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Posts posted by Moktah

  1. showgenericmenu is the command to show a menu outside of the hud like an options menu.


    what you need to do to add an element to the hud is to InsertXML

    this will add a custom section of self created xml to ANY xml created for a menu or hud


    InsertXML "folder/filename.xml" 1004


    place your xml file in a 'folder' in

    oblivion install directory/Data/Menus/Prefab

    then place your xml file(s) in there


    So if you had a folder named GemHud

    and your xml file was called DarkGem.xml


    then in your quest script, you add the command....

    InsertXML "GemHud/DarkGem.xml" 1004


    now to your XML,

    you are not trying to create a new options menu, so delete the <menu> </menu> stuff

    and keep the stuff in your <rect></rect>


    <rect name="menu_background">
    <visible> &true; </visible>
    <depth> 50 </depth>
    <locus> &true; </locus>
    <copy src="screen()" trait="width"/>
    <copy src="screen()" trait="height"/>

    <image name="gem0">
    <visible> &false; </visible>
    <filename> Textures\Bugsby\Taffers_Eye_0.dds </filename>
    <x> 0 </x>
    <y> 0 </y>
    <height> 800 </height>
    <width> 1000 </width>
    <alpha> 255 </alpha>
    <zoom> 100 </zoom>
    <depth> 3 </depth>




    Heres a link to a really really good tutorial on xml used in oblivion.

    just be warned, its a forum geared toward adults.




    gotta go to work.

    when I have more time, I'll show you a trick where you can show a

    different image based on the amount of light

  2. looks like it





    lets say a quest is set to run the script "MyScript"

    scn MyScript
    short CheckClass
    begin gamemode
       set CheckClass to GetIsClass Bard  ;just using Bard as an example
       if CheckClass == 0
          ; Insert the code you want run here

    getting a bit rusty

    think it should work

    would have to test it out and see

  3. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but least I tried.

    I checked my favorite npc mod and it requires obse as well.




    If you ever want to try fiddling with getting your obse going with steam

    here's a tutorial written by someone with obse and steam

    even if you don't go by the whole tutorial, maybe his section on installing obse

    will be of assistance.


  4. Ohhh


    I don't use mod organizer.

    I install stuff manually.


    I have absolutely no clue if this is any help.

    But scope it out and see if this has anything to do with your issues.




    Edit: upon looking into things a bit more. the links I posted are pretty much pointless as they don't address your issue.

    Wished I could be more helpful. :/

  5. yeah, mods that depend on a certain amount of health to trigger something would be an issue.


    fall damage is calculated by how long your falling

    athletics supposed to go into the calculation

    you can see the amount of time with the obse function reference.getfalltimer

    can't find a specific formula to rule out the percentage of the players health being a consideration

    guess you can test it by jumping off a bridge or something and seeing how much damage you take

    then retest after adding a large number to your health


    wasn't a total loss for me, I was able to learn a bit more about how the health bars and such are programmed

  6. I've seen a mod with a similar concept.


    Making sure we are on same page first.

    NPC's up close are their normal 3d self, but afar, they are 2d sprites.

    This, hopefully, will reduce loads in cities gaining better performance overall.


    The mod I remember used the regular 3d models up close, but as the npc got farther away, their face blurs and there

    was a reduced poly count overall.

    ITs still using the 3d model though, just using a super low quality the further the npc got.

    In the video for the mod, it looked like it was a reasonable effect.

    I just never got around to testing it out myself.


    Unfortunately, I can't remember what its called or any keywords to do a search by.

    I've searched for face and poly but no luck there.


    EDIT: Gave up too soon. Found it for ya. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48799

  7. Fire up Wrye Bash

    Rebuild your bashed patch

    by RIght clicking on Bashed Patch

    then click Rebuild Patch (about halfway down)

    On the next screen left side, click Tweak Assorted

    On the right hand side, there is a selection for Darnified Books.

    Hover your mouse over it and a tooltip describing what it does will pop up in the bottom

    Put a check in it, then click Build Patch (bottom left)


    Get in game, Go check out what a book looks like.

    IF you don't like it, rebuild the bashed patch and uncheck Darnified Books.

  8. Sorry if this is an off the wall question, but did you follow the install steps in the readme?

    I haven't used OBMM in forever, did you get the 'Allow additional script types' set up?

    Here's the setup instructions from the readme just in case.



    OBMM Install


    This requires OBMM v1.1.12+ and 'Allow additional script types' to be set in OBMM settings.

    1. Extract OMOD file in the archive to "(Oblivion install folder)\obmm\mods\"

    2. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.

    3. Make sure the icon by the mod name is green/tan.

    4. Double-click the the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen.

    5. After the install process has finished, icon should turn blue.

    6. DarNify Books in Wrye Bash.

    Go to darnified.net for detailed instructions: http://darnified.net/forums/index.php?topic=14.0





    I manually install Darn, but I know what settings I want and whatnot.

