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About logiaqw

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  1. I'm wondering if the two mod might overlap and cause clipping problems.
  2. I'm having low fps with no enb installed. here's the mods I have: Can't believe its not enb Climates of tamriel skyrim flora overhaul touring carriages skyui imaginator better quest objective SFO enhanced blood enhanced lights and fx CoT weather patch better vampire ml vamp collision fix realistic water two splash of rain lanterns of skyrim skyrim 2k textures unofficial skyrim patches skyfalls + skymils unique border gates trade routes immersive npc in the dark extended encounters enhanced distant terrain vamp faster transformation (I think I got them all) It only starts to slow down when I leave the starting dungeon into the open. I have a r9 290 and a i5 4670k running both on stock with no overclocking and 8gb of ram. (opened msi afterburner and besides gpu being 100% vram and others are not maxed) any help would be appreciated.
  3. This might sound stupid but I'm not quite sure if realvision is working/correctly installed. I installed realvision (full, option a I think) using the nexus mod manager and I got an error saying I'm missing injector and wrapper files. Now, I searched around and found it in enbseries_skyrim_v0243, downloaded it and extracted into my skyrim folder. I also installed Climates Of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul and I know for sure the realistic lighting works. Here's a ss if that helps o.o http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad73/koonl/ScreenShot7_zps3d24bf79.png
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