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Everything posted by Forrix

  1. Has anyone else downloaded Toxa1's Bioshock mod? He had it puplished for like a couple of days then he took it down.....luckily i was able to download it! If I am able to fix the major clipping issue ill puplish it back if Toxa1 will allow it. Has anyone been inspired to make Bioshock mods from Bioshock 2?! That would be so friggen sweet to have the plasmids and to shoot lighting outa my hands in FO3!
  2. your reply goes 2 steps further than the threads supposed crime. damn the faux prefects, damn them and every other jobsworth curtain twitcher i plant on thee the curse of the forum mod-wannabe. which means you now have to wear a cardboard police hat and carry a toy E-gun lol....cardboard hat
  3. I'm guessing your friend didn't try hard enough did he? =P
  4. Well yeah it wasnt exact you know....or else that would make me freak out 0.o
  5. My favorite character is from Lyons Pride: Knight Cpt Gallows. Hes just so cool and the rest of the Pride always mess with him
  6. Thats a good idea but i think you would be under constant attack by EVERYONE, seeing how no one really likes the Enclave other than that one old guy in Mega....but he changed his mine when he was takin by the Enclave. I just think there would be a lot of fighting other than storyline. So the dialog...good luck talking to someone who doesnt pull a 10mm pistol at your sight.
  7. Actually the doctor/professor has the same name as me Dr. Filo. So is Fawkes M or F?
  8. lol I've had the same flying deathclaw problem. My favorite is when someone is killed and his/her body is flying through the air rapidly and looks all trippy...and usually i try to keep up with it wherever it may fall ;D
  9. Do you know the one vault that you have to retrieve the G.E.C.K. from? The one where you meet Fawks the mutant. Well there are some terminals along the way to Fawks that i have read for shits and giggles, and happen to notice something. A doctor/professor was mentioned. I continued reading.. And i saw his/name was Dr. Filo "Omg....thats..me..=D" - thats what i said and was amazed by my founding. Because my last name is Filo, spelled exactly the same. Do you have a first and/or last name mentioned in Fallout 3? If so you should share. :)
  10. please tell me thats not true!!! i love the warhammer mods D=
  11. its been done already?? do you have a link?!?!? :ohmy:
  12. you know that actually sounds pretty cool, i was also thinking about orc crude weapons like their claws and swords
  13. I always wanted some power claws or power fist for my terminator when using cerobosa's mods. You could probably use the death claw. Maybe some chainaxes or even power hammers. What i would love to have happen is to have unique weapons like Kharne's Gorchild axe :yes: :geek: . Also, even some new followers like special Warhemmer characters. Thats all i could really think on more Warhammer ideas that wont be so time consuming for the modder. Thanks for reading(if you bothered) :thanks: :)
  14. Thanks for the tips, and i'll try them out
  15. i am also having problems with my mods. whenever i try to enter some place or exit bam....ctd. This is my fomm line up- Fallout3.esm CALIBR.esm FOOK.esm EnclaveCommander SMv.esp FOOK.esp FOOK - Tougher Enemies.esp FOOK - Owned!.esp Warhammer Space Marine Replacer.esp WH40KFactionRandomized.esp WH40KFactionBlackTemplar.esp boltgun.esp Warhammer40kWeapons-Chainsword.esp DarkAngelPowerSword.esp Total active plugins: 13 Total plugins: 20
  16. nvm i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :P :P :P :P ;D but still thanks for the guide
  17. Hi, Thx for your step-by-step mod installer quide it helped...ALOT, but i have one problem that might be simple or you wouldnt know....when i want to put the unzipped mod pack in the Fallout 3 data file it wont let me by saying "Windows does not support this CD-R format. Please try another disk". how do i fix that? :unsure: :wallbash:
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