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Everything posted by goldensunrise

  1. I'm sure a few of you have heard of this STEAM thing where you can download a game in your username and use it on any computer with the program, you just have to download it again. HOWEVER, can you use mods on it if you use STEAM? Anyone know?
  2. Loaded it up, runs amazing.. now. I need some mods. My priorities? I don't want to mess with the main quests really, so no dramatic story changing. I'd like more places to visit and more people to talk to with side quests. Anything made to improve how the game looks would be awesome. I'd love some cool new places, cool things to get, and massive dungeons and whatnot. Any help? Also, how in the F do I install them? Is their a FAQ or a readme for that? Thanks.
  3. And we're back.. lets have a look at these stats. Obviously a lot of increase. Still at level one. 40/40/35/50/60/45/30/60 Main: 25/36/35/25/25/35/35 Minor: 13/8/10/5/5/18/5/5/11/10/15/11/19/14 Inventory: so much hot property I'm on fire, Amulet, Bands of Kwang Lao, Feather Shoes, standard light armor, sword. So, here I am, fresh off some sleep at Wawnet Inn., on my way to Bruma. Have a very long journey ahead of me folks, but at least I'll get a good workout. 10:30am or so now, so the roads should be safe. At least safer than they would be at night. I went past a rather large fort ruin right away, but I'm choosing to stay on the road. If something attracts me that much, I'll check out the outside, but I'm not on a suicide mission here. I checked out an old Ayleid Well Northwest of the Imperial City, it gave me some decent energy. Hopefully that will help me through this trip. The first fort that I explored the outside of was Fort Empire. A few Imps, simple sword fodder. A beautiful view of the Imperial City, however. At around 1:00pm I found a very peculiar settlement called Aleswell. A very nice small farm home, I picked through whatever vegetables they had. Another gorgeous view of the city here, but I'm slightly surprised that nobody is out attending to the farm, however small it may be. Then, out of nowhere, an invisible man named Diram scares the daylights out of me. Having never spoken to an invisible man before, it became a very awkward and interesting scenario quickly. Apparently there is a wizard named 'Ancotar' who is responsible for this. He instructs me to go to a near fort and speak with this wizard. I wanted to say, "Look, buddy, I just wanted some vegetables." I simply nodded and walked off, in my head thinking all the while, I wonder if invisible people wear clothes? If I run into this Ancotar person by chance, I'll have a word with him, but I have too much stolen stuff to be fiddling around with anyone at this point. At the intersection of the Red Ring Road and the Silver Road, some marauders attempted to have their way with me. I managed to fend them off with my sword and some destruction magic. I may not be a hero adventurer, but I can defend myself just fine. It turns out the two of them were camped at Sereen, an Ayleid ruin. Upon searching their not vacant campsite, nothing of any value was found. Just North of Sereen I found a thief stone, but sadly the sun is still out, being as it is only 4:46pm. I am going to have to stay the night in Bruma before taking the Orange Road to the Chorrol area tomorrow. Perhaps I'll find some good items in the Nord town. These hills are getting ridiculous, I'll tell you that. Right where the Silver Road meets the Orange Road is the worst. I swear I would give anything to have Imp wings for the evening. Probably wouldn't go over too well with the maidens though. At least I know the walk to Weynon Priory should be downhill tomorrow. Just entering the Jerall Mountains officially at 5:46pm. Almost there. Beyond a bandit or two, the walk into the mountains was easy. Now it seems like there is a pack of wolves always nearby. Just need to make it to the gate. The pelts should fetch a few coin, though. Looking out into the mountains when I get to the final bend to Bruma does bring out some of the adventure in me though, I may even like to go exploring out there. Don't know what's happening to me, feels like I might be becoming more adventurous. Or feels like I've had a bit too much ale, we are near Bruma after all. I can practically smell it. I arrive at Bruma's East Gate at 6:44pm. Perfect, right before sundown. Now, it's time to find Ongar. He's a Nord, so I'll check every tavern first. First off, Olav's Tap & Tack. Bingo. I am good. He noticed I was a thief right away, good thing he's not a guard. The guards actually seem friendly here, or perhaps it's just the yellow. I buttered him up a bit before making any sales. In conversation, I hear that the big gossip is this vampire hunter named Raynil Dralas. Guess he slew a vampire in town, but to me it sounds like a scam. Anyway, on to the sales. When all was said and done I had made 1800 gold! I was astonished at how much some of that jewelery went for. That should be more than enough for now, but I still can do some thievery while I'm in town. There are plenty of small homes I could hit, but the big stores are clear: Hammer & Axe, Novaroma, and Nord Winds. The guilds and castle are probably too tough and too risky. The whole element here is different from the Imperial City, most of these businesses seem single-level or will be open air on the inside. Makes it harder. One rather large house in town was to the left of the two guilds. A large home, not sure what's inside though. With my scouting complete, all I can do is wait for twilight. Back to the Tap & Tack. Upon more conversation, I guess this vampire hunter is a Dunmer. I may have to check this out before I leave, but then again, I might not. Now it's around midnight, and I'm ready to do some good old fashion stealing. I watched a lot of folks come and go from Tap & Tack, so I think I have a good idea of who is home and who isn't. First stop is Hammer & Axe. I nearly get busted by a guard right away, but I'm quick enough to get inside. As soon as I'm in I realize.. this guy is still awake. I quickly flee the store before he notices. Bad first attempt again, time to move on to that house. I get inside to what looks like a very pricey home, and realize that this guy is still awake too! That's it, I'm waiting at least another hour before trying again. Come 2:30am, I'm ready to try the house again. If this fails, I'm done for tonight and with Bruma theft in general. This time the man is not only awake, but staring me in the face when I walk in! He tells me to leave, but does not alert the guards. Time to get a bed at Tap & Tack and rest for the journey to Chorrol tomorrow. 10 gold and a few hours later, it's daylight. I head to the East Gate and out. I am so irritated about the night before, I care not about that vampire hunter. I do stop at Wildeye Stables on my way out, however, to see how much a horse costs these days. I talk to Petrine, and I am forced to hear all about a woman Arnora and her boyfriend. Apparently this guy put her in the poor house with his theftly habits. Oh well, how much is a horse? 500 gold for a paint horse? Not buying it. Petrine was not happy about me turning her down, shouting "Leave me alone!" No way to steal a horse either, as a man was working in the stable at the time. I was looking to cut come serious time off my journey to Chorrol to make sure I get there before sundown, so my adventurous side kicked in. Since it was daytime, I felt like I could handle the rocky mountains off the beaten path. I headed directly south of Bruma, hoping to catch the Orange Road in a less roundabout way. I was very pleasantly surprised to have reached Orange Road in short order with no trouble, but a very long road still lay ahead to Chorrol. The Orange Road presents one of the best views of the Imperial City you can imagine. Just after the first wooden bridge by a broken fence you can see everything for miles. I stopped for sometime and admired this. I had almost completely forgotten about the jail cell I started in. It was a mixture of anger and relief knowing I was out, but knowing what I had missed. Anyway, on to Weynon Priory, hopefully soon, to drop this damned Amulet off and be done with it. At almost the halfway point I saw the first person, or first anything for that matter, and stopped to talk to a patrolman. With no hot property, why not? He seemed awfully distraught about the Emperor. This Amulet really means a lot to a lot of people. Right at the end of my journey to Chorrol and, more specifically, the Weynon Priory, Redguard bandit gave me quite a fight. She drained my energy very quickly and almost had me backing away. I managed to surprise her mid swing by getting her right under her chest. If she hadn't been using a war axe, she may have been quicker. I took the axe and examined it. I'll sell it in town. I arrived at the North Gate of Chorrol at 12:49pm, now it was time to see who knew about this monk and what he knew about this Amulet.
