To be honest the new site layout is too generic and dull, at least what I see for tesnexus; I did not really look at the others as they do not apply to my interests. In the sense of constructive feedback I would like to first point out the site header. It lacks any artistic theme regarding to the Elder Scrolls series, as the current site's header does. The fade in background does not help with this at all, leaving the entire header area dull and boring. Second, the all lowercase in the word 'tesnexus' does not suit this template at all, furthermore, in this case it was generally a bad idea to mix and match font styles across the entire layout, for example: the all uppercase font present on the buttons in comparison to the header text 'tesnexus' in all lowercase. Next, the contrast on a few select parts of the default template are very bad, making the fonts in some places, mainly the subject headers, hard to read requiring me to almost squint my eyes to read the text clearly. Light orange on white, even bordered, is not very complimenting to ones eyes. Lastly, to my quick overview of the template, there are a few modules on the site that could use readjustment/repositioning, and I would be happy to explain the such on request, as I really do not want to appear on the comments page as more of a wall of text than this already is. I am not usually much of a critic on impulse, but when it comes to website design, I get the urge to pick at it until it's perfect. That's just me, maybe I am overreacting. EDIT: I use commas too much.