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About Nelson01023

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    nothing if i'm online lmao
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    Fallout New Vegas

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  1. My downloads were hitting 1 mbps consistantly when I downloaded mods before. Then for some odd reason, it dipped down to hitting 250 - 300 kbps consistantly. This is either an issue, or me having to go grab premium. Anyway, here's a log. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proxy detected: none----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diagnosing http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/1/3/512MB-1-0-1.rar?ttl=2147483647&setec=792982e520d8eb07494f998a61f777d4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100Connection: Keep-AliveX-HW: 1470400835.dop003.ny2.t,1470400834.cds060.ny2.cContent-Disposition: attachment; filename="512MB-1-0-1.rar"Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 536870912Cache-Control: max-age=16093417Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=binaryDate: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 12:40:34 GMTETag: "1413036562"Last-Modified: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:09:22 GMTStatus Description: OK.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average speed: 9.3 MB/s for 55.9 MB. Total: 55.9 MB.Average speed: 15.4 MB/s for 64.3 MB. Total: 120.2 MB.Average speed: 18.1 MB/s for 62.5 MB. Total: 182.7 MB.Average speed: 19.7 MB/s for 63.8 MB. Total: 246.5 MB.Average speed: 20.6 MB/s for 64.6 MB. Total: 311.1 MB.Average speed: 21.0 MB/s for 64.5 MB. Total: 375.5 MB.Average speed: 21.3 MB/s for 64.6 MB. Total: 440.2 MB.Average speed: 21.2 MB/s for 63.4 MB. Total: 503.6 MB.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Expected size was: 512.0 MB.Downloaded 512.0 MB in 24 seconds.Calculated speed: 21.3 MB/s.Maximum instant speed reached: 21.5 MB/s-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: here's my speedtest http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5530729018 EDIT EDIT* now it's even slower for some odd reason, and it can't be my internet provider
  2. I didn't mean a fallout 3 remaster. I meant like the old fallout games eg. tactics. I also knew they didn't make the originals,Interplay did. i still think it would be cool too tho
  3. What the title says. What would you think if Bethesda remastered their classic fallout games? I personally would love to see this. Cause y'know.. HD textures,HD shading and stuff.
  4. Found out the issue! You gotta disable steam overlay
  5. http://i.imgur.com/CsNjcQt.jpgSame issue. This bug literally makes me want to falcon punch my monitor.
  6. So for some reason when I remove NVAC,the game crashes on startup, it acts like it's gonna get past the intro,then the game says: "NOT SO FAST! HAHA! "then crashes. And then when I DO use the NVAC,the game performs poorly in FO3 locations.Nothing improves performance . I'm using NMC's texture pack (performance and small,combo'd for ttw). Incase you want my load order: FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmFallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmTaleOfTwoWastelands.esmTTW Redesigned.esmNew Vegas Redesigned 3.esmSomeguySeries.esmGomorrah Redesigned.espMart's Mutant Mod.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Beauty.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espAWorldOfPainFO3.esmWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmMomod.esmmillenia guns appropiate fire rate.espCASM with MCM.espbrave elliott.espDEagle.espUPP - Pack 1.espELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.espEVE FNV - ALL DLC.espTTW_SpeechChecks.espDYNAVISION 3.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espNew Vegas Redesigned 3.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espUPP - Quest Perks.espBabyGoat Ghost Weapon Mod.espsuper mutant enforcer.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espUncle Leo Companion.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.espUPP - Experience Perks.espUPP - Pack 2.espWeaponModsExpanded.espTTW - Fellout.espIMPACT.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.espAWOP-LowNPCS.espProject Nevada - TTW.espAWOP-LowNPCSWastelandOnly.espNewVegasBounties.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espNewVegasBountiesII.espCNR_Beta.espttw_wildwasteland.espTTWOptions.espTheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.espWMX-DLCMerged.espEMR-StealthSuitMkII.espIMPACT - AllDLC.espchristinecos.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espMoMod - Rebalanced Leveled Lists.espProject Nevada - WMX.espProject Nevada - EVE.espProject Nevada - EVE All DLC.espWeapons.Of.The.New.Millenia.TTW.Leveled.Lists.esp357retex.espWMX-AWOP.espAWOP FO3 - AWOPNV - WMX - EVE.espWMX-POPMerged.espA Better Veronica.espMart's Mutant Mod Merged Patch Helper.espTTW MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.espMergedpatch v.1.2.espBetter Burned Man.espCCO - Ulysses Companion.espUnlimitedCompanions.espCCO - Ulysses Companion - All DLCs Patch.espMPLX Novasurge Replacer - From FO3 Wanderer Edition Mod.espTTW_AnchorageCustomization.espSR556.espAI_Flamer.espM14.espPKM.espTOZ66.espmomod appropiate factions.espdiff momod monsternames.espcrazedghoul voices fixed!.espWeapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.espWMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.espReload Sounds.espT3T_LCA_TTW_ImprovedWheatonArmory.espT3T_LCA_TTW_ImprovedNtlGuardArmory.espNelly.espDarNifiedUINV.espmergiemerged.espTTW_StartupMenu.espEditedMMMStuff.espWMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp Total active plugins: 109Total plugins: 127 Note: I made some custom mods. I don't think they should decrease performance,they just switch meshes with different ones from different mods. Specs:8.00 gig ram (7.89 usable)Intel Core I5 4690 3.50 ghz.Galaxy 750ti low profile
  7. The title. I really just want the ssao and bokeh dof from an enb. No brightness changes at all. So can anyone post one here?
  8. So I kinda don't like how this game looks. I tried installing the super fly performance enb. The entire world was transparent. Then I tried installing the midhrastic enb. Injector didn't work. Game crashed with the wrapper version. Can anyone help?
  9. So,I love rh ironsights. I ported millenia meshes to replaced the low quality FWE versions. So, the ironsights aren't lined up properly on some weapons. I want to know how to line em' up.
  10. This may be from the attachment mod. Download that and see how it goes.
  11. When I used FOMM to port a mod over now my programs are saying "can't find fallout 3.ini" even though I have the INI. I didn't edit the .ini with FOMM or anything. Why is it doing this?
  12. Basically, I've ran out of ideas and would like to see weapon mod recommendations. It could be any weapon mod, especially the ones which the guns are in a leveled list.
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