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About Commander19

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Fallout 4
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That was magnificent, very philosophical and thought provoking especially with regards to perception of the world. I've often pondered the question of whether these dreams affect our choices given the altered perception of reality. Many of our dreams turn out to make little sense once we emerge from them. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
How far should national security intelligence go?
Commander19 replied to Maharg67's topic in Debates
Part of the problem is the very government institutions and entities carrying out these illicit activities (i.e. invasive surveillance, espionage, sabotage, etc.) operate everything in secret and in some cases absolute "shadow law" in which they answer to no one. Should any nation be permitted to survive by any means necessary? In theory, no, the human rationale is meant to supersede the "survival of the fittest" rule of biological impulses. In practice, however, it has proven to ultimately lead to the same conclusion, there will always be a nation pushing the bounds of the law to gain an edge in the international community. The main caveat of regulating such practices is transparency. Think about it. Say for instance you are a major corporation working on a top secret project which involved stealing data from a competitor, would you really announce that to the world? No. The only answer that would make such regulations possible would be the establishment of a globalized nation where, for instance the UN Reps would be president and the pyramid would descend from there, but then you have to worry about the potential power those at the helm would possess. That would be another bridge we'd have to burn when we come across it. -
Greetings everyone! In order to reduce clutter around the Druid's Garden, I have taken the liberty of establishing a collective location where you will find all of my legacy and long abandoned literature. As cringeworthy and unoriginal as it sounds, at the time, Commander's Hideout sounded like a respectable name, but now ironically embodies exactly what it is: a collection of literature that is definitely cringeworthy. Format legend: Literary works have been placed in spoilers and timestamped to keep everything nice and orderly.Strikethroughs indicate that the literary work is deprecated.All of my literary works have been categorized in the following top-down order: novel-length stories (and ongoing stories), short stories, poetry, and spontaneous writings. Capital Punishment (a Max Payne fanfiction) POETRY The Blood Veins of the World - October 30, 2013 0316 Untitled - February 1, 2012 1948 SPONTANEOUS WRITING November 8, 2013 21:45 November 8, 2013 21:30 Love Hurts - October 30, 2013 0430 LEGAL
First off, I would like to thank you for your input regarding this manner. :) I am very much a PC enthusiast and a novice programmer although my knowledge is rather limited when it comes to understanding the exact interactions between the game engine, the operating system (Windows), RAM, and VRAM (I do understand what purpose each one serves however), which varies from game to game. I am often very cautious with regards to my VRAM as I assume that I am always pushing my hardware to the limits, I wish I would have waited a week later to buy my card, could have purchased a model with 3GB of VRAM for virtually the same price. I may give this an attempt very soon, I am currently working on running my benchmark a couple more times and depending on the results I may or may not give this a shot. I actually did not even consider disabling since I generally had okay performance whilst using it. To my surprise, I noticed a MASSIVE reduction in stutter when loading various sections of the world. I actually managed to run through most of my benchmark and even got back to Whiterun without it randomly closing. Unfortunately, when I entered Dragonsreach, the same outcome occurred, however, I am more optimistic that this may be resolved after receiving such results and I actually forgot to disable the Unofficial High Resolution Patch, so perhaps that was another variable. I have not actually done this, I have attempted to perform this procedure in the past and have had next to effect on the game, although I rarely altered the INIs anyway, but I will do this and see if it will be effective. Thanks again for the suggestions. Thanks again so much for your assistance in this manner, I spent a great deal of time writing and revising the opening to take into account virtually ever possible variable to narrow down the issue as much as possible. I will update the main post, once I have generate the new INIs, applied the tweaks, and run through another benchmark. Thanks again :)
