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About Triaxx2

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    United States
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    Skyrim/X3 Terran Conflict
  • Favourite Game
    Total Annihilation

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  1. And the race is on to see if Frontier or Fallout 5 get here first. :D (My money is on Frontier, but...)
  2. In response to post #64020936. #64026326, #64046171, #64069706 are all replies on the same post. Really? I haven't seen one. Do you have a link?
  3. In response to post #64020936. #64026326 is also a reply to the same post. I've tried but your inbox is full. If there's now room I'll send one with all the details I can gather later.
  4. First of all, I can honestly say thank you. Playing Skyrim without IA is just... not a thing I do. The only gripe is that the dwarven mage unarmored gloves cause a persistent crash for the LE version. But only when equipped to a female character and only in a specific order.
  5. Why can we not collapse sections? If all I want is news and mods, I don't want to have to scroll through a bunch of photos to get to the news. Also the mouse over menus are nice, but being able to collapse them so I don't open a huge thing every time I try and search for a mod would be absolutely amazing.
  6. I understand why the move, and I understand it's set in stone. So nothing I say is going to change anything, but you did ask for feedback. If a game is not on my favorites, chances are I don't own it, and either don't want to see it, or just don't want to mod it. So don't show me games I don't own, and have no interest in on my favorites. I only put games I want to see on my favorites, and having to dig into the games list to find the ones I want to see mods for, because they're not sorted to the top of the list because of the number of mods and downloads, isn't better. That said, this one is relevant only to the main nexus mods page, which means nothing because I'll never go there, when I can take my bookmarks straight to the site relevant to the game I want. I do like that when I search for a game it updates in real time to show the one I want without making me reload the page. Good work. I hope that the limitation to 8 favorite games is a restriction of the dual page layouts, and will go away when the new one is implemented. It honestly never made sense for the much simpler layout to be limited only 8, since each is basically a hyperlink in a stylish font, which isn't exactly the most intensive load on a server. Even I assume if every user simultaneously attempts to open the drop down. I could be wrong, the logistics of servers escapes me sometimes, but still, it's mind boggling the idea that now the much more bandwidth intensive large images are okay to have more than eight, when plain text wasn't. I neither want, nor need to see 20 news stories. After the first four they're no longer relevant in the slightest, unless I'm going looking. And two of the last four were for a job in another country that's been filled for a couple months now, and a Giveaway. You've redesigned for form which is fine, but you need to also remember not everyone is on a Gigabit/s download connection. For actual mod pages, IE the single most important thing on the Nexus and the reason for it's existence. (Beyond Dark0ne's good will.) Tab switching both faster and smoother, I approve. Telling me when I last downloaded a file from the mod is probably the best change. This way I can tell if the mod has updated since I last checked the page without having to dig into possibly multiple versions of a mod without any version numbers. A practice too many authors seem to forget, or set once and then don't change from version to version. Let me collapse things I don't want to see down to a bar. Click a minus button, and all I ever see is a news bar, unless I click the plus button to expand it again. If I'm here for mods, I probably don't want to see the media section, and being able to collapse it and save myself the loading time is useful. Advertising space needs to dynamically adjust to the ad being shown. There's several inches of wasted screen real estate above and below the ads. I don't mind ads, and have actively gone to the effort of disabling all ad-blocking software. I don't want to lose screen space to empty air around an ad, when I could gain it by enabling the ad-block, preventing you from getting revenue to keep the site going and see the significantly smaller please don't block our ads info block.
  7. So, does this mean Vortex is going to retain copies of mods we download? So for example, getting a new version of say SMIM from Skyrim is a massive influx of data. Is it going to be able to handle those large files without issue? And can it properly dump them when I want them removed, either because of an upgrade, or because I no longer want the mod?
  8. The FX-6300 is a beast of a processor. I put it in the computer I built last year, just because it's still good enough.
  9. I'm incredibly happy to see Sorceror Dave mentioned. I found him when Youtube recommended him. Possibly the only time it's done the job of recommending great content.
  10. I notice, that if you're running Avast and have it blocking Double-Click, it seems to completely remove all ads from the site. Which I don't want, but if it's not blocked, I get background changing ads for Hearthstone. So ugh.
  11. LouisAT444 on Youtube has some old but still excellent tutorials. They were made for the original Skyrim CK, but not so much has changed that it's unusuable on the new engines. Scripting probably doesn't work, but if you're building a dungeon, it's a good set of videos to watch.
  12. In response to post #44643800. #44645715 is also a reply to the same post. I prefer the sadly no longer updated Random Alternate Start. Jump in, and then be randomly assigned a starting location. No control, and no vanilla opening. You do get a bit of starter equipment though.
  13. In response to post #43562410. #43564460, #43564645, #43595455, #43608030, #43615050, #43615075, #43619465, #43626805, #43631250, #43631340, #43642440, #43668365, #43760355 are all replies on the same post. I don't know, my most successful mod was a fifteen minute project of adding a bridge over a tiny, but fast river.
  14. I'm glad to see a rebuild from the ground up, but at the same time, I see lots of complaints about NMM breaking games, but for me it's been absolutely fool proof. Even intentionally trying to break it, it handles it in stride. Oh well, good luck.
  15. In response to post #38564105. For Firefox, I recommend Flashblock. It's an add-on that stops Flash anything from loading until you click the 'play' button in the middle of the flash thing. It even works on Youtube.
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