In response to post #7974063. To quote someone I know; "It needs "modern browsing techniques"? There's another term for that - it's called having a poorly designed website." I'm afraid these changes only serve to highlight a lack of, I suppose, unifying design philosophy behind the Nexus sites. As well as things like inefficient use of space, consistent design among the UI elements, and suboptimal presentation of information. When the site was first re-designed, it was really nice - but it's starting to show seams, particularly when these flash of the moment changes and quick fixes happen. Of course, everyone has their own opinion, but I really think changes like these should be implemented with the same caution as the entire redesign was done back in 2011 - as a limited beta, preferably with a place people can voice their concerns and note whatever bugs they find. Especially with the goal of wanting to be the "nexus" for any and every other moddable game, too. After all, it's most likely they didn't expect people to complain about what they did - and although they probably expected people like you to complain as you are now there's not much they can do about it. (Personally, I think they should limit the added back addresses to the search pages - y'know, where it existed before they made the new one. "Tabbed browsing" doesn't help when you restart your browser and any search page gets reset to "Where are the search terms?".)