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Everything posted by MattKelly77
Map Marker Overhaul stopped working
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I have had UL and their equivilent patches installed since the start which hadn't affected MMO. The river disappearance seems to happen when I make .ini changes to MMO, when I reset to default the disappeared map graphics including the river Ethe reappear. It might be completely unrelated to the element of MMO that has stopped working. In fairness i'm not being wholly accurate when I say MMO isn't working, all the additional landmark icons appear and also when I close an Oblivion Gate the icon changes which I'm presuming are indicators of MMO working to an extent. What isn't working is the option to customise a tag on a landmark using ctrl/click which I've made efforts to adjust in the .ini without success. Not to worry I've not experienced your glitch which sounds more extremely frustrating. I hope one day you find a solution. Haha 7000+ hours thats crazy! haha I actually whilst looking for answers previously found a reply you sent to someone on one of the Nexus Mod posts and I think you were saying back then you were on 1500 hours. These games just take over especially after I found you could mod Elder Scrolls games OMG! Up until a couple of years ago, I had only ever played vanilla Morrowind and had always set myself a time limit to bring the game to an end and delete it from my life. The problem I've got now is I've probably spent more hours reading and trying to mod Oblivion that I'll never be able to delete it all the work I've done. I'll somehow have to learn how to tap out and forget it somehow. I remember reading an article that James Mcavoy the actor had to physically destroy the cd rom as he was addicted to Oblivion when it first came out. -
Map Marker Overhaul stopped working
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Just checked, the river Ethe is a component added by Dynamic Map for Unique Landscapes on the Elven Map option. So wouldn't be on the vanilla map. -
Map Marker Overhaul stopped working
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Yes Dynamic Map installed right at the start. I was concerned you might say that about resuming an earlier save. I tend to overwrite saves and have none recently that MMO works okay with. As much as I like MMO I don't think I could lose so much game time progress. The river graphics on the map ie. this map image is off the Dynamic Map mod page and shows River Ethe to the West (sorry I earlier said East) of Skingrad. It's the in game Dynamic map not the game that when I adjust MMO settings loses the river graphics altogether along with minor road indicators and the zoom feature. Haven't checked but the image of river Ethe on the map is it a Dynmaic Map addition to the Vanilla Map? -
Map Marker Overhaul stopped working
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker Thanks for replying So prior to MMO ceasing to work, I had not opened Map Marker Overhaul.ini and had not adjusted any settings. Subsequently I did venture in there and looked at the options and tried alternatives with no success. I have restored all .ini settings to their original default settings. I've checked the settings you highlighted and they at default, which is what they were when MMO was working as I had not changed anything in the .ini file. two this I'm noticing... 1. So when I have made changes to a .ini setting to test, there are parts of the map that disappear until I restore it to deafult. For example, when I have changed options for Oblivion gates to either auto or manual, enhanced graphics disappear like the river graphics north east of Skingrad and also any minor road networks. As well as that the zoom features disappear and reappear after restting to default. Could this gitch be a Dynamic Map issue? In my Wrye Bash Installer tab, there are no indications of conflicts or missing files. 2. I loaded a really early save game, the 'changes have been made' icon appears on load up and the MMO features are working. Would this indicate a potential mod conflict since that save? How could I identify mods that might conflict i.e. are mods that use pluggy or OBSE more likely to conflict? Thanks -
Hello forum I have done my homework with this problem but am unable to find a solution anywhere. I have looked on the posts for MMO and Pluggy but cannot find anything similar to my experience. So along with many other mods I installed Map Marker Overhaul. Had played prob about 40+ hours all working well, I had cutomized tagged markers in place and then for some reason unknown to me, I was unable to customize map markers anymore. The markers I had already named and customized are still there on the map, but effectively the mod has stopped working. I had not at that time installed anything to conflict with it I don't recall, although I made a change to the Pick Me mod. I have reinistalled MMO and Pluggy but to no avail. I have checked to make sure OBSE is working and it is. I am very much a beginner modder so am clutching at straws. I do have Oblivion Reloaded Combined installed, but this has been for some time prior to the fault. Does anyone know how I could identify the problem? MMO is a great mod and am very much missing it. Any advice would be very appreciated.