  4. I must have something like thirty saves, as I have completed every 'major' questline, but I have not completed everything in the game. I find myself getting bored, as I seem to always do the same thing. Get out of the jail, go join the Arena and Thieves Guild, rob everyone, travel to Bruma, sell everything. Then I generally get burnt out and hate my character. So, here I will keep a log. I hope for it to keep me going. It's not really a roleplay as much as just a 'What I Did Today' thread. --- Name: Rikad Bregia I am a Dunmer, and I know why I'm in jail. I'm a thief. Ratings at the beginning of everything, without choosing class or sign: 40/40/30/40/50/40/30/50 5/10/15/5/10/5/5/5/5/5/5/15/5/10/5/5/10/10/5/5/5/5 Inventory: clothes on my back, no gold. Chose my sign, the Thief, naturally. Custom class: Stealth / Willpower & Endurance / Arm., Blade, Dest., Ill., L.A., Rest, Sneak It's called 'Banished'. So, here I am, out of jail into the beautiful Imperial City air. Although the Sewer smell isn't doing much for me. I'm off to the Market District to sell everything I found in those passages. Then, I'll probably get some rest an an Inn until sun down. Once a thief always a thief. I need some new effects. At the end of my sales bonanza with Jensine, she told me about this guy Thoronir. I might see if he shows up an the Inn later tonight, but I really would rather not do much tonight beyond steal. It wouldn't hurt to get on these people's good side though. Wasn't much going on at the Inn. I read the newspaper and learned of the Gray Fox through his wanted poster. Sounds like a good guy, but the Innkeeper Velus didn't seem to think so. If there is a "Thieves Guild" I should be a part of it, eh? I snuck into one of the Inn's rooms and managed to hang out for around ten hours. Didn't sleep much, but read and relaxed. Sun down, time to get to work. Places to rob. Things I need: well, everything. First stop? Red Diamond Jewelery. Go big or go home, folks. I proceeded in and right away the owner saw me.. doesn't anybody sleep anymore? He didn't summons the guards, so I assume it's alright. I'll be back later for that one. Unto the next stop.. the Arena for that gold. Must be plenty. Despite the guard being right there.. 500 gold! Big score to start the night. On my way out, I noticed a lizard and a woman fighting.. odd. I also noticed a chest. This'll be tough, but.. huge score again! The 'Bands of Kwang Lao'. Plus twenty to my hand-to-hand? Don't know if I'll sell these. 100 gold as well and a skill book 'Song of Hrormir', plus one on blade. Now unto the Market District Take Two. First I'll hit both spell shops and the Gilded Carafe. Potions and spells always fetch a good price on the black market. At the Mystic Emporium first and immediately a skill book, 'The Black Arts on Trial', plus one on Mysticism. This place is a gold mine.. Feather Shoes? Fortify Fatigue pants? Yoink and yoink. I just HAVE to go upstairs and see what this high elf has got in his private stash. Some rubys, a steel bow, a Nirnroot, and some good recipes. Unto the next place. I only have about two hours left before people will awake, so back to the jewels. This time I'm in, but I will need to get the key for the good stuff. Upstairs I go. Getting the key off of this guy will probably be tough. Apparently he is a Skooma addict, as it's all over the place. Good money there. GOT THE KEY. Surprising, was expecting a stay out in the wilderness from the guards. Back downstairs I go and this poor guy will not be happy to find an empty store tomorrow. I could hear the owner stirring as I fled around 5:45am. Just to be safe, I'm heading to the Waterfront in case I have to flee the city. I arrived at the Waterfront at sunrise. I wandered into an old abandoned place looking for shelter and rest. I met a fellow Dunmer named Dranas. When asked about the Gray Fox, he said the beggers spy for him. I also met his friend from Raven Rock, Hillod. After some conversation, I slept. I arose to the same voices I heard before. I was happy to see all of my things untouched. I am beginning to like the Waterfront. Now I have to do some research on the beggers and the Gray Fox before sun down and more theft. I met many folk in the Waterfront and docks, even some annoying pirates, but no beggers surprisingly. I did get a Black Horse on the Gray Fox though. This is torture about finding him, but off to the big city to find some people down on their luck. I have searched for almost an hour now and nothing. Are the