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Everything posted by WarKirby3333

  1. i figured it out instantly, as soon as i reached the door, without even looking at the claw. Know why i didn't look at the claw? Because i didn't HAVE it. i spent the next half hour backtracking slowly looking for it, eventually gave up and checked a guide. seems i had missed the bandit's corpse who carries it
  2. This definitely seems like a bug. it's also a spoiler and ought to be in that forum. in any case, it's one f those bugs that modders should be able to easily fix soon
  3. well i guess you should start by maxing out the difficulty and leaving it there. beyond that however, i would say why not use it as an opportunity. Being all-powerful means you can reliably go anywhere and do anything without impednce, so use it to explore the world thoroughly, do all the interesting quests and plotlines, etc.
  4. i'll tell you from experience that it's hard to moderate a large forum without assistance from users. And while you might think that creating this thread would be helpful, it's not. What is helpful is reporting posts that break the rules. hit the report button under people posting spoilers.
  5. ive heard of the ring, i'm sure that's something different. you can get beast form ability through the companions
  6. you get a new word of power from the wall. the dragon soul is currency to unlock it, one found. you have togo into the shouts menu and press R on a locked shout to unlock it That lich type thing is one of the dragon priests. i don't know a lot about them but i think thre's somewhere between 7-10 of them, all unique. each one has a unique and powerful mask as their main loot, and also a staff of some description which is useful. I fought krosis personally, he's definitely not immune to magic, or anything. he just has a HUGE TON of HP. I think he's weak to fire though, fire magic does slighly more on him, you can tell from his ice cloak aura (btw dont go too close if you can help it) you're best off bringing a companion to distract him, a ton of potionsn, and some fire resistance, because he has a staff of fireballs and tosses them all day. aside from that it's just perseverance and fireball-dodging. his mask sucks tbh. unless you're using a stealth oriented character. incidentally there's another of the dragon priests in Ragnvald, a tomb to the northwest of the map. his mask is far better, but he's darn hard.
  7. your logic doesn't follow. what about all the other massive, powerful things that don't kill in one hit ? like mammoths, and dragons, and dungeon traps, and frost atronachs. you can't argue realism and ignore internal consistency. The dragonborn shows an aptitude at surviving things that ought to instantly kill a person. for tha reason, and also for story reasons of the dragons supposedly being the world's big threat, it makes no sense for an enemy that's abundant on the overworld, to be so much more powerful than a dragon
  8. news flash. reaching lv7 is not "working". i'm lv 26 roughly, playing a battlemage. alternating between sword and destruction magic. I'm finding at this point that my magic is somewhat outclassed and ineffective against the higher level enemies. Most fights are won with my sword, which scales much better. Magic just doesnt do enough damage and spells dont get stronger, only replaced with new ones which dont ramp up in damage anywhere near fast enough. i've only gotten to adept level spells though, so maybe expert and master will hold something good, im not sure.
  9. wait a minute, you get a marker on the map. go find the quest in your journal and hit show on map
  10. hi everyone. i cnabecome a werewolf through the companions quests, but im wondering if i want to. what downsides are there? are you ever forced to transform at random? does it cause any bonuses or penalties to you when NOT in beast form?
  11. it's near the northwest of the map, but surrouned by flat-ish land on all sides. i think it's adjacent to Labyrinthian, and south of some village (morthal i think?). i belive that to get up there you have to approach it from the south side, and that dustman's cairn is a good place to start.
  12. I'm getting annoyed with lydia constantly dropping dead. I dont get what would be the issue with making companions immortal, iirc it was like that in the past two fallout games Bethesda have made some concession in that, when she's near death, she'll drop to her knees and enemies will stop attacking her til she gets up. however she still tends to get finished off by wayward fireballs, hazard of being a wizard. what about other companions? are any of them unkillable? failing that, does anyone know how i can make lydia so? I know it can be done, the engine supports it, and i've seen it done before in fallout. i think the setessential command, but not certain.
  13. not sure what you're smoking here, but what you've written is the exact opposite of true. In oblivion there was far more variety than in skyrim, from the multistorey coloured buildings of leyawiin, to the short white bronze-doored buildings of anvil, to the shanty huts in bravil, to the sunken nord houses in bruma, to the tightly packed stone style of skingrad. By comparison, skyrim has a lot less variety. several of its villages are, by and large, identical pointless shitholes, including but not limited to Dawnstar, Ivarstead, Riverwood, Morthal, Falkreath. That said there are some nice places. Markarth, Soltude, Whiterun, Riften and Windhelm. all pretty unique and interesting. but on the whole the number of "good" cities is way lower than oblivion had, and i find that sad. perhaps it's quality over quantity although i like to think it's more "still quality, just less quantity". it's one of my main gripes about the game
  14. ok, so i'm doing the college of winterhold quests, and i've just finished the mzulft ruins, and calibrated the big dwarven star collector thingy. At which point, the mage you meet there starts ranting abuot how he;s going to go back and report to the council, that the college is interfering with them. it occurs to me that he's generally going to bring unwanted attention, and also that he's killable. Does anyone know if killing him, or not, will affect the plot? did you get some imperial officials turning up at the college if you dont kill him ?
