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About danmatrixn7

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  1. Did you grab the new skse build for the AE ver. Preliminary AE build 2.1.1 (runtime 1.6.318)? XPMSSE has yet to be updated for the new AE and the new skse build. Just going to have to wait till things are updated.
  2. Well install Fusion Girl, then BodySlide to make a custom preset(you can always download a preset to use in BS), I personally use CBP for physics https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39088?tab=files. You need F4SE for CBP though, there are some good guides on youtube and whatnot. If you don't like Fusion Girls textures you can always download a different one. Just make sure whatever you install is compatible with Fusion Girl. Same goes for outfits, there are tons of Fusion Girl conversions for outfits. Hope that helps some, have fun.
  3. Yes its a bit annoying to have an extra click to get to your download but its nothing to complain about. I have no clue what it costs to run Nexus and if these banners move more memberships then fine. Like many have said nothing is free.
  4. Seems Steam reset my settings for FO4 at some point, I had it set to only update when I launch it. Apparently Steam knows better and set it back to always up to date. Time to wait for the F4SE update.
  5. Installing the directX package worked for me thank you.
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