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  1. I bought a second level 2 general store and placed it into sanctuary and noticed that its inventory was identical to the first stores inventory. With some testing I confirmed the inventories were shared where buying from one reduced the inventory of the other.
  2. I'm eventually planning on adding munitions including muskets to Changing Skies, the mod I'm working on. Here's some concept art. If your wondering it's a Gyro-Stabalized Dwemer Blunderbus.
  3. I've been thinking on what the sixth warrior skill should be, an Idea I've been kicking around is to add either a survival skill that includes traps/grenades or just a straight explosives skill. I know explosives seems like it doesn't fit into Elder Scrolls but I was thinking about the book series "Malazan Book of the Fallen" and their Mornath munitions if you picture something similar in the Elder Scrolls universe considering how advanced alchemy seems to be and take into account things like Dweamer machinery it seems like alchemical munitions not only are not out of place but should exist. Anyone have any thoughts on this subject?
  4. Just wanted to say that I really liked the concept art of that glass Kopesh. Keep up the good work.
  5. Note: Modified Dagger skill to Close Combat Your not required to use dual wielding perks to dual wield. But most of the tree would benefit you as much as someone using a dagger. Here are two possible ways to play. You could just use Daggers and Unarmed as little as possible eventually you will level up Close Combat slowly by using two weapons. You could Choose to start the game using a dagger as an offhand weapon so your skill levels quicker until you get to the dual wield perks.
  6. Example Redone Perk Trees. Legerdemain Constellation Shape: Same as Pickpocket Perks Light Fingers(1-5): Pickpocketing bonus of (20/40/60/80/100)%. (Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master) locks are much easier to pick. Requires Legerdemain (0/25/50/75/100) Quick Hands: Able to pick locks without being noticed. 10% increased weapon speed. Requires Legerdemain 20 and Light Fingers Golden Touch: Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier, you also find more gold in chests. Requires Legerdemain 30 and Quick Hands. Extra Pockets: Carrying capacity is increased by 100. Requires Legerdemain 40 and Quick Hands. Misdirection: 10% chance of avoiding damage and bounties. Requires Legerdemain 50 and Quick Hands. Poisoner: Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets. Applied Poisons last twice as long. Requires Legerdemain 60 and Misdirection. Lucky: Lockpick starts close to the lock opening position. 10% increased Critical Weapon Damage. Requires Legerdemain 80 and Misdirection. Perfect Touch: Can pickpocket equipped items. Power attacks have a 10% chance of disarming your opponent. Requires Legerdemain 100 and Lucky. Close Combat Constellation Shape: Crossed Daggers Perks Street Fighter(1-5) Daggers and Unarmed Combat do (20/40/60/80/100)% more damage. Requires Close Combat (0/20/40/60/80). Precision Strikes: Attacks with daggers and Fists have a 10% chance of doing critical damage. Requires Close Combat 30 and Street Fighter. Dual Flurry(1-2): Dual wielding attacks are (20/40)% faster. Requires Close Combat (40/60) And Precision Strikes. Thieves Dance: Normal attacks demoralize your enemies and invigorate you (30 Stamina Absorb). Requires Close Combat 50 and Dual Flurry. Dual Savagery: Dual wielding power attacks do 50% bonus damage. Requires Close Combat 80 and Dual Flurry. Fighting Frenzy: Dual wielding power attacks have a 25% chance of disorienting your enemies (Fury 100pts for 6 seconds). Requires Close Combat 100 and Dual Savagery. Speed Of Blades: While wielding daggers you avoid 10% of attacks. Requires Close Combat 80 and Dual Flurry. Wall of Blades: Power attacks give a Greater Ward effect for 4 seconds. Requires Close Combat 100 and Speed Of Blades. Added/Modified Item
