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Everything posted by WarKirby3333

  1. only lv29 ? training! i have a lv40 character, exact same build as you. but i have no money. I bet i'd win hands down though :P i blow all my money on training
  2. -go wandering the wilderness -start an alchemy oriented character -look around skyrimnexus for nice mods -Set the difficulty to the lowest and go on a rampage (optionally unarmed) -set difficulty to highest and try a few dungeons.
  3. i found the dragonplate armor a bit wierd. i love the gloves, and the boots are pretty decent. But the random leg bones hanging from your ass on the back just look silly. and the shoulderpads are wierd too. not to mention it leaves your arms unprotected. the helmet seems like it was made for a different armor altogetherm as it's more metal than bone. I used it for a while before i realised daedric is better, and changed to that.
  4. i like dwarven armor best. one of my characters has a companion dressed in a full suit of it (except with an orcish helm) because it looks so huge and spacemarine-esque.
  5. i would imagine the colossal tide of bugs in skyrim would lower its presentation score a bit. Markarth and the bards' college for a start. there's plenty more that i don't recall atm too, i've been frustrated by bugs dozens of times. it is an awesome game, but it needs patching, and i wouldn't be surprised if that brought down review scores.
  6. use the faster arrows mod. it makes things feel much better
  7. not checked exactly but one of my characters probably has close to 100. faster arrows mod, plus eagle eye perk. Plus an all out focus on archery and an intense hatred for every single wild animal in existence.
  8. agreed here. i'm feeling confused, wondering if i'm missing anything. one of the greybeards does have a little something to say, but it's not much more than "good work, now go back to business as usual" i'm just not seeing what the point was. The world doesn't really feel any less (or more) threatened than it did before. it doesn't feel like killing alduin has changed anything, or had any impact on the world.
  9. No idea what you're talking about OP. Are we playing the same game? fire an arrow straight. it arcs up a bit first, then arcs down and will continue to drop until it hits something. arrows have a restricted distance in the ini that you may have to tweak for really long shots. I have that change made. I was sniping some bandits on valtheim towerss yesterday. and for a wjhile i was getting a similar feeling to you. i just couldn't seem to hit anything. Eventually i figured it out though. At long distance, you have to aim above the target a LOT. i was able to hit an enemy from about 200m away
  10. no, they are not. the falmer are identical to goblins in every way that matters. -vaguely humanoid -small -crude weaponry and buildings -mindlessly aggressive -pointy ears -vast numbers -inhabits dungeons i don't much care what the lore says. falmer are goblins. show a picture of one to any random person on the street, and they'll call it a goblin
  11. i think the force shout is pretty awesome. it\s the one i use most. in dungeons, i generally use it while charging into a room. knocking down half the enemies buys some time, they can't throw spells at me, or summon minions while they're on the ground. I'll follow that up by attacking whoever looks easiest with whatever i have to hand. Outdoors, it's just godly. People take fall damage from remarkably short heights. if you're fighting in a high place (which is most of skyrim) it's a free kill. The ice form shout is also incredibly powerful, playing as a mage. if things get too close, i just freeze them, run away, and get a free spell in. whirlwind charge i found mainly useful for getting over to a dragon after they land, but it can be good for fleeing too. way too long cooldown though.. and Marked for Death is the best in the game, imo. the armor reduction it gives pretty much doubles your physical damage output. cast it on a dragon or any boss (it can never fail) and chop them to bits. i will agree that almost all of the cooldowns are too long, and some of them really need a lot more buffing to work.
  12. what the hell is this thing. Nobody around the college talks about it beyond that it was somehow once a student. There's no explanation of who or what it is now, why it is that way, or why it lives in a tiny room in a dark basement. on a possibly related node, what is the Atronach forge about? what purpose is there in creating hostile atronachs ? is there anything else it can do ?
  13. dungeons do so respawn. it takes quite a long time. a few ingame weeks i think. but they definitely do.
  14. ok, this is disappointing. I'd have been interested if you'd found some quick legitimate way to get there. I think there actually is one, because you can go visit septimus right at the start of the game and he'll hand over the key to get to blackreach. But seriously, you can do anything with the console. this is a silly thread. It's like making a thread about an "Easy way to beat the last boss", and you just tell people to turn on godmode. plus, people on consoles can't use this.
