Hello, i am playing skyrim for quite sometime, many times just dropped it, couldn't stay for too long because got bored :/ max lvl which i managed to reach was about 43. Well after sometime i just turned it on again, downloaded Requiem(quite hard mod) and made new character, which was mage, well almost everything one shooted me :D not fun at all, managed to get morokei and arch-mage robes, and guess what... bored again, ~600 mana with 750% mana regen and still squishy... whatever with alternate life mod i made myself a vampire, now this one is kinda fun, squishy enemies are just meat for me. So here is the problem, mostly i roam around the skyrim, looking for prey and stuff like that, but still world feels just empty, can anyone suggest any mods which would fill up the world(i remember long time ago, there was one epic mod with many random encounters and it was popular, but developer got tired of work and dropped it :/) more preys for hunting, more enemies who will hunt me, more potential targets in cities and stuff like that? currently using better vampires(hunters are on but i guess i am too low level(5) for them) with requiem. Umm suggestion for vampire lair would be good to(any type of mod, not necessary vampire, but atleast darkish). Thanks in advance ;DD