  7. This is a project I am currently planning on working on when the Creation Kit is published in January. My overall goal for this mod is to overhaul skills, perks, crafting and magic to create a more enjoyable game. Issues to Address Some skills can be leveled independently of combat and exploration but still greatly effect combat. Enchanting Smithing I was originally going to remove alchemy from the the normal skill system along with Enchanting and Smithing but I ran into some issues. Enchanting and Smithing are very easy to power level as they have simple requirements to craft and give relatively large amounts of skill up per crafting. Alchemy is not near as easy to craft or easy to power level. Also Alchemy recipes must be discovered through trial and error or by chance as long as you do not go outside the game for resources. Enchanting provides armor for mages, Smithing provides armor and weapons for both rogues and warriors. Alchemy does neither of these things, but provides an alternative way to use magic. This while not requiring magic, requires preparation and collecting ingredients. Also, another major difference is that alchemy is consumed while Smithing and enchanting are not. Taking all of this into account I think while alchemy is a crafting skill it needs to be treated differently than the other two crafts. Another consideration is that both mages and warriors had two forms of in-combat defensive skills, while rogues would only have light armor without alchemy. Some skills give little in the way of combat. Lockpicking Pickpockets Speech Normal magic scales horribly. Normal magic is Bland. Dragon Shouts for the most part are hard to use as stealth characters. Primary Goals Re-envision the skill groups from a Combat/Stealth/Magic grouping to a Warrior/Rogue/Mage grouping. Remove Smithing and Enchanting from the normal skill system and tie their skill progression to your character level. Your skill maximum in each will be equal to twice your level Remove Smithing and Enchanting skill ups from consideration in leveling up. Remove Smithing and Enchanting perk trees and add quest chains to gain their respective perks. The quests for each perk will not be able to be started until you have appropriate skill level. Redistribute the remaining skills so as to approach the following template. Skill Category Defensive Skill 1 Defensive Skill 2 Offensive Skill 1 Offensive Skill 2 Utility Skill - (Utility along with overall combat enhancers) Category Skill - (Perks that effect and flavor the entire group) Warrior Skills Heavy Armor Block Two Handed One Handed - (Remove daggers and duel wield effecting perks) Command - (Revamp Speech adding some combat functions) Category Skill? - (No ideas as yet) Rogue Skills Light Armor Sneak - (Revamp slightly to add some combat defense) Archery Close Combat - (Unarmed + Daggers) Alchemy Legerdemain - (Lockpicking + Pickpocket + combat) Changed the order a bit Mage Skills Restoration Alteration Conjuration Destruction Illusion Meta Magic Modify skill leveling to account for the changed skills system. Close Combat: Leveled by using daggers,unarmed, and slightly from any dual wielding. Meta Magic: Leveled by using dual spell casting. One-Handed: Remove Daggers. Command(Speech): Add Dragon Shout/Whisper use. Legerdemain: Both pickpocketing and lockpicking apply. Revamp Alchemy/Enchanting to address new and changed skills. Add new compound spells available when you learn dual casting from two schools of magic For example, if you had the alteration and restoration dual casting perks and knew the spells Equilibrium and Healing Hands you could dual cast them to get Vampiric Drain. Add Dragon Whisper versions of each form of Dragon Shout, allowing better stealth type play with dragon magic. Add Dragon Shouts for stamina and health gain to augment pure warrior play styles. Add magic enhancing Dragon Shouts for pure mage play styles. Future Goals Redo AI: Allow use of new spells and abilities. Make combat more challenging? Make AI smarter about Stealth. Add to Smithing / Enchanting. Add or incorporate more Spell Effects Add more alchemy content and possibly traps. Add spell scaling. Added/Modified Item If you have any suggestions please feel free to post them.
