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Everything posted by JAW959

  1. Today I tried (again) to start making my own Oblivion mods with Blender. I followed a guide to installing blender and the associated scripts for using .nif files with Blender, after I finished (installed python 2.7 and blender 2.49b and pyffi and nifscripts) I found that blender was giving an error saying that it couldn't find Python, using a guide from the internet I now have Blender finding python, but I still don't have any import/export settings for .nif files.
  2. So the last time my computer got horrible computer AIDS I lost my Oblivion save with the main quest finished, now I have a new file that is better than before, and I have numerous mods installed. One of the mods I have is called "Kvatch Rebuilt" it basically rebuilds Kvatch after Kvatch is saved. So is there any good way to skip the entire main quest? or at least the bit with Kvatch?
  3. So I honestly can't stand screwing around with blender, I hate the interface and having to screw with python, does anybody know any other good free programs like blender with .nif capabilities?
  4. I'll just leave this here http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jWNhyMUpjSE/Sbm6PB1_6jI/AAAAAAAAC_0/Sho4qWL5Dq4/s400/pedo-bear-seal-of-approval.png but seriously I have to wonder, why do you want children ingame so bad?
  5. A friend of mine (no seriously) tried installing OBSE and now when he loads oblivion (through the OBSE loader or normal oblivion launcher) he gets a window that comes up for a moment, then nothing, Oblivion didnt load
  6. So today i used the console to change my sex to female, when i changed it my face vanished, i was wearing the hood from the DB, even after i changed my character back to male he still doenst have a face! is there a console command to open the face editor or anything else that would work.
  7. thanks a ton man, and by the way, the replies p*ssing me off i thought i would have to pay over 9000 monehs for programs that i dont even know if im good at. thanks again
  8. what kind of program is used for modding? what is the program for making the models? what is the program for scripting? any good sources for starting on the programs? thanks, again, i know it will piss me off, but still i ask you :thanks:
  9. the mod im looking for is somthing to allow me to drag bodies and items around, telekinesis is too clumsy :thanks:
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