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Everything posted by jcdenton2012

  1. God... the simplest things. How does one change say... the Gunners decal into something else... like say... a custom made Talon Company decal?
  2. I think extending the Nuka World DLC raiders into the Commonwealth as a faction which kills and/or enslaves: The Brotherhood, Diamond City, The Institute, and Railroad; would be the best way to go with this. Pretty much you become a mighty king who built his realm upon the skulls of all those who defied you. You even have a Mountain Castle. Fancy that.
  3. Lolz, preaching to the choir here. I have 4 major cities I built for Fallout New Vegas that I released as resources. Some even with navmeshing and a full LOD. Nobody ever used them for anything. There is a 95% chance that those files I just released will never even be used. Hell... nobody even gave them a thumbs up.
  4. I didn't try DarkClawRaven, but honestly... it doesn't matter anymore. You might have noticed that I was true to my word. Today all three of those files I said that I would release to the public were released to the public. I also tried both cluegiver and otellino. Cluegiver has some personal life stuff going on right now that is waaay more important. Otellino never replied, despite me waiting two weeks to see if he would. Not spiteful about it or anything. Scripters usually have their own pet projects in my personal experience.
  5. Normally, I don't beg, but my efforts to recruit a scripter onto a rather big project that I've been working on have... well... entirely failed. Therefore, I am making one last and final effort. The project is quite large and will feature numerous quests. I can field the design work easily and indeed have many areas already completed. The basic idea is for an Enclave Combat Mission mod where you work for them as a mercenary. I have looked into asking cluegiver and otellino for help, but one has real life issues which are waaay more important and the later hasn't responded. To put it bluntly, I need help, and this is my last request for help. On the off-chance someone is interested just leave a reply and I'll contact you in private with numerous download links to resources that I am hording. Most likely, I am anticipating that I won't receive any assistance, in which case I will be uploading the Aircraft Carrier, Hanscom Airforce Base, and Raven Rock tomorrow. Subsequent asset packs from this project will follow suit as I complete them in sequence. This will include, but not be limited to: Hanger 18, Empire City, and The Citadel. I will also; of course, cancel the Enclave mod. Thank you for your time. :happy:
  6. To be honest, I could really use a decal of this to slap onto numerous things. I had a great idea to build Air Force One, but I kinda need a the logo.
  7. OK, what you proposed... is not even remotely easy. Here is exactly the type of people you need to look for. You need to find some modders on Nexus who have at some point done a 'custom/alternate start mod.' There are only a handful of them in existence, and trust me... most of them are in retirement. Just off the top of my head 'The Eagle Has Landed' for Fallout 3, 'Alternate Start' for Skyrim, etc. You might also want to hit up the TTW Mod Team since they did the port of Fallout 3 into Fallout New Vegas. You are also going to have to do your own scripted questline with custom events for all of the main quests. That... is a massive amount of scripting for a single person to undertake. That having been said, you aren't totally doomed. Most of the default questline can probably be reverse engineered, but... the events are a different problem entirely. If you have limited knowledge of the Creation Kit and just started modding... I recommend researching scripting to see if you have a head for it before starting something like this because about 90% of the scripting will need to be done by you. I say this because most freelance scripters on Nexus... have their own projects, and those who are willing to contribute elsewhere tend to want a proof of concept before dedicating their time onto someone else's ideas.
  8. I know that this is strange, but I love the rain in this game. Might I recommend... More Common Weather And, if you want even better weather. True Storms
  9. To be CBBE, or to not be CBBE, that is the question. Whether it is nobler to suffer default underwear textures, or extra skin gloss in HD. And to impose upon the game extra bloody NPC gore, or oppose the mundane with a hardcore mode. To see you sleep, pose in bed, romanced by thy Detective friend.
  10. OK... coming from a Deus Ex fanboy... do you have a single piece of non-Trilateral Commission based evidence to back that up? I know, that something similar did happen a while back with a couple of power armor mod authors getting into a grudge match, but it was hardly as nefarious to the extent that you are implying... it was really just a duel of egos. I've frankly never heard of mod authors pooling assets together to block out competing devs. Some Asian modders that I've contacted before have declined to let me use their stuff... but that was just IP protection on their part, and they were pretty polite about the whole ordeal.