    I made notes on my install. I created set of notes that starts from formatting my hard drive to all my programs and whatnot.

    Oblivion's notes trumps all my others in shear size.

    I've installed oblivion many times trying to get my install order just right.

    Here's a copy of my DarnUI install section.

    Note, my install of Oblivion Reloaded and Oblivion XP effect how and in what order I've installed,

    The fonts are based on my preference. YOu'd have to adjust to suit your preference.

    The file locations of where I unzipped will mean nothing on your end, so ignore whats in my E: drive hehe

    so use these notes with caution.




    Darnified UI

    Dec 2008 v1.3.2


    NOTE:Darn UI should be Installed before Oblivion Reloaded.


    Unzip 010 DarNified UI 132 7z Archive-10763

    Copy to data:

    <<<<<<Don't let it overright>>>>>>>





    >>>> Don't let it overright the three xml files those are from oblivion xp. <<<<<



    Navigate to...

    E:\z2017 01 27 Oblivion\050 Menu System\010 DarNified UI 132 7z Archive-10763\custom_files\fonts



    Both ringbearer font files

    to data\fonts





    For the "No Quest Added popup" option, copy empty.xml to "Data\menus\generic", and name it quest_added.xml.



    Edit oblivion's ini thats in my documents

    replace this section:







    with this:
    Note: this is for Large fonts: << I’ve used large fonts in an earlier install









    To get the local map colored, search the ini for "blocalmapshader", and set that to "0":

  9. looking at the code, it looks like a pretty good way to solve it.


    Only other way I can think of to do your own death handling, if at all possible,

    would be to:


    Add a large amount of health to yourself. ie 100,000 hp

    Have the HUD report the players health minus the 100,000 hp.

    If your player.getav health == 100,120 then the HUD will display 120


    Then you can use the OnHealthDamage event handler to fire off to monitor your health.

    if your players health drops to 100,000 or less, then initiate your own death scripting.


    I'd have to look into menuque and the xml for showing the huds health to see if I can pull it off as far as the health display.

    At first thought, it sounds feasible, but with my luck, Its probably a pipe dream though.

    I think I can use insertxml to insert what I'd need to control the huds display.

    I've got a couple ideas on how to go about it, but there again.... I'd have to tinker with it and see what happens.


    if I can pull it off, I wouldn't edit the xml directly.

    I like things to be flexible.

    Besides, DarnifiedUI replaces the games default xml files for the hud display.

    I havn't looked at the dark version of DarnUI, but I guess it has different xml files too.

    By using insertxml, it's flexible enough not to have to replace the xml file itself.


    A thought on this.....

    It might work fine for most deaths but

    It may not work if you're hit with a kill command though.



    Was going to look into this idea last night but worked late and watched the last of the Super Bowl.



    UPDATE: worked on my ideas for a while. I was able to take control of the healthbar of the main menu. In my test mod, I can raise and lower my healthbar via the pageup and pagedown keys.

    Haven't worked on the health info that pops up when you hit your tab key and check your stats yet.


    From the looks of it, I'm able to make it compatible with vanilla, darnifiedui, and HSBE.

    IF there's a mod out there that changes the following sections in the hud_main_menu.xml file.

    <image name="hudmain_health_full"> </image>

    <image name="hudmain_health_edge"></image>

    then we might be in trouble.


    I haven't checked to see what that xml file looks like for the dark version of darnUI.

    I'm expecting it to be the same as the regular darnUI though.

  10. @Moktah

    I did some more testing by moving my test script into a MenuMode block and added a small GameMode block above it. My framerate was normal (350-380) in GameMode and dropped to around 40 (can't remember exactly) in MenuMode. It looks like this quirk is limited to the block that was called and not the blocks that aren't currently running. And yes, StopQuest completely stops any script attached to the quest.




    Thanks for testing that for me.

    Thats exactly what I was trying to figure out when I started this thread.


    I knew the script engine was (as I call it) 'reading' all the rest of the script whether it needed to or not.

    I was using this 'quirk' to my advantage in my menu's script.

    It gives me a nice 'timed' feel to it in order to animate my setpoints and scroll behavior.

    Grant it, in hind sight, I may have been better off creating smaller blocks of code rather than

    one long "lets do almost everything from here" code.


    The worry came when I was scared it would try to "read" my script outside of menumode.


    Been working on this for several years now. LOTS of work on this one.

    I've got Darnified UI and Hud Status Bars Enhanced going, but they are not required.

    The HUD element that shows the speed offset (I turned it on and moved it to the right side of the compass. missed my spot the first time hehe)

    is all done via my mod. Darn and HSBE are not required.


    I am controlling the speed by my mousewheel, but it can be set to any key you'd like. (I set it to F key then back to wheel up in vid)


    When you save a speed setpoint, you can set it as "HOME" which means

    If you create a "Walk" speed setpoint to -20 and set it as HOME

    when you get off a horse and if you happened to be Walking, your starting walk speed will be -20


    Sidenote: (you can toggle this feature on and off) If you ran up to a house with a speed offset of 300(which is really really fast). When you walk through the door, it can default back

    to your HOME walking speed. Its rather awkward if you walk into someones show and run clean to the other side in a blink of an eye knocking over everything

    in site. Let loose the bull in a china shop.


