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  1. That is an interesting idea until you get into magic, a whole new area that... Seeing as magic largely ignores armour mages would become very overpowered very quickly. perhaps if magic does less health damage and more to other attributes i.e shock does 20pts to magicka and 5 points per second to health etc? And it would have to be compatible with deadly dragons. One HUGE feature of a combat overhaul that I would like to see in a mod is that block blocks the majority of magic and the entirety of ice spike damage. Like in the trailer for skyrim with the dragon fight. You'd think hiding behind a metal shield would better against a dragon than hiding behind a flimsy wooden tree. Also armour should come in to play. beinng hit by an ice spike would be devastating when wearing robes but if you have a thick steel skin most of the damage would be absorbed, and when you get into daedric... that stuff should have powerful magical resistance without enchanting. I'd love to see a mod that does this and I'd love to make one. I think this is what you are looking for: Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281/? This. SkyRe does many things well and I used it myself for about a year, however I craved what you did and since switching to Requiem I haven't looked back.
  2. Hrmm, another follower mod that seems to have more personality than most is Inigo and that is entirely through dialogue, might be worth looking into? Don't get me wrong Vilja is definitely one of the best all around companions on nexus and definitely a good mod to use as a base, however imho personality is not one of the strengths of Vilja - I'm sure others will disagree with that statement but still, looking around to see how others do it may be worthwhile. Either way I look forward to see whatever you come up with ^^
  3. Before I start testing, is this mod save game friendly or should I start clean slate just in case?
  4. Vilja is loaded with features but sounds really out of place in skyrim, so I wouldn't really recommend her if you are after immersion. I would recommend Inigo however, an all around excellent follower providing you aren't after a waifu.
  5. Thanks! I would really love to flesh out her personality some and actually already had a little something in mind as a start but what do you mean by act on exactly? Like .. force a conversation to stop you from doing something? The best example I can give is what this mod tried to accomplish: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19348//? It never got finished but in terms of follower characterisation it was one of the best if not the best, you actually felt like your follower wasn't just a glorified pet. So, in terms of other examples: If you do something your follower hates, their disposition with you would decrease and if it decreased far enough it would have consequences. The opposite would also apply, if you do things they like then perhaps they will reward you/be happier. If you come across something/someone your follower hates they may do something about it (nasty words, outright attack etc) likewise if you come across something they like then the opposite. Follower fears etc, many different routes you can take to try and give personality.
  6. Looks really good so far, excellent voice + responses. Will definitely be following this one. As for suggestions: I would try to add things that make her feel like an individual who has her own personality and doesn't just revolve around what you do, ie things/places/people she likes/hates and will act on (not just comment)
  7. Going to have to agree with Strig here, while Dwemerverse is a good mod it pales in comparison to Apoc. Personally I didn't mind the grinding for precision tools however I still feel the mod added very little to what apoc did already for the alteration school, and on top of that I actually preferred the visuals of apoc (specifically talon shot) but to each their own.
  8. Looks really promising, will definitely be following this one
  9. Mighty Magic has two spells like this already but I haven't tried them. I was hoping for something to take that idea even further. Yes, I can certainly manage that, especially because I did manage it, in Dwemerverse, the mod which no one gave a single s*** about. Good to hear Mighty Magic also has it though. Dwemerverse is one of the better magic mods on nexus, seriously underrated. Unless I am mistaken in order to make his mods cross compatible he uses an external modifier for scaling which is variable, so I can't see it compromising anything.
  10. I prefer vanilla Skyrim to oblivion really I do, including the skill and level systems regardless of simplification. Although the lengths they go to nudging players towards the factions and other interesting finds is dumbing down to an extreme; I don't know if anyone can argue that. On the magic system, I don't think its dumbed down at all, I don't think its any easier than its predecessors but I may be a minority here. However I still think its a horrible implementation, lacks any real form of customization and depth. It is also insanely weak compared to any other class type (except against dragons.)
  11. PC gamers are notoriously hostile towards their favourite titles getting redesigned for consoles, often with good reason. Skyrim did a lot of things much better than their predecessors, melee combat and animations are the main things that come to mind. Other things not so much, look at Morrowind where you had to discover the world and finding things like the thieves guild or the morag tong was slightly challenging and rewarding. Compare that to skyrim where the thieves guild and dark brotherhood are running open recruitment and several quests in the game _force_ you to join the mages guild. What if your playing a warrior for gods sake? This kind of hand holding annoys some people. Skyrim is a beautiful canvas at the moment as others have said before me. The magic system is arguably worse than the predecessors. (its more involving, but far less customisable and a few of the schools are trash.) Seeing this beautiful canvas and not being able to do anything with it because we havn't been given a brush yet can be more than a little frustrating. That and people are generally critical of things they like anyway/
  12. Hopefully something for mages, they seem so weak. If not something for vampires would be good, they seem underdeveloped to me. Or a werewolf faction perhaps? With actual werewolves that use their abilities rather than sit around and whine about it all day. Radiant questing is something that could probably be explored with a bit more depth too. I'm sure modders will be all over that though.
  13. I wouldn't say its terrible, it works well with sneak. But yeah in straight up combat it has absolutely nothing on sword and shield. Saying that though I think 2h is worse than dual wielding. All the same benefits except no synergy with stealth.
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