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Posts posted by dudeinmask

  1. hello all again im back and its my birthday woot. Can someone make a model for a megalurk animate it and.........wow thats alot of work...........you know what a mirelurk thats it animations that been changed to make it look like its attacking things smaller than it would work aswell.


    P.s. Hope you all have a nice day and stuff.

  2. Gir would be the greatest follower ever i can see him run into a group of enemys saying "Hi Baby" and girs empty head can hold items for you or hold cupcakes.

    He can have a Waffle maker built in when he makes one he say guess who made waffles!

  3. ya i knew other like this idea could have stuff stuck on top of its back to give it a shadow of colosus feel like say a mail box or a part of a boat.
  4. ok i was thinking there should be something like a behemoth but for mirlurks like a "Megalurk" can use same move set a behemoth just change to be mirlurk with one huge claw and some changes here and there would this be very hard to make? I would really like to see this in game if someone can make this I would be very happy be even nicer if Marts Mutant Mod makers would pick this idea up cause it would be so cool.
  5. omg yes we need gir im a huge fan of gir and zim a gir robot thats follows you and heals him self by eating food (that you give him or he finds) maybe a animation of him eating would be nice but not needed and of course have cubcakes in game and if you give him one after he eats it he say "I miss my cubcake"
  6. ok i would like to see a ropbotic limb like a leg or arm i was thinking about this for awhile and thought of a way it might work ok someone make a model of the armor as a armor that gos over you limb but you can see your limb when its equiped and make it so it cant be taken off and a prek to having a "Perk" for having a robot arm or leg.


    Note: im not a good modder and dont know anything about scriping.

  7. Keep working on it when you can and take breaks when you need.


    Dont do it for fame or glory do it cause you want to.


    Plus you make multiplayer like just for death match or something if ya wanted a map see who gets the most deaths

    and stuff not sure if thats what ya wanted but its a idea.


    Now i take me leave "Smoke bomb go!" (used a mini-nuke by mistake)

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