!WARNING THIS IS A VERY LONG POST THAT CONTAINS SPOILERS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Game Details and Load Order 3. Benchmarking and Testing Procedures 4. Information Regarding the 3.1GB RAM Allocation Constraint 5. Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini, and plugins.txt Tweaks 6. Closing Statements Apologies in advance for the extraordinarily long book of a post and in the interest of time (for both you and me), the main issue I am experiencing is primarily located in section 3 where I explain what goes wrong. The rest of this is mainly reference material to take into account every variable that could possibly be amalgamating to this random closing of my game. SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION SECTION 2: GAME DETAILS AND LOAD ORDER SECTION 3: BENCHMARKING AND TESTING PROCEDURES SECTION 4: INFORMATION REGARDING THE 3.1GB RAM ALLOCATION CONSTRAINT SECTION 5: SKYRIM.INI, SKYRIMPREFS.INI, AND PLUGINS.TXT TWEAKS SECTION 6: CLOSING STATEMENTS Apologies for the extraordinarily long book of a post, but it is about the only way I figure that with the help of the willing I can narrow down the issue. I have attempted to remove the very last few mods I installed before the issue started occurring, make INI tweaks and have the bare minimum running in the background, but nothing has worked. This is far from my first time modding any game (especially Bethesda's game franchises) and I am quite the experienced modder, but this has me literally stumped. If there is a willing being out there to assist me in resolving this manner it would greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance. :smile:
Trying to decide my next monitor
Commander19 replied to Commander19's topic in Hardware and software discussion
After watching tons of CES coverage this year, I've actually found the closest monitor to the ideal one, checks all the boxes on my feature list minus the 75Hz, which isn't a big deal anyway. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824002784 -
Hello fellow members of the Nexus. I've been shopping around for a monitor as my current monitor is functional and all, but I kind of want to get a new monitor for a slightly higher resolution and also due to the monitor's age, it could go kaputz at any moment. I've found a few that have peaked my interest however, none of them have been the ideal monitor as well... it is very difficult to find any sort of combination I am looking for. Although I am willing to compromise, the dilemma I have been having is exactly what to compromise on. My Ideal Monitor: 16:10 Aspect Ratio (1440x900, 1920x1200, or 2560x1600)VA, IPS, or PLS panel; I've heard TN panels have not-so-great colors.At least 75Hz Refresh rate (preferably 120Hz)6ms Response time or less.LED BacklightNow obviously after reading that, it sounds like I am a bit particular and I am. I can't really afford to get two separate high-end monitors to serve both purposes. I do a variety of different things such as gaming (one of my prime), video rendering, occassionally CAD, and programming. My System specifications are: NZXT Phantom Full Tower CaseASUS Crosshair IV Formula MotherboardAMD Phenom II X6 1100T @ 3.3GHz Idle; 3.8GHz Turbo8GB G.SKILL Sniper Low Voltage Series DDR3 1600 RAMEVGA GeForce GTX 5802TB HGST Deskstar 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD250GB Samsung SSDIf there is absolutely one thing I have zero interest in compromise in is the panel type as I've just heard way too much negativity towards the color reproduction is terrible and if there is one thing especially as a gamer that I am very picky about is color. Some monitors that have peaked my interest: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16824116530 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16824236294 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16824260020 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16824236049 I have considered just getting a high-end monitor like this one by ASUS, but again the lifespan of my current 16:10 monitor is probably going to be coming to an end soon since I've had it for 5+ years and any monitor is better than no monitor at all. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help in advance. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif
Just something I've been working on, http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif if you get the reference. Borderline dead upon arrival Our Hunter, the last hope for humanity Revered amongst many of the doomed people of Borderlands Determined that he shall change the fate of the planet forever Equipped himself to the teeth Ready for a war only he could hope to survive Like those before him about half a decade ago And live to tell the tale of his great journeys Never again shall the history of the loot-filled world remain the same Destined to destroy the Warrior, the Hunter Succeeded, with an even greater, more dangerous journey ahead 2 Any feedback would be appreciated. :)
As you can probably guess based on the title the Command & Conquer series doesn't look like it has such a bright future. I myself pre-ordered Generals II as I have been dying to play yet another Command & Conquer however, I noticed one day that my order had completely disappeared and I have yet to receive any notification of cancellation and/or any refund pending. With this in mind there have been other reports of people having the same issue as myself. On top of this already annoying issue, it has been said and confirmed that Generals II has been scrapped and a new Free-To-Play Command & Conquer will substitute Generals II. Being a huge Command & Conquer this is utterly DISAPPOINTING to say the least, and I don't like where EA is taking this legendary game series; they're establishing a bridge to failure and I will NEVER forgive EA if they go forth with ruining yet another franchise just like one of their main competitors do (*coughactivisioncough*). It is also rumored that Kane will no longer be portrayed by Joseph D. Kucan, I don't how many of you are fans of Kane, but to me at least without Joseph Kucan as the main actor it will NEVER be the same Kane as he has become to be known. Based on all of this, I suppose my question is, how do you feel about what EA is doing to not just Command & Conquer, but many of their other franchises. I can tell you right now I don't like it one bit, what EA has done is absolutely unacceptable for setting course towards destruction with THE GREATEST RTS of all time.