    Next on my agenda. Adding ability to adjust the speed your horse turns.

    There are a couple game settings for this.

    One is to adjust the angle you turn per second and the other causes the laggy feel when you start to turn your horse.

    I've tinkered around with turning your horse with your mouse based on Steer Horses with Mouse by Qazaaq

    but its still in the "scratching my head on this one" stage

    In case anyone is curious, Qazaaq added this to his mod

    You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like to know what mods are including my work.

  12. its not importing anything into your 'savegame'

    I think of it as the bashed patch has final say so over all the mods that are loaded before it

    if there are any specific things you want that loads in slot 5 to absolutely keep (leveled lists)

    then tick that one in the bashed patch

    otherwise, if mod in slot 8 has a leveled list, it overwrites the changes that mod in slot 5 is asking to make


    keeping that in mind, if you have a mod that LOADS after the bashed patch and it just so happens to have its own leveled lists,

    then boom, it wins.


    I kinda think of it as

    if you think of a list food items in game

    ............... food a..........food b...........food c..........food d.........food e..........food f

    Mod A.... default..........default..........modded.......default........default.........default <<<< got it... the modder of this mod only modded the third item. the rest are still default

    MOB B... modded.......default..........default ........default.........modded.......modded


    So... how do you KEEP the changes made by both mods?

    If MOD B overwrites changes that MOD A made, then MOD A's third Modded item may be set back to default.

    So let Wrye Bash look at the changes each mod made and keep the modded items from both mods

    In this case, keep the modded items from both Mods


    (I sure hope I'm saying this right. if not, somebody jump in here and stop my madness)


    when you hover over "SEWorld Tests" it gives some text down there describing what it does.

    something along the lines of suspending the main quest while you are venturing in to Shivering Isles


    I'll be rather honest about it, I let BOSS handle the bashed tags and most of the checks that need to be checked are checked.

    I just go in and tweak the stuff I want from there.

  13. The way I understand it is the game engine READS the code looking for either a RETURN or END

    in order to EXIT the code its reading.



    IF its READING (not PROCESSING) all the code in my menumode scipts when its in gamemode, then my mod needs to be reworked.

    I have a menu block that has almost 1200 lines of code.


    I can break my menumode code down and make it call for OBSE user made functions so long as those aren't read all the time either.



    Thanks for running those tests

    it puts things in perspective

  14. my normal install includes the bashed patch as well as going through and making tweaks

    when the bashed patch is being rebuilt.


    such as.

    UOP Vampire Aging << save an esp slot instead of downloading the mod itself

    Arrow recovery << you can adjust it to a different percentage


    there's a bunch more, you'd have to look at what you can select from.


    I normally run BOSS to get my load order right

    and sometimes BOSS has some notes concerning mods

    "this such and such mod does not increase performance as advertised"

    and BOSS usually adds the tags used by Wrye Bash

    on a side note, BOSS also points out to which mods need cleaning with TES4Edit

    Run BOSS, Find ‘clean’ and look to see which mods need cleaning


    ALSO run wrye bash

    Right click the header (ummm says File INstaller Modified Size and so on)

    “Check Mods against LOOTs dirty mods list”


    when I rebuild my bashed patch


    I Right click on Bashed Patch

    Select Rebuild Patch

    Go through the options available such as the tweaks down toward the bottom



    Random extra tip,

    I don't like to uninstall any mod

    I create a save (or a few saves depending on how I feel at the moment)

    then create an image of my hard drive (my game and my documents are on the same drive so it works out for me)

    then install the mod and try it out

    if I don't like it or it crashes out

    I restore the drive image


    my install process takes a long long time

    I've got notes where I create an image of my hard drive after installing a group of mods.

    if something goes haywire in my install order or something, I can easily fire up an image

  15. Think I found what you're looking for in the help section. (click the question mark in the bottom left toolbar of Wrye Bash)


    BAIN Package Order

    The Install Order of packages in BAIN is important as this decides which package gets its files installed in the case of resource conflicts.Packages may be listed in Install Order by left-clicking on the Order column header. If two packages try to install the same file, then the package installing later in the list will have its file overwrite the file of the package installing earlier in the list. For example, files in a package in install order position 06, would overwrite conflicting files in a package at install order position 04. Note that packages with a higher install order appear lower in the list of packages, and that may lead to confusion as people refer to them as "lower".





    I take it as

    Position 4 gets installed first

    Position 6 gets installed later and will over write Position 4's files if they shared the same name/file


    looks like it reacts the same as LOAD ORDER

    the mod in Position 4 will LOAD first

    then the mod with position 6 will LOAD and if they share game changes, position 6 overwrites all changes before it

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