casting and stopped it. If one would poke at it for some bit it might be able to be solved. The staff is a weapon. When you use it it detects this via animations, when the right animation event is triggered it casts the last spell equipped to that hand. So It is neither one.
  2. Craftable Panties Bras and Stockings for CBBEv3M by goTha
  3. That looks and sound pretty awesome. I assume that this would also work with any other NPC or creature in the game, so one could create a mini M'aiq the Liar?
  4. I don't think that PSB would help at all, it's like emptying your caches. They only needs to be filled again.
  5. Hey! Arachne needs love too you!
  6. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16837/
  7. I'd vote for an enchantment that made clothing invisible... :P
  8. The question is if you can access if via Papyrus or if you need to write a SKSE plugin for it.
  9. 1) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25493 4) ███████████████
  10. The hard part is probably detecting the angle of the terrain you are trying to walk on.
  11. This might be what you are looking for.
  12. My mod does also include a levitation spell.
  13. What is wrong with using different mods?
  14. The jump might be a bit tricky to do. Moving the player with scripts tends to make him noclip through the terrain.
  15. To my knowledge has no one managed to create new rigid weapons, but it should be possible as Bethesda have showed us flails in their Game Jam. Also, don't involve money with modding.
  16. I've included a levitation spell into my broomstick mod, if one could add some animations then it could be even more awesome.
  17. Something like this I assume.
  18. There is no Daedric king.
  19. Incorrect usage of OnHit. Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if (akAggressor == game.GetPlayer() && akSource == HuntingBow && akProjectile == IronArrow) ArcheryQuest.SetStage(20) End If EndEvent
  20. The meshes are low poly because otherwise you would get an interactive slideshow on some systems.
  21. Looks good, I don't know if Paint.Net have *.dds support though.. I suggest that you google for some Blender starting tutorial.
  22. It would require some sort of SKSE *.nif manipulating plugin.
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