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Haha finally...all your patience has paid off. It's finally sunk in. So going back to your suggestion of bandit 0003db35 and how to give her a unique body mesh by creating new folder name, I was failing to create the folder 'Oblivion.esm', after folder 'PerNPC'. Have just successfully altered bandit 0003db35. Creating the folder name Oblivion.esm tells Blockhead where that NPC ID comes from. Thankyou for sticking in there and persevering with me, it's much appreciated. I'll play about with this to reinforce how folder structures work and also explore Nifskope further. Thankyou for all your help with this troubleshooting question, I can now post my next one lol. -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker Firstly thanks to previous information you provided and me playing around I have managed to alter my character's body shape by copying NIF.files from SetBody and putting them in my Data\Meshes\Characters\_Male folder. This has worked for me somehow. Is that the wrong way? Secondly can I ask a really stupid question...So you've said regarding BodyAssetOverrides, which originally was to try and alter a specific bandit NPC character, to create a new folder structure in Oblivion\data\meshes\character\bodyassetoverrides\perNPC\Oblivion.esm - what does the Oblivion.esm refer to as it's not a folder after perNPC nor do I see any reference to it in properties or in folder names. I know esm's are master files aren't they, when you mention Oblivion.esm on the end of a folder structure theres nothing I have to actually add or create? I presumed it meant that all those folders are in the main Oblivion directory which contains the Oblvion master file. The more I type the more confused I'm getting. I see in the last advice you have referred to files after the Oblivion.esm i.e. ...PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_UpperBody.nif Really sorry if it sounds like I'm not getting it, I did add a disclaimer at the start haha -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Thanks for getting back to me. I have checked to confirm OBSE is working and it appears to be. Have both .ess and .obse save files per save.The Blockhead.ini file is right there next to the .dll fileAnd checked the OBSE log and found the line Blockhead.dll loading correctly. -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker erm...your job is safe for now haha...as i anticipated I'm messing up carrying out your process somewhere. So I installed NifSkope and have been able to view all meshes as you suggested. Its quite phenomenal the programs and programming that goes on. I then basically tried to copy word for word what you had done with your Bandit 0003db35. So I had to research console commands to find out how I see 0003db35. I thought I could see NPC's in Testinghall but not. I placed 0003db35 at me using console, I should have forseen she is straight in combat mode and StopCombat command only pauses her temporarily. So had to dispatch her sadly. Having found a way to view her in game, I began creating the BodyAssetOverrides folder and copied and pasted and renamed files for upperbody, lowerbody, hand and feet. Then went back in game meeting up with Bandit 0003db35 again. Despite multiple attempts and different body meshes, the NPC body is same, incidently as my character's. Was going to send a screenshot of my folders but not allowed. Forgive me if I'm missing the obvious....any ideas? Thanks -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker So I have read and re read your earlier post about using NifSkope and Blockhead to manually select body options. Initially it looks way above my ability, but I have a weeks leave coming up after this week and because you have kindly spent time sharing your wisdom, its only right I make efforts to have a go. I'll let you know how badly I do. Thanks again -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
When I posted the previous message I hadn't refreshed the page and not seen you reply at 2pm today. Thanks for that Striker, I'll read and have a go. -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi again Striker, hope you don't mind me raising a separate topic? Just spent the morning looking for solutions to another anomolly I've had and found a post of yours in the posts section of Coronerras skeleton download. It refers to visual stretching from the upper body. At first I didn't think this was the same problem as mine, because my upper body stretching only occurred when I wore the Hero of Kvatch cuirass or a chainmail cuirass and only when I was viewing in 1st person. No other cuirass had the similar effect. I thought I had an armour mod conflict. Anyway I found your reply in the post from 30 October 2020 about installing the Coronerras data files manually. So I did and it has solved it. Thankyou - your answers to peoples queries are very clear and dummy proof - I've just proven that. Could I ask however, after manually replacing the Data files for Coronerras, in my Wrye Bash installers tab, the Coronerras Skeleton install has a yellow background and according to the readme this means that install has 'underrides'! The solution it offered was to anneal, which I tried and it has cleared the yellow background but has brought back the visual stretch problem. I have again manually installed the data folder, the game is working fine but I am left with a conflict warning... = Higher ======================================== ==190== ORC180-51927-1-8-0-1685361618.7z meshes\characters\_1stperson\skeleton.nif meshes\characters\_male\Skeleton.nif Am I okay to leave this and the 'underride' in place? -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Really appreciate your offer to help. At the start I didn't have a specific preference, I just wanted to compare, but if you could show me a way to do it that would be great. From the HGEC Bain options: Normal & Fighter Lower Body MNormal Upper Body B CupCan I just say the I grew up in the era of ZX Spectrums and loading games on cassette tapes - Jeez I sound ancient saying that . How far gaming has come blows my mind and making the modest basic efforts at modding myself, has given