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About a7x5631

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  1. Uncheck the stay logged in tab and it should work. It might take a minute the first time.
  2. "Traveling to High Hrothgar requires taking the 7,000 steps, beginning in Ivarstead." Even if the Throat of the World counted, I doubt it would be 6,300. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Throat_of_the_World "Although the path up is said to be 7,000 steps long, it's only about 700 steps." That's been on the wiki for a while. Also it says nothing about it being footsteps, but actual steps as in stairs.
  3. After it downloads, it's pretty much installed. Besides, it takes 30 minutes to go to the store to buy the actual game. The game uses Steam anyways. Save some paper and plastic and buy it digitally. Plus you might catch another sale. Not long ago it was 50% off. For the OP, Yes Yes Yes Personal preference. I use both.
  4. Gaming with an APU chip isn't ideal. It's definitely your computer. The CPU itself is pretty good for a dual core though. Save up and get a discrete video card, and maybe even a power supply depending on how powerful it is.
  5. I knew this since beating the Shivering Isles the first time. Pretty obvious when everyone is calling you Sheogorath.
  6. I would say all low except textures are probably medium. I know the draw distance is extremely low, and even lower for PS3.
  7. I did the same thing the first time through. The chest he tells you to get your stuff will be empty, but after the quest it shows up in Delphine's room in Riverwood.
  8. I don't either. Not one person that said they hated Steam actually gave a good reason as to why. Other than the inconvenience.
  9. Lmao. I did that the other day completely by accident. Plus it was in slow motion.
  10. So you hate Steam because....? Oh and the perk tree is pretty simple. Unlock a point to use after level up, find a skill you often use or need to upgrade, read description of the perk highlighted, click, tada.
  11. I like that it lasts forever. Sometimes the quest can be a little tricky and takes time to kill them quietly. Oh and the Night Mother is already dead. I'm not sure how or why you would kill her.
  12. Sprinting is different from running. I actually didn't know Skyrim implemented sprinting until I read the control mapping keys a few weeks after release. -.-
  13. I got excited thinking a new WHQL driver was out :( The beta (this driver but older) has been out since April. So far I haven't had any problems. Smooth as butter with a GTX 275.
  14. Why exactly? A lot of mainstream TES players (mostly newer) are screaming for a multiplayer version and have been for a while. It makes sense for Zenimax to develop a multiplayer version and leave the traditional SP for Bethesda. As long as they don't screw up the lore, it's entirely irrelevant to the original series.
  15. The entire province would never be done. The Imperial City or Bruma, etc. could be done fairly easy. I would actually be interested to see how it's changed over 200 years. But I would rather see Vvardenfell after the volcano eruption.
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