  11. Let me start with... I know almost jack-all about scripting, but I know enough to figure out that whatcha got there is a very simple and basic event trigger. Modders who do quest/dialogue scripting use them all the time for Skyrim and Fallout 4. So either every single quest mod with detailed events for Skyrim and Fallout 4 needs to be pulled... or the guy you talked to is simply wrong. There is zero shame in being wrong. Humans are humans, it happens all the time. Own it. Fix it. Move on. Now, he might be right if the references in your script referred to other modders content, but... based upon what you got up on screen... that ain't the case. In any case... talk to Dark0ne because he'll give you a firm yes or no based upon what you tell him.
  12. Whenever I release a mod which requires that the person downloading absolutely positively read part of the text in the bio, I always write in red letters: [important: You should always read stuff next to the word important]. This is both to be cheeky and because what I'm about to explain is indeed important. If someone complains about the very thing that I just explained in that paragraph, I usually just ignore them. The same goes for the sections called [Legal Crap] where I usually preempt accusations of theft or racism from downloaders. The latter only happening once when I built a copy of Albert Speers Germania for New Vegas and some special snowflakes got ticked off by the Nazi flags. I've learned over the years that you can avoid a lot of grief by how you set up your description bio. I always make it clear cut: Legal Crap, Important, Notes, Requirements, Intro, Contributors, and a big note at the top, 'Read this entire thing.' :happy:
  13. My complaint is when the following exact scenario happens. "X-mod I downloaded doesn't work. Here is my long list of 150+ mods. Make it work for me." Do you honestly expect me to do that for you? You do realize that it could be anything? You also didn't give any clues as to how your game isn't working. You just dumped a huge problem on everyone and told them to fix it for you. I'm willing to help, but you need to give me something to go on for Christs sake. I'm a modder not a Starfleet Engineer!!
  14. Let's assume briefly that someone 'might' be in the process of creating a very large Enclave themed mod, and that at some point in this mod the Enclave has to refound the USA. Now, still keeping this theoretical, what sort of twists do you think the Enclave would take on the 'new' US Constitution? I think they would make slight alterations, but... pretty much keep it vanilla. Your thoughts.
  15. I know that this is going to sound weird, but I have an idea for a unique underground location. This is something that I always thought about doing for Nuka World, but... I just don't have the time. How about a hidden Vault Tec facility in the park where scientist use to kidnap tourist and experiment on them?
  16. OK, I need some advice. I have three good options for the player entering Raven Rock, and I'm kind of torn between them. The player can either walk through the front door, use a secret hidden entrance for the president at a nearby retreat, or the player can use a hidden railroad tunnel used to originally build Raven Rock. If I roll with the other two options, then the player will need to fight their way out of the facility, through the front door for the mods finale. Note, I'm kind of rolling with the idea that the Brotherhood of Steel did indeed march on Raven Rock before the events of Broken Steel, but they didn't destroy the facility. Instead, they actually just capsized the main entrance during the fighting and have been attempting to excavate it ever since.
  17. The work you've done on the Raven Rock command center is amazing, you are clearly talented. Thank you.
  18. I actually do have an idea for that, but it's going to be a while. After looking over some of the Vault pieces in Fallout 4 I kinda thought that it "might" be possible to synthesize some alien interiors. One project idea that I do have is to have a huge part of the Beta Mothership (that's the one you blew up in Mothership Zeta) crashed underwater off the coastline of Boston. But don't be getting your hopes up, the test build phase for something like that is still like... 2 weeks away. Also. Aliens.
  19. Actually... it probably will be. I never posted my aircraft carrier mod because I got into contact with someone with the proven capability to "do good things with it." Since the holidays are such a pain, we're waiting until afterwards before we start looking into options for some of this stuff. If things go well... yeah... most of this will be quest mods. Sort of... an "ideal" arrangement. I can source some wicked designs, but can't script my way out of a paper bag. My battle plan at the moment is to build stuff, and ask if he wants to use it, if yes then it get's used. If not, I'll shop around some, and if nobody wants it, I'll post it onto Nexus as a resource.
  20. HA!! hahahahahahahahhahahaa!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymVPhsf9ujs&t=92s
  21. Youtube Video Link Here it is folks. The big reveal for project [RRR]. Get ready to see something really cool. I look forward to seeing your comments once you're done watching the reveal. :happy:
  22. Oh wow... yeah... that guy was toxic. The only time I use profanity like that is in a private "pm" and even its reserved for being comedic and friendly not... well... an a$*&e.
  23. To be honest. I rarely give endorsements, but it really doesn't have anything to do with me being an entitled jerk. I just usually don't backtrack to the mod page after downloading what I want, and there is a time period where I can't instantly post an endorsement. When I do endorse, there are usually unique circumstances where I find myself back on that same page and go, 'you know what, this was kinda cool so endorsed.'
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