me great admiration for the level of knowledge you computer gamer programmers have. If only I hadnt wasted my youth playing Chuckie Egg, Manic Miner or Daley Thompsons Decathlon (serious finger cramps with that one I remember) and took an interest in the basics of computing. :sad: -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker I am wanting my character to be unique from the NPCs. When I was installing the mods, after I installed the HGEC BAIN pack I tested the game and was able to change the body shape of the character. However once I had installed the Seamless install mod, despite selecting different body options, the character remained default. Its not the end of the world, its not like it affects gameplay, I'm just curious how to make certain mods work. I'll see how I can use the Setbody Reloaded as a source like you advise when I have some time and I'll let you know of progress. Thanks again -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi Striker Not had much time to try out all the suggestions you offered. I have checked my load order and the HGEC BAIN package is right after coronerras skeleton as you advised. I have also looked at you previous comments from 2016 relating to subpackages and the choices. Looking at the options I chose when I installed using WB wizard, I selected one option from every category. So - 00 Core, 05 hand mesh, 09 lowerbody option, 10 upperbody option. I've relooked at this and I can't see any obvious error I made. I have read and download the advice about the Set Body reloaded Blockhead Edition. Because this is a manual install, I will back up my files. I have read the read me but I need to read again. Once I have made an attempt I will let you know how it goes. I continue to appreciate your advice -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Thanks Striker for your most recent reply, really appreciate you following up. I'll look into what you have suggested and let you know how I get on. -
Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Thanks for replying Striker, right so if installing a set of mods that relate to one another, the last mod installed should overwrite some of the previous mod's files. Thats why in Wrye Bash, some earlier mod's green indicator boxes turn to yellow. Sorry that probably sounds obvious, but I'm still...i was gonna say learning, but copying what others do. Right so i'll re look at the mod load order recommended and look at what I've got and see. Thanks again -
Hello - Sorry Newb here I have tried really hard before posting this. Been following the Bevilex mod list and video tutorial. Have used Wrye Bash & BOSS exclusively. Am now trying to get HGEC body replacer to activate. I have researched on this topic and unistalled and re installed sepcicifc installers to rectify but cannot find solution. Followed instructions from Seamless OCOv2 on Nexus mods page. Installed in correct order...Coronerras Skeleton, OCOv2, Seamless OCOv2 (SR-OCOv2 and SR-OCOv2 Nudes), HGEC BAIN repack, HGEC texture compatibility addon and then Seamless HGEC Female (SE HGEC CORE). The only issue is despite using Wrye Bash wizrd installer to select body options, I cannot alter in game only when I deactivate Seamless OCOv2. It appears no matter what body option I go for, if Seamless OCOv2 is installed it overrides and allocates generic female body. Any ideas would be welcomed. Many thanks
How to position plugins manually using Wrye Bash
MattKelly77 replied to MattKelly77's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Ah Thankyou Striker879 I had only been using BOSS.exe to perform the BOSS log. Found the BOSS_gui.exe and followed your guidance and have successfully levelled to 0.3% modding experience now. I have been able to move the plugin to where I think it should be. Despite repositioning that unrecognised plugin, the ongoing location specific crashing of the game continues. I will look for answers first but may need to post for further wisdom. Many thanks again -
Well met I'm 0.2% experience of modding so please bear with me. So have modded Oblivion. I have used Wrye Bash and use BOSS to sort load order out. In the BOSS log, it says "The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually". Please can someone advise how I manually position plugins using Wrye Bash? Many many thanks for any help you may be able to offer.
Right, so I've somehow lost the default.ini file. I didn't make a back up file as I didn't want to confuse what little grasp I have of the process. I'll re install and hopefully find the default.ini Thankyou very much for your help, I'll let you know how I get on
Thanks for continuing to help So the file path for the oblvion.ini is where it was originally created when I installed the game. I havent altered the file path. Yes I have saved game files in that file path i.e. "C:\Users\matth\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 2 Ah, now as for the Oblivion_Default.ini which is mentioned in the error message, I appear not to have one anywhere. I have tried changing the names of the oblivion files match but no luck. I have since restored their original names
I have windows 10 so my oblivion.ini file is in: "C:\Users\matth\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini" The "C:\Users\matth\Documents" does not contain the oblivion.ini
"C:\Oblivion\Oblivion.exe" "C:\Oblivion\OblivionModManager.exe" Yes I have started and saved the game at several points
Many thanks for replying Striker879 I noticed I got in trouble for posting my original on wrong forum section, wasn't till i posted the second I noticed they had moved my original to same place. My installation of Oblivion I created a folder in my C drive to avoid it being saved to Programs etc. That custom folder contains the Oblivion.exe and Oblivion.launcher I had added OBSE and the 4gb patch to that directory too. The downloaded OBMM files in wizard recognised my custom folder and auto selected. The OBMM files appear in the same folder as my Oblivion.exe files along with the OBMM launcher. The Oblivion.ini is i think stored in MY PC/Documents/My Games/Oblivion which I've not directly edited. Do you think I have installed my Oblivion.exe in the appropriate place?