Guard exterminating these people? Back in the Market District I found Simplicia. After some conversation and some gold, she told me to go back to the Waterfront come midnight and speak to a Redguard. I knew I liked that place. It's only 7:30pm now, though, so perhaps I should go check out Thoronir. When asked about his inventory, he gladly boasts about his secret supplier. Hm, perhaps I'll watch him on another night when I have the time. Looking around, I'm not seeing much worth stealing, though. I took some time to read through some books at the First Edition. I am beginning to wonder about the Amulet, as I have not given it any thought since the incident in the sewers. I was simply going to ignore it for now, but it sits in my pocket as if asking me to bring it to the monk. I know I can't sell it, not that I would, but I am still torn on even going to Weynon Priory. It's a long way, and I'm getting a lot of quality stolen goods here. Although, I don't have places to sell it. Now that all the stores have closed, I went to the Inn to see who wasn't occupying their store at the moment. Only the a couple rest here, so time to check the Feed Bag. I'm hoping to see that Elf from the Gilded Carafe, but no luck. I can't risk breaking in so early, so reluctantly I'll simply head back to the Waterfront and wait until midnight to see if this Redguard appears. I wait a few hours to see if anyone appears, and I now see a Redguard meeting with two others, an Argonian and a Wood Elf. I'll have to be careful approaching this group, never know what to expect. After proving I was not an undercover guard, he discussed the entire situation. He was not, in fact, the Gray Fox. However, he does exist. Apparently I have to go and steal a diary to prove I belong in this Guild. Amantius Allectus' diary is what I'll need to do it. I managed to beat out a quick Wood Elf to the diary without being seen by Amantius or the guards, so I should be in the Guild no questions asked. I return the diary to Armand, and learn all about the Thieves Guild. It seems as though this Guild is a little bit more "Guildy" then I expected. I just needed a place to sell my hot items, and now I have one. Ongar in Bruma. It's a long way, sure, but now I'll at least pass by Weynon Priory. Maybe I will drop off this Amulet. Apparently if I sell a certain amount of stuff, I'll get jobs straight from the Gray Fox himself. I'm not going to go out of my way, but if I feel like it or need some cash, it's a good option. Now that it's a little after 3am, I think it might be too late to try a run at the Gilded Carafe, and the woods are awfully dangerous at night. I do know there is an Inn just outside the city limits and it's a short swim away from where I am now. I guess I'll pack up my stuff and swim over, should be a nice place to relax until sunrise. No guards. I reach the Wawnet Inn just before 4am. Not sure about paying for a bed, but it'd be nice to be off a bedroll for once. Of course there is a guard in this Inn, so I quickly pay a very attractive Nerussa a mere ten gold for a bed and dive into my room. I will only sleep a few hours I presume, very excited about tomorrow's trip. On my way out I get into a bit of a conversation with this High Elf, with the guard missing and all, and she is apparently really into this certain wine. A rare wine. Shadowbanish Wine. Apparently there is very, very few bottles of this stuff. Maybe if I find a few, I can get on this Elf's good side, or any side, for that matter. I come outside to a great day and a guard patrol, sweet. I begin my journey up the road on foot, no lifts from these guardsmen. I pass by a few ruins here and there, not really that big of an adventurer. Probably going to have to be to find that wine. Not sure if one elf who didn't particularly like me much is worth it. We'll see if I get that frisky. --- To be continued.. wasn't thinking it'd turn out like this, but I'm really digging it so far. Going to eat breakfast and might just pick it up after. Should post anyway for the length and such. Feel free to comment, not sure what you'd say though!
  5. The Bloated Float when it is out to sea always gave me a new sense of adventure, seeing as how it was very 'piratey'. I would have to say the Elder Scrolls Library, which really gives you the sense of 'you should not be in here'.
  6. Opening new CD's for the first time, especially when it's your favorite band.
  7. Hello. Anybody want to join me? :biggrin:
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