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Everything posted by SassMaster20

  1. I've started playing Oblivion, and seeing as I was experienced with the Skyrim Creation kit, I decided to give the Construction kit a go. I started making a quest, just a simple quest which lets the player talk to an NPC, find out that she wants someone dead, kill that person and talk to her again to complete the quest, but I really just cannot figure out how to detect if an NPC is dead. I assumed that I could add a condition like "GetKilledByPC" or "GetDead", but the current Getdead function doesn't actually work. I wanted to know how I could simply detect if the player has killed an NPC and then set the next stage of the quest from there. I've already googled this extensively, but I can't actually find anything related to it, at all.
  2. That's a shame. My last actual save that I can reload to was back before I even took Dawnstar, the first of all conquests. I pretty much have to restart from the beginning.
  3. This happens during the Winter hold conquest. I'm playing on the imperial side and Legate Rikke has given me a side mission to assassinate "Kai Wet-Pommel" some Stormcloak general, but I have no marker for him. I just attacked fort Kastav and assumed he was going to be there, but he isn't. Kai cannot be found anywhere and I have no marker leading to him. I spawned in Kai using console and killed him to see if that would complete the objective. It didn't. I went back to Legate Rikke and found that the objective may actually be important to the civil war and I actually HAVE to kill Kai. I can't attack winter hold, and doing setstage doesn't help. I completed one objective through set stage but I can't get the other objectives to appear.
  4. I've been trying to do a realistic, permadeath playthrough in Skyrim, and I was using the Death Alternative and some other mods generally unrelated to the problem. Basically, i find that I can only take about one hit, two if i'm lucky, before I fall into bleedout mode and when I get out of bleedout mode, my weapons swing extremely slowly. Against most enemies, it'll take one hit before I start bleeding out and black out on the floor. I was wondering if that was normal, or if i have the mod configured wrongly, as it's really annoying. Against most enemies, I can hit once before they strike once and then all combat is halted. How to do I decrease bleedout speed and prevent myself from bleeding out nearly instantly? As for the weapon swinging glitch, I used the console to set my speed back to full, but my left handed weapon still takes about 15 seconds to swing. I don't know what's causing this glitch, but it is damn annoying. I have all the MCM's set up.
  5. There's probably some kind of mod that's causing it all. Just disable everything. If the game works, slowly re-enable the mods and test the game. Eventually you will find that your game will suddenly start crashing again, and it'll be related to the mods that you just disabled.
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