The errors you have mentioned are actually common and so far I haven't noticed the error actually affecting anything. What is the major problem that I have noticed is this "DRM" type of protection added for objects already placed within the .ESM file, the object is there, but for whatever reason, it doesn't appear in the editor and does not show up in-game so it becomes this "ghost object". Honestly, at first I enjoyed working with the CK at first, but being a modder with about 5-6 years of experience, I can tell you based on the problems present with the CK, that Bethesda is seemingly and ultimately, slowly slipping away from the mod support. It will be a sad day in the world of gaming if Bethesda gives up modding support.
I walked through the thick forest late in the night, It was a foggy, misty night that masked everything before me, Unknowing of what's ahead, I continued through the forest, Hoping to find a shining beacon of hope. Eventually, I came across a cave, My curious nature forced me into it, Despite the darkness that lies within, As I walked deeper into the cave, I began to see something obscure around the corner. At first, It seemed to be something tagged on the wall, Something shape like it possessed diabolical meanings, As I approached the object, Light shined and blinded me, Welcome home Chad, welcome home [/line] Adrenaline filled my thoughts, Many "What if" scenarios raced through me, This was it, Our last hope for survival. Can we do it, Will we do it, Do we have the will, Fate would be the one to decide. The wind was rushing across my face, As I gazed out into the wintry mountains, The helicopter going at speeds that created a "flash of life" feel, It was just that, nothing more than a prologue of things to come. Waking up from the kiss of death, I rushed across the battlefield, With my fellow comrades, The Bullets rushing through the air, As I watched many fall to the ground. The sky filled with a bright red and stormy sky, It was like looking at my hatred, Hatred... of those, Those... who took the lives of others, Others... that I cared deeply about. Never forget the fallen.
Liquid Cooling Suggestion
Commander19 replied to Commander19's topic in Hardware and software discussion
I did consider the Noctua NH-D14 and the NZXT Havik, I would have no problem fitting them in my case since I have this beast of a case, but that it is one one of the things, it is very bulky and I often times wonder - what if it were to fall the first place it would land, right on top of my graphics card. Th HAVIK looks somewhat promising, lightweight and I would say probably better than the stock heatsink/fan that comes with my processor. Although I'm still not entirely sure what I am going to do. -
Just a quick question concerning liquid cooling. Last summer was extremely hot with 100F (37C) every day, which made my computer quite hot probably about 120F (48C) and I would constantly have to shut it off as I worry about my computer overheating and shortening the lifespan of my PC. Anyway, my question is, would it be worth it to buy this liquid cooling system, it is not necessarily just about the temperature factor, but my fans have been at a 75% speed rating since I've built it and to be honest, I'm tired of how noisy it can be especially if it's during an extremely hot day. Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :D
Here is the Prologue to a book that I am currently working on: If you want to read more, head over to the official thread where I will be posting any and all future chapters.
Dreams have been a concept of humanity since the dawn of civilization, Something everyone strives to fulfill, Whether they are complex or simplistic, Everyone has them, Even if they don't know it. From having a family, To living wealthy, And everything in between, Some achieve these dreams, Believe they are "happily ever after", Dreams have a nasty habit of going bad when you aren't looking. | Thanks, for the feedback Brittn :) |