  15. i'm over at a giant camp to the east of kynesgrove, and a dragon attacked, unfortunately a giant and a mammoth also attacked which may have made things tricky. i''ve dealt with the dragon and i definitely got the finishing blow myself. but not it just lies there. dead, but still scaly. it's definitely not dissolving, burning, or giving me a soul. i've tried reloading it and re-killing it three times now, but no dice. has anyone else ever run into this ?
  16. just want to say i'm having completely no problem with this at all. so it's not universal. maybe check your sound drivers and stuff.
  17. the situation, as i understand it: (note all of the following is roughly remembered and may not be 100% accurate) The thalmor are a political party that have taken power of both the high elves and wood elves, forming them into an alliance called the Aldmeri Dominion the Aldmeri Dominion invades the Empire, which is a complete rout and results in the signing of the White Gold Concordat, a treaty which basically reads "we own you". Skyrim is, up until now, an imperial province. However, one of the core conditions of the treaty is that the empire bans the worship of Talos, the Ninth Divine. This is because unlike the other 8, talos is a human hero who somehow ascended to divinity. The elves believe this is impossible, and thus any worship of him is harshly punished. Talos worship is prominent in skyrim, where he is known as Ysgramor, because in life, he was a Nord. So the nords take the outlawing of talos very hard. Believing (rightly) that the empire is a puppet state, and that being part of it is no longer in skyrim's best interests, Ulfric stormcloak starts a rebellion. One of his main acts in doing this is killing the King of skyrim, who he views as a weak puppet. The stormcloak account of this is that he challenged the king to an honorable duel in Nord tradition, and won. The Empire/thalmor viewpoint is that he murdered the king. I would estimate the percentage of the popultion that supports the revolt is more like 50-60%, they seem to be generally in favor. however, about 60% of skyrim's towns are empire controlled, basically the entire western side of the map. Stormcloaks control the east. Both factions are, theoretically, engaged in war for skyrim, although in practice the war is somewhat inactive and at a stalemate. at least until you come along. Ulfric Stormcloak's aims are, in no particular order: -To take solitude, and depose the surviving wife of the dead king -to overthrow and replace any jarls that support the empire -to drive imperial influence out of skyrim entirely -to be crowned high king of skyrim, with windhelm as his capital -To invade the empire, and annihilate the thalmor.
  18. giants are not "capable fighters". they are a "programming mistake". clearly, they/re ridiculously, atrociously overpowered, and i find it hard to believe it was as developers intended. they canmatch dragons easily, but if you've ever been hit by one you might notice getting sent flying into the stratosphere. From a DOWNWARD strike. they seriously launch you about 300m into the air. I'm pretty sure someone acidentally typed an extra 0 on one of the giant's parameters. they're completely broken.
  19. what i did, unintentionally: let him start chasing you, run like hell back down until the battle music stops, wait a minute, go back up. troll is gone. clear path onwards. ymmv
  20. all three books are on pedestals in that room. if you don't have it, it has to be in there somewhere. possibly it glitched out and fell through a wall or something. you can try using tcl in the console to look for it (that lets you walk through walls)
  21. i'm surprised at the number of people here saying they dont, the poll doesn't reflect it. skyrim is a lot less varied than oblivion. scenery wise, there's snow, tundra, plains, and more snow. i dont care for walking repeatedly over the same paths to look at more brown trees. fat travel cuts out the crap and gets to the good parts (which are endlessly coming). there's too much to do not to fast travel. i already do plenty of walking and fighting anyway, when going to any place i cant fast travel to due to not having been there. i'm not missing anything
  22. both left and right click on the spell will bind it to both keys
  23. surely you should be able to annihilate them easily by now ?
  24. i stopped being scared of dragons when i fouind a 30% fire resist amulet, and later a 12% magic resist ring. in addition to being a breton, dragons of either type basically can't touch me, they do pathetic damage and i wear them down
  25. go to the magic menu and check out Active Effects.maybe you'll find some answers there
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