  8. If you want to keep to the idea of light armor which is not only obviously light in weight but supple such as leather armors are then it would be more appropriate to keep the base materials ones that can flex to a considerable degree (although glass armor makes no sense and honestly never has). I would suggest a list in this style: Partial or Light or Young ***** ***** Studded ****** Scaled ****** The reason I suggest this format is two fold one to keep it fairly consistent, and therefore easy to understand and secondly because in reality leather armor progresses in such a fashion, partial protection either part of a full set or a light version then regular armor then studding the armor with pieces of bone or metal and finally attaching overlapping scales to the leather. Elven and glass of course are not really fantasy versions of leather armor but I think they fit in this list decently. Partial Hide Hide Bone Studded Hide Bone Scaled Hide Partial Leather Leather Mammoth Studded Leather (Mammoth Ivory) Mammoth Scaled Leather (Mammoth Ivory) Young Ice Wolf Leather Ice Wolf Leather Steel Studded Ice Wolf Leather Steel Scaled Ice Wolf Leather Troll Skin Frost Troll Skin Sky Steel Studded Frost Troll Skin Sky Steel Scaled Frost Troll Skin Partial Elven Elven Moon Stone Studded Elven Moon Stone Scaled Elven Partial Glass Glass Corundum Studded Glass Corundum Scaled Glass Young Dragon Hide Dragon Hide Diamond Studded Dragon Hide Diamond Scaled Dragon Hide Then using this list just push when you get armors so that you don't see elven/glass/dragon until very high level.
  9. I personally agree with the daylight part, but I don't think its unreasonable for someone with super high stealth to sneak in front of someone in the dark. In my original post I brought up some possible solutions for this type of problem do you have any suggestions? And thank you for bringing up the essential flag problem.
  10. If you could give a bit more information, I would appreciate it. I've never seen this, but all my kill from stealth animations have been throat slitting with a dagger. Are you, by chance, using non daggers? Or is this occurring with daggers? It just might help if someone decides to tackle the issue to know as much as they can about when this is happening. Definitely sounds like an issue in need of resolution, however.
  11. I've used invisibility on occasion as a potion and it just seems too powerful I think if it wasn't quite as effective or it lasted a much shorter duration, i.e. potions lasting seconds instead of 10's of seconds and the invisibility spell being channeled at high mana cost. As it is now with decent stealth perks invisibility is an instant win button vs almost everything. If the duration was much, much shorter at least you would have to rush to get into position to attack. Another option would to make it so all NPC became invisible if you were invisible and impossible to attack while you were invisible, making it a useful tool to get past NPC's or to escape but not an instant win button for attacking from stealth. But the reason I mentioned it was to suggest adding a visibility modifying spell that would make you visibly harder to detect this would explain stealth while not in shadows, as it is now you can sneak by enemies in even while in light, although there are times that this seems impossible in bright daylight, but at other times it seems like I can pass close to enemies that should see me, breaking immersion.
  12. I am starting this thread as a place to discuss stealth issues and their possible solutions so as to create a resource for modders who wish to address thief and assassin type styles of play. Disclaimer: I do not know if any off these possible solutions are possible to mod. Immersion Issues To immerse oneself in a game you need to be able to suspend your disbelief. This on the face of it would seem to be either easy or impossible in a fantasy game. Attributing everything to magic is an easy fix but often has little internal logic and requires massive amounts of explanation and effects. While asking everything to be super realistic in a fantasy game is not possible. The best solution in my opinion is to create an in game logic system that is consistent within itself, obvious or explained in a fashion that does not break immersion and that uses magic as a tool not as an excuse. AI Assassination Reactions – While mindless undead not reacting to their fellow undead collapsing seems reasonable, for any other NPC the lack of reaction in most cases seems beyond any reasonable amount of suspension of disbelief. Add body presence manipulation as an aspect of the game Change most AI behavior to react to the presence of dead friendly bodies, placing them into a state of caution. Preferable making it so if a fellow NPC dies in sight they go into instant search mode and don't stop for a reasonable amount of time. If a paroling NPC comes across a body they should pause temporarily to look at the body and then go into a search mode Make moving bodies less than improbable, at the moment moving some bodies is very hard as they barely move. Add spells, enchants, and/or alchemy to disintegrate bodies. A possible spell mechanic would be like soul