  15. I'm curious why you think this way. If every publisher handles these issues on their own, then every publisher is duplicating work that everyone else has already done. Every publisher is spending money on creating redundant systems for these issues, instead of on actual games. One of the big advantages of steam is not having to worry about this stuff. Do you have to go and fetch water from a spring every morning? run a generator to make your own electricity? Bad examples if you live rural maybe :P but this is the point of infrastructure. Stuff that everyone needs, might as well be managed by one central party and licensed out. everyone wins in the long run.
  16. I'm a longtime steam user. I hated it in the beginning and had a lot of problems with it, but that's because it was a buggy mess when it was introduced. It's come a long way since, in terms of stability. 1. I think tying a game to steam helps. Greatly. It has a ridiculously vast community of people, and games on steam are constantly promoted through advertising in the client. There have been scores of indie developers thriving on it. it brings a lot of exposure 2. aside from the advertising, they get access to Steamworks. The whole package of net code, multiplayer assisting, community stuff, etc. I have a ton of friends on steam that i talk to regularly, and we've had many discussions about skyrim. I can take a glance at my friends list and see immediately who's palying it. tell them stuff i just saw. I think steam brings a lot of social aspect to a game. Steamworks means a developer doesn't have to do things like making ingame friends lists, messaging systems, etc. It lets steam handle all the metagame stuff that's common in anything multiplayer related, so developers can just make the darned game. It also has DRM built in, as steam games can, at the publisher's discretion, require the user to be signed into steam or not, to play. I can't say or sure whether or not this actually does anything about piracy, but the important thing is that publishers THINK it does. By relying on steam for DRM, they're less likely to include some bulls*** third party rootkit solution that makes you not want to touch the game. In addition, steam provides the marketplace. It encompasses a centralised service for publishers to sell their games. Valve handles the credit processing, and accepts tons of payment methods all over the world. It provides the distribution via digital download servers. This creates a massive saving on a publisher's part 3. I highly doubt it. EA has Origin, and Microsoft has GFWL. Services made by two of the most evil companies in history. Valve is jesus compared to them. the important thing for the advertising and social aspects is audience size. The value of such features is directly related to how many people use the service. Steam is the biggest by far, so i'd say any alternative is not viable due to audience size. 4. Necessary, i'm not sure. But personally, i've stopped buying physical games, period. I don't need junk lying around my house. With steam i can play stuff on any computer, which i sometimes find use for. It also means that if i get bored with a game and uninstall it, i can come back yers later and fire it up again, whereas with a physical disk, i'd have probably gotten it lost or scratched to death. I don't see any point in clinging to the outdated notions of owning pointless physical property. Whether it be music, games, movies, etc. it's all data. A disc, a manual and a box are all just pointless waste of resources.
  17. but it's not a spider. it's a digital representation of one >.> the most it can do is crawl up to the front of the screen and wave around. plus you get to stick a sword in it. If you really can't stand to see spiders, try playing a mage and just blasting fire everywhere.
  18. I'm not sure if anyone is aware, because it isn't much talked about. but at least since Fallout 3 (possibly oblivion) bethesda has had a random encounter system in their games. These are just interesting things that happen as you're roaming the overworld, usually in the form of people you meet. I'm not sure if it's based on time, or distance travelled, but i do know that they mostly happen on or near roads (which provides a fun reason to actually use the roads) Think about random (ie, not scripted, and not including dragons) things that have happened to you while wandering skyrim. Post about the best ones here! Right now I'm looking at Paul Bunyan.(google that if you don't know it). An old legend of a giant and his ox. I've found a giant, and a stange blue-tattooed ox just wandering side by side along a road. Props to bethesda for a cool reference that not everyone would get ^^ I also recently got attacked by a big scary bear near markath, and out of nowhere, Farkas and a few of the other folks from the Companions in Jorrvaskr, showed up to lend a hand and kill it for me. This is with a lv2 character that's never even been to whiterun! Post interesting stuff you've seen!
  19. i fervently hope to see new guild storylines in DLC
  20. it shows the exact number of charges when you're doing the enchanting. i'm not sure if you can see it at any other time thugh.
  21. also have you tried using actual dragons yet? one eating a swarm of bandits would be nnice. :D
  22. oh, mammoths vs bandits (or something equally weak and ragdoll-able) would be fun on top of that high platform
  23. i like your videos, but your voice is still horrible beyond words. I think they would be improved if you didn't talk :P
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