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  1. Hi, I am looking for some combat mods to make gameplay a bit more challenging, I have been trying Wildcat (currently playing on Expert) but am finding it makes gameplay easier. My Test character is Level 6 and it on average take 2 or 3 swings of my characters axe and the NPC is dead and so far I have had to heal once. I currently have all the Defaults turn on (except Injuries that I just find annoying) Does Wildcat get anymore difficult as you progress or does anyone have any suggestions of Mods that can make combat more challenging. Thanks, Gavin,
  2. Thanks for the help, found that opusGlass has a Simply Stronger Dragons Mod that I am trying
  3. Hi, Does anyone know of any Mods for SSE that make Dragon battles tougher (would be nice to make the battle more challenging instead of giving the Dragon just more Hit Points, but don't think that will happen until SKSE is in a stable release and some one can port or create something like Deadly Dragons). My Main issue is that when I am running SSE with my Combat mods the Dragons are two easy to kill and more often than not are killed by NPC's before I can even get near them!! The Combat Mods I am using are Realistic Melee Range Mortal Enemies SE Wildcat I have seen some videos on YouTube recommending Sturdy Dragons but it no longer seems to be on the Nexus
  4. Hi, Finally got WB to generate a Bashed Patch (kept getting an error about the file being locked and then just started working!), when I generate the file however I get the following in the stderr window Error in Dawnguard.esm lighter pickaxes & woodcutter axes.esp: WEAP.CRDT: Expected size == 24, but got: 16 Error loading 'WEAP' record and/or subrecord: 0006A707 eid = u'SSDRocksplinterPickaxe' subrecord = 'CRDT' subrecord size = 16 file pos = 583 Error in lighter pickaxes & woodcutter axes.esp aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp: WEAP.CRDT: Expected size == 24, but got: 16 Error loading 'WEAP' record and/or subrecord: 0009F25C eid = u'SkyforgeSteelSword' subrecord = 'CRDT' subrecord size = 16 file pos = 380354 Error in aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp: WEAP.CRDT: Expected size == 24, but got: 16 Error loading 'WEAP' record and/or subrecord: 0009F25C eid = u'SkyforgeSteelSword' subrecord = 'CRDT' subrecord size = 16 file pos = 5739 Error in aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Public Executions.esp: WEAP.CRDT: Expected size == 24, but got: 16 Error loading 'WEAP' record and/or subrecord: 0400349D eid = u'PE_shiv' subrecord = 'CRDT' subrecord size = 16 file pos = 8876 Error in Public Executions.esp Any ideas what I need to do to resolve this? Also here is a link to what WB is merging http://imgur.com/eTWDOzb Thanks,
  5. Generally I try not to change Mods mid play through, however generally with things like Textures you should be reasonably safe, however with scripts mods... (esp's) removing them will leave an entry in your save which can cause problems (there is a tool called SkyrimTools that should fix it, but I would recommend avoiding the need if possible). As for your question (I haven't used NMM for a while so might be wrong), but from what I remember you can install the new mod and disable the old mod. Replacing Texture mods with NMM can be tricky as Textures overwrite each other, so the latest mod you installed will over write any textures previously installed mods have in common, however if you only have the one texture mod it should be a simple case of installing the new mod and removing the old mod (during the install you will be asked to overwrite select Yes)
  6. If on PS4 be aware that only Mods that use Game Assets are available, Sony won't allow Mods to use Custom Assets so if the Mod you are after has custom assets it won't be available for PS4
  7. Sounds like LOD the following Mod might help, if not you will need to search Nexus for an LOD Mod that will help http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3333/? Edit: Typo
  8. I usually do a slightly different approach to qwert44643qaz (but basically the same), I disable all but 10 mods try if it works, then enable another 10 mods and so on until I get the issue again then I slowly start disabling mods until the issue goes away, once I know what the mod is I have a look at the posts for the mod to see if it is an reported issue.
  9. You should have a Sugar Ball (I believe) in your inventory eat that to enable it/configure it (after eating it another one will be in your inventory for the next time you need to enter the config menu).
  10. Couldn't agree more with either of you, some part of me thinks that it might be due to a fairly large amount of Skyrim players being Teen/early 20's Male players, but for the rest I don't know. I must say going hand in hand with this is the Armor (having to go through 20 pages of Skimpy Armor Sets to find 1 good set for a Female Character Playthrough gets to be a pain).
  11. For me while there are some Mods that require SKSE and would be nice to have, I have a nice highly modded game without SKSE which does most of what I want so SKSE is not required. I think that SKSE seems to be the "must have" for SSE where at times you can get a good modded environment without it, while waiting for SKSE and the few mods I would like to see available once it is released I have built a modded game which will give me a slightly different experience than what I have had previously.
  12. I would just look on Nexus in the top lists, latest files... to see what looks interesting, you could also try looking at the S.E.P.T.I.M guide on the Nexus which seems to be fairly popular to give you some ideas.
  13. I must say without SKSE I have a nicely modded game which has most of what I need, yes it would be nice to have SkyUI 5.x with MCM Menu, but the work arounds for the most part work fairly well and don't hinder game play, there are only a couple of mods I would like which require SKSE RaceMenu iHUD moreHUD + Keyboard shortcuts in several Mods
  14. I can't see anything obviously wrong with your Load Order/Mod List however a couple of questions 1. Have you cleaned your Master files and any Mods that need Cleaning (I know this made a big difference in Original and still make it a practice to do the same in SSE) 2. Have you looked at the error log to see if you are getting any errors when the game CTD's If neither of these make any difference/help what I would do is make a clean vanilla save just after getting out of Helgen (there are vanilla saves on the Nexus to skip the Carriage ride if it helps) and then try going into the Barrows and if that is OK slowly add a few mods at a time until you find the cause, I know its a pain but sometimes the only way to identify the issue, however when you do this make sure you load a clean save after each set of mods you try. Another thing to try is to go through all your mods and check the mod pages to see if there are any incompatibilities or load order changes you need to make and also see if there are any patches you need to install.
  15. There are a few interesting followers like INIGO, Recorder & Doon, but for the most the followers are terrible, and add to that the terrible AI with followers and I avoid them where possible. Previously I always played with Convenient Horses which removed my need for a follower (I tend to loot too much), so currently play with one follower as a pack mule and get them to wait outside dungeons... for me.
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