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Everything posted by roxahris

  1. I really wish I could figure out this one, seemingly simple, change. Namely, changing the subtitle and ammo fonts to the regular font from bold. With the tool I use, it just seems to break everything - unless the text is only one line long, which works fine. Has anyone had any success with this?
  2. Has the ability to change the names of image after uploading been removed or moved from the Manage Images page? I recall being able to do this before, but now I can't see how. The new uploader is far nicer, though. Also, bug reporting is great - but "perpetually broken" would be a good extra status...
  3. In response to post #7974063. To quote someone I know; "It needs "modern browsing techniques"? There's another term for that - it's called having a poorly designed website." I'm afraid these changes only serve to highlight a lack of, I suppose, unifying design philosophy behind the Nexus sites. As well as things like inefficient use of space, consistent design among the UI elements, and suboptimal presentation of information. When the site was first re-designed, it was really nice - but it's starting to show seams, particularly when these flash of the moment changes and quick fixes happen. Of course, everyone has their own opinion, but I really think changes like these should be implemented with the same caution as the entire redesign was done back in 2011 - as a limited beta, preferably with a place people can voice their concerns and note whatever bugs they find. Especially with the goal of wanting to be the "nexus" for any and every other moddable game, too. After all, it's most likely they didn't expect people to complain about what they did - and although they probably expected people like you to complain as you are now there's not much they can do about it. (Personally, I think they should limit the added back addresses to the search pages - y'know, where it existed before they made the new one. "Tabbed browsing" doesn't help when you restart your browser and any search page gets reset to "Where are the search terms?".)
  4. Doesn't work with multiple terms here. I can load the first page of results, but the second or other pages? Naught but a blank result. Changing the view type resets the results to the first page, and has the same problem with going to other pages. Flushed cache, made sure scripts were enabled, made sure I was connected to the internet, brushed my teeth, vacuumed my graphics card, tried a different browser, drank a cold glass of water, all with no discernible effect.
  5. The changes made to the login and search features are not good. Why hide such vital functions behind extra mouse clicks and slow fade ins? I know you think highly of them, but please try to step back for a moment and think of things in terms of user experience. Who wants to click on things and move around more than they have to to get to something they are going to be using a LOT of the time? While I do commend you and the staff for making the site look a lot better, I really think you should make a few small revisions here and there to the way you've done things. For instance, please consider this image I cobbled together out of old assets. http://i.imgur.com/PDw56nQ.png Look. The user has to click less, they can easily see where they need to login (not to mention are instantly aware the site has a log in function), the search bar is super accessible and can easily be extended (with the dropdown box, it'll be a lot easier to add criteria other than title and author, and you can even include a link to the advanced search from there too). And by moving the Nexus Network dropdown to right under the Nexus logo, you reinforce that Nexus Mods caters for more than one site, and they can each be easily switched between. (In this case, it would be better to have the "nexusnetwork" text say "Skyrim" instead.) I'm sure quite a few people would agree (in addition to the ones I've already asked) that it would be a great improvement on the current rather notable but ultimately flawed improvements to the site. Sidenote: Why aren't the image gallery and file info on the file pages flush with the content below? It seems rather off-putting the way they are now. Sidenote 2: Please disregard the missing ads. They didn't come through into the printscreen. I blame Flash.
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