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Everything posted by Erenussocrates

  1. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not pushing you, I was just waiting for notice :tongue: okay, just release the complete version when you finish them, then. You will infrom me via p.m when you finish, right?
  2. Quests with new worldspaces sounds good enough. Please also limit all those new equipment to those worldspaces too :P not nice to see original vanilla immersion broken.
  3. Well, if you want everything to be so realistic, what will you do against dragons, then???
  4. Geez, can't you just work up your imagination yourself? Yeah, imperial army is multi-ethnic, so what? Does everyone know what exactly they are fighting for? Was it their choice that they took arms to put the rebellion down in Skyrim? Or were they simple soldiers/guards originating from a city of Cyrodiil, and they got picked from a lottery which would determine who would go to Skyrim by emperor's orders? Was it indicated in the game that EVERY member of Imperial Garrison was mindless robots who would follow the orders of Tullius and Emperor? NO. Which means, a party from Imperial army supporting player's leadership in Skyrim could easily be done as well. Jeez, can't you think these things for yourself? Okay, an another plot. Let's say if you join Imperials, you don't have to climb to top in a violent way. Let's say every Legate, commander, and Jarls were invited to take part in the moot. And you have to work your way up to the top in a political manner, gaining favors of many participants? Or even a sub plot inside that, alternatively you win Jarl Elisif's heart and eventually marry her, which would assist your cause greatly. There are countless possibilities guys, you use your minds yourselves... It is nothing but unfair to limit being High King of Skyrim to only Stormcloak path. Work your minds yourselves. I gave the basic ideas...
  5. Why wouldn't there be? Maybe some of the fellow soldiers and officers come to realize that you are the right one for the throne too? It could be done in a thousand ways... I think it should be adapted for Imperial questline as well. Why would a player be obliged to join Stormcloaks if he wanted to become High King? As some of us loathe stormcloaks, we wouldn't want to join them.
  6. Why only Stormcloaks? This doesn't make sense to me. If there would be a questline and a feature like that, then it should support Imperial Civil War as well, along with Stormcloak Civil War. You Stormcloak lovers are so selfish.
  7. Oh, I see. I didn't get that you also wanted to make a "dual arrow" mode. Fair enough. How about making every dual arrow shoot cost stamina? Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Just asked so as to get an idea of approxiately when it could be released.
  8. Chained bolts. Actually, on the contrary, I don't like mingling with a lot of powers, you see. And I didn't like the idea of shooting cones for a duration of time, whenever I choose to make a shot with the bow. Would waste arrows unnecessarily. Only the first shoot and a short cooldown on power would suffice. How is it going? When are you planning to launch the mod/topic?
  9. Oh thanks for all the information regarding crossbows. I was about to ask you if you could do a similar system for crossbows as well. I mean, similar but different at the same time. My idea is, let's say there's a different new kind of bolts, and when you shoot, first bolt launches as normally, and after a very short delay (let's say 0.25 second) a second bolt launches from your crossbow to where crosshair is pointed. A sequential double shot, both are accurately travelling to where you pointed your crosshair at the time. How does it sound? A question out of curiosity: will all the arrows launched in cone maintain their magical property if the used bow was enchanted?
  10. Hmm, I would pick the first choice, since it sounded more realistic. We should determine the number of arrows that will be shot in a cone, though. Also, I think the shout/power should only make the first shoot a cone of arrows. I mean, player uses the power, and only the player's first shoot after he used the power should be a cone attack, and it should revert back to normal after that shoot. And power should dispel if player switched to another weapon. So to accommodate this, power/shout's cooldown should be relatively short too. This would be more player-friendly and more useful, in my opinion. As player might not want to launch a cone in every shot after he used the power. I have a question. I have Dawnguard but I didn't play it yet. Is there any difference between bows and crossbows in game? Which is better, or more advantageous at certain circumstances?
  11. Oh, okay. Good job. I really appreciate it, thank you. But what if player doesn't have enough arrows for a cone attack? And player loses same amount of arrows as arrows he shot in a cone, right?
  12. I actually would like to see the health of my followers on the corner of screen. Anyone know anything about this one?
  13. Okay, then how about this... I actually wanted the arrows to launch in a cone (like how archers do in those Lord Of The Rings conquest games), rather than being shot in an adherent manner. I guess that is something even harder to do. Then how about this, let's make a bunch of magical arrows (and maybe make them even craftable? or just simply purchasable). And when you shoot and hit on something with that arrow (either ground or some NPC/creature) a random hail of arrows rain down from the sky around the spot that the arrow hit. And hail of arrows should only trigger when it's cast on outdoors. Is this easier to make? Please, someone?
  14. Either with the help of mods or not, while playing, I could see myself as a super melee berserker, a super destruction mage or a super thuum user. But couldn't see myself as a super archer, yet. What is the use of bows if we cannot feel ourselves like Legolas while playing, anyways? Is there a mod that would allow player to shoot multiple arrows with his bow at the cost of some stamina? It should be toggled with a custom key though. Anyone know a mod like that?
  15. I wish there was an escorting type radiant quest given to player by Farkas/Vilkas/Aela in Companions, which involves in meeting with a randomly generated NPC and escorting him to a random city. Is there a mod like that? Or would anyone be interested to do it? It's not so hard :(
  16. Just set the cooldowns for all shouts to 1 second or maybe less. Then make each shout/word consume some certain points of stamina. I think it would be game breaking though... Shouts which had high cooldown would cost high stamina, so it would be impossible to trigger them at lower levels. Stamina would become way too important among 3 attributes. Amulet Of Talos and other shout cooldown enhancing bonuses would become utterly uneffective. It could conflict with tons of other mods, or maybe wouldn't even do well together with others. This idea really isn't so necessary. Shouts can be OP sometimes, but it's always your choice whether to use them or not. We had no shouts at previous Elder Scrolls games, we had no separate powers button at all. Choice to use them is totally up to you.
  17. Well, I wish I knew or had time to do anything with the CK, or texturing/modelling, or anything in particular. But at least I can support this mentally. I can give ideas and write for articles and discuss them with you. I don't know if you will open a separate topic for this or not, but you can always contact me via p.m. anyways.
  18. I encourage you to post any of your updates on here. (ie. new thread, mod topic, etc.) Also, I could help with creating any kind of articles for newspapers.
  19. Okay, then I'll just drop off a few more ideas. Voice actors needed for: writers of each newspaper, and newspaper couriers on the road. That is crucial for any decent mod, I think. No silent voices, no immerson breaking... I think the best place for each office/headquarters would be their respective cities ofcourse. Solitude and Windhelm. Need to find and arrange free spaces inside those cities though. There would be hundreds and thousands of different newspaper items/new scripts implemented. I would like them to report the each little and tiny news, not just main quests but many side quests as well. And I am not even talking about the Companions/College/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood missions now. Also there should be separate patches for Dragonborn and Dawnguard as well, for the news of their respective quests. Also, I really didn't like the way the things player did outside of quests had no effect on newspapers at all, in Oblivion. The only (and major) thing comes to my mind is, that you slaughter a whole city, and newspaper wouldn't write anything about that. This should be fixed in Skyrim. Even if you kill one or two people inside a city, as long as you are seen and have a bounty, the things you did should be reported in a separate article. Also the report should differ accordingly to the number of innocent citizens you slaughtered in a city, at a time. Also, couriers should only deliver newspapers for their own aligned holds. I mean, there's no point of an Imperial courier attempting to deliver newspapers to Windhelm, right? It would be highly immersion breaking. The only city that receives two newspapers should be Whiterun, until it's invasion in Civil War quest... I would write more but if I could go in depth with what's in my mind, that would be a very long list and irrelevant to this topic. Would you really be able to and ready to do such things that I listed above, by yourself?
  20. Also he had to sacrifice himself to save Tamriel too, he just couldn't find any other way. That useless shitty guy... You close an Oblivion gate and get in trouble of cleaning a whole city, and then he goes off and easily sacrifices himself all willy-nilly. Then now, even a shittier a so called Emperor seizes the throne as a warlord, and bows down to Aldmeri Dominion just because they lost a battle or two. Cities throughout Cyrodiil are in terrible condition. Not that I support Stormcloak beasts though. The hell, even the royal dragonblood is no more now, the Emperor isn't official at all, the Dragonfires aren't lit. What keeps all kinds of Daedra off from invading Tamriel actually? There are absolutely no restrictions standing for them, right now. The hell, I am %100 sure that Emperor can't even wear the f***ing Amulet Of Kings now, could he? He thought that he would be a fine emperor by just taking everything with brute force. That stupid loser...
  21. Geez, their articles are just going to be totally different, okay? That could be arranged when the actual work happens, is there any guarantee that this mod is happening now? Is there actually any point to this discussion?
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