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  1. I made a personal edit of my character's hair to have a white-to-black gradient, reflective of my character Ashii's hair. However, due to the way the model is, there are four tufts of hair in the back that look strange: http://i.imgur.com/ayruCkV.jpg Since my character has a tuft on the back of her hair anyway, I was wondering if it was at all possible to sort of bunch these tufts up and have them curl upwards a little? Sort of a poor outline of my idea: http://i.imgur.com/yf42HOI.jpg For reference on the character to begin with, this is what she looks like: http://orig13.deviantart.net/5135/f/2015/200/4/9/ashii_by_darkd3s7r0y3r-d90j7oi.jpg I apologize for the poor quality on the first two pictures. My internet is really acting up and I was unable to upload images otherwise.
  2. How do you rename power armor? It's not a listed option in the power armor station.
  3. I have searched around for something like this for a while but haven't seemed to be able to find anything. Would anyone be able to remove the 85% cap, or at least raise it to 95%? And additional request to go with that would be to make Blunt weapons ignore a percentage of your armor rating while generally doing less damage, but the above one is my main request. If there's a mod that already does one of these that I simply haven't been able to find, please post a link.
  4. No problem. What I do personally is add in new weapons with vanilla models and slightly tweaked stats and set their ammo usage to 0, but swap ammo types every time I WOULD have used up a mag.
  5. I may be able to, but rather than make ammo MF Breeder, I could simply change the ammo use of a weapon to 0, allowing you to carry and use different kinds of ammo and take advantage of their effects while using up no ammo whatsoever (really, I wouldn't recommend making every weapon use MF Breeder ammo anyways). The whole process is actually quite simple (but fairly time-consuming, as far as I know how things work), so if you're able to I'd recommend downloading the GECK yourself and just editing the guns that you're most likely to use. Don't worry, all it takes after loading up is a few clicks and key presses for each gun you edit (there *may* be a quicker way, but I'm not aware of it - I am still pretty new though, mind you). If you would rather me to though, that's fine (though it may take me a bit :S), but I really encourage you to at least download the GECK. Once you get familiar with how it works, you'll be able to do pretty much whatever you want to at a whim ;)
  6. In a situation like that, wouldn't it also be possible to simply open up the downloaded ammo mod into the GECK, then add your created ammo to its lists and save it? Thanks for the advice though, I'll be sure to delete my ammo types out of my character .esp if I ever do plan on getting an ammo mod.
  7. I'd personally try disabling both mods, then try to trade without saving over the old save. If it works, then enable one mod, try trading again, and if it still works then you know which one is causing the bug. If you have to disable a mod that you absolutely can't live without, you could try loading it into the GECK to fix the problem personally. That's what I always do, anywho :P
  8. I've recently been playing around with the GECK, creating simple weapons for personal use (added to my character via console), and have just recently gotten into creating special ammo types for use specifically with those weapons. I've already created the ammo types, but can't get them to work with my weapons. From the "Use Info" option, it's because it isn't related to any weapons, but I'm not quite sure on how to add weapons to that list. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I've figured it out, thanks for reading though. For those who don't know, go into the "Miscellanious" section and then select "Form List". Open the form that you want to add an item to, then navigate over to the ammo you created and drag and drop its name into the form.
  9. Heh, two years later and in that time I'd learned how to make that mod myself.
  10. I'm actually pretty surprised at the small amounts of WoW-related armor/weapon mods there are. I would absolutely LOVE this mod if it were made. Here are some stats for it that I think would be balanced. Stats: Greathelm of the Scourge Champion: 8 armor, +4 strength, +10 health Saronite War Plate (Includes Blood Soaked Saronite Spaulders): 15 armor, +8 strength, +15 health Ornate Saronite Legplates: 10 armor, +5 strength, +13 health Greaves of the Slaughter: 6 armor, +3 strength, +7 health Bloodbane Gauntlets of Command: 6 armor, +5 strength, +5 health Totals: 45 armor, +25 strength, +50 health. Now for the weapons: Greatsword of the Ebon Blade: 24 damage, 20 frost damage, 1200 charge, 1200 uses. Blade Greataxe of the Ebon Blade: (Same as above but a Blunt weapon) What do you guys think of these stats?
  11. 'Nother bump... Don't bump. It only ends up forcing other topics down, so they have to bump, so you have to bump again... Thus a never-ending cycle that could have been completely avoided had you not bumped in the first place. Most of the regulars around here look 2-3 pages back for threads, so it's entirely unnecessary. If nobody responded it's because they had nothing of value to contribute. - Vagrant0
  12. For the knockback effect, just add shock damage. That fits the gravity hammer best anyways. (I'm a huge fan of halo. In-game I have Edit: ALL armors including recon.) For a realistic-ish gravity hammer, you could set its base damage to 30-38 and give it a 50-70 shock damage enchant with 10 charges (max charge 10,000?). That would balance it while still making it quite powerful, as it should be.
  13. So, can anyone do it? It seems fairly simple...
  14. And maybe also varying damage for different armor types? e.g. Rusty iron loses both pauldrons and pretty much half of everything, iron a little less so, etc.? And if you have expert or master armorer and repair it over 100 it looks cooler? I would definately download this mod if it got made!
  15. Could sombody make Ren's Hairs for Khajiit? I've tried, but I'm not exactly an expert at computer stuff, except games :tongue: I'm sure alot of other people would be grateful too :biggrin:
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