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About jeragon95

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  1. Hello Anyone, is there a way to make more enchantment triggers? trigger when block, trigger when debuffed, trigger when cast spell or trigger when downed an enemy. Stuff like that, it might not work because of the game engine limitations but i still like to know if possible. Thank you, for your time
  2. Thanks for the reply and I'm giving the first one a try and see how it goes. Thanks again
  3. So the idea is to give durability to weapons, Armor, Clothing and jewellery and a place/npc to REPAIR them when the their DuP's (Durability Point's) are down, Also if and when, let say the player is fighting with an iron sword to the very end then reaches zero DuP's the iron sword is considered Broken making it completely useless but let say this iron sword was the players favorite weapon and doesn't want to throw it away, then all he/she would need to do is bring the necessary Material to the blacksmith to REFORGE it. So yeah I know it's not the most imaginative mod idea ever but if you put in perks to increase durability of newly forged weapons or armor and giving a durability boost on enchanted item's, Stuff like that.
  4. So ive never written for a mods request before so ill be brief, so what