stealing where if you kill in x seconds the body disintegrates on death. Add Illusion Spells that disable NPC reactions to Dead Bodies. To make their application more interesting limit the spells ability to work unless it is applied to the NPC before they see a body. Sleep spells? Stealth Noise - While in stealth, the noises you make are ridiculously loud, that alone breaks immersion. Even in a dark dungeon where a body collapsing 10 feet from another NPC not being discovered is not unreasonable, the jarring noise of your grunt and the weapon sound as you attack makes it impossible to believe. Change weapon and attack sounds while crouching to whisper levels. Stealth Visibility – being able to stealth in broad daylight breaks immersion when in 3rd person view as its quite obvious your visible. Possible Fix A: Change the stealth skill to add innately a invisibility type animation where it becomes visibly obvious why you are hard to see. Possible Fix B: Reduce all stealth ability by a factor of 4 but multiply all darkness multipliers by 4 making it much harder to stealth in light. Add an Illusion spell that is channeled and gives you a massive stealth multiplier in light (x4) and has a visible effect making it believable. Camouflage Gear: Add Light armor that gives you stealth bonuses in light in certain types of terrain. Storyline & Reactions – In the Winterhold College story line it is possible to finish it with a character that has zero magic investment. And while it is not unreasonable for a character with no investment in magic stats or skills or perks to enter the college, to advance this character to Mage levels and even worse to finish the quest and become the Archmage seems utterly improbable. Add dialogue reactions and options within the game that are more varied and take into account non standard styles of play. Add the ability to assassinate as a supported option for some quests. Example, in the stormcloak quest line to take Whiterun, give an option to assassinate the Jarl skipping the attack. Enemies Flagged as Essential (Scklyic) - Immortal NPC's obviously present immersion issues as an assassin. For some NPC's, such as legion commanders, just having pool of NPC's that will replace that NPC after some set time, with everything the same except for name and appearance so that you can kill the first one would not be unreasonable being that if a commander was killed he would likely be replaced. ??? Lack of Content Issues In some areas of this game there is a lack of content that characters focused on stealth can access. Lack of Dragon whispers – Only two dragon shouts are usable in stealth. Add more dragon whispers. Change appropriate shouts to whispers. Kyne's Peace “The Voice soothes wild beasts, who lose their desire to fight or flee “ from the description this shout seems more appropriate to be in whisper form, as a shout does not seem soothing. Please add any issues dealing with stealth or stealth related aspects of the game you have experienced or can imagine. Please, If you post an issue try to also post a possible solutions as well, Thank you. Game Play Issues Issues dealing with game mechanics behaving correctly but in such a way as to make stealth based play too easy or too hard. Arrows allow free dragon whisper, Throw Voice - NPC's will go look where you shot your arrow and works exactly like Throw Voice but with no cool down, almost no cost and able to be used from the beginning of the game. Using arrows to do this makes the Dragon shout almost useless. Script it so when an intelligent NPCs find your arrow they then go to exactly where you were when you shot your arrow as they now have an arrow showing them where it was shot from. Kill Animation Interference (throttlekitty) - if not interrupted by a kill animation you can possibly kill two NPC's as you have 1-2 seconds before the second target goes from unaware to fully seeing you allowing a stealth attack. This is difficult but doable and very rewarding to try, until you randomly get a "wonderful" kill animation that at best makes your fight messy and at worst causes your death. Possible Fix A: (throttlekitty) Remove Kill animations. Possible Fix B:(throttlekitty) Do not allow kill animations from stealth that break stealth. Possible Fix C: Decrease immediate NPC's ability to detect stealth immensely for a few seconds when a kill animation is triggered, thus allowing another few seconds to stealth attack.
  13. Probably mentioned on this forum before, but I would love if someone came up with a basic mod adding dragon bone weapons to smithing. I was personally distraught when I realized that you could make dragon armor but no weapons. On another forum I saw this mentioned, but the person who responded said they were going to mod something like this talked about long quest chains and multiple materials. I would rather it was just added to getting 100 in smithing, however if your going to add quests please add them to the dragon armor as well, only doing one or the other seems odd. Here is a concept picture I made manipulating a picture of a wing bone from in the game, as a starting point. http://i44.tinypic.com/121qqmu.png Thank you.
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