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About mrnatas

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  1. 1. Yes Merciless did it. At least the beta build did it along with making all classes use any weapons so it is possible at least in theory. I know other mods like long war have created perks so, all you need to do is create the effect you want. Like "This weapon gives you +10 aim" and attach it to the weapon. So if you need to look at code just look at the light plasma rifle and try to emulate that for something else. If you want to see it perks added to weapons look at merciless
  2. The only mod I "really" want is the "Personalized Armor Mod" I think everyone want's an armor system like Morrowind back something more customization, something so I can wear The Ebony mail, with Daedric greaves, Orcish Boots, the Fur wrap from the Fur armor as my left pauldron and the thief's guild masters's over the shoulder/chest bags as my right pauldron, The Shrouded Gloves for right and Ulfric's Bracer as my left. That would be awesome, amazing, orgasmic even. But It would take a lot of time for someone to open up all the items in nifscoop, cut each little thing from the main armors, robes, and unique armors, separate each glove, give them all a slot in CK, and to make sure they work, (and all the miss steps I don't know about because I not a mod creator) It would be a living hell ..... BUT that mod creator or mod team would live on as legends and would always have a special place in our hearts.
  3. I was looking at another Realism mod that was in the works by fuzzysecurity that had some of the same elements maybe you two could work together? The big thing that I would love to see is the clothing/armor/robe layer system I have been wanting something like that since I saw that higher tier armor has less warmth to it.
  4. I am sure this has be said but, after 200 year are we sure Cyrodiil even looks the same? I sure there has to be some changes in the 200 year that we as gamers have not seen it. I'm not saying don't do it I'm just voice my concern.
  5. I know this *might* not be on subject here but I would love to play as a xivilai again. I love the feel of towering over everyone.
  6. Voice Actor Thread ... I'm game I would LOVE to donate my time and my voice to help anyone and everyone.
  7. Wow really thought out ... This would work really well with something like the "Tailor Maid" mod from fallout but made for Skyrim and some NPC also sportin' all the colours from the rainbow I would download it.
  8. Lore wise (Cuz lore is awesome) From what I can gather Courtship is nonexistent because of Nord tradition "because of the harsh environment" (or whatever non-since that guy at the temple said) and to be honest i was ready to let that one slid but after I go married nothing happen. Sure you get a nice bonus for sleep in the same house and 100 gold everyday or so from your spouse but I nothing else. I would love to see more involvement then "Hey honey got the gold" "yeah its right here" "Thanks now I'm going to sleep to get some bonuses then leave you for another month or so to help out the world."
  9. I lol'd and my reaction is yeah that would be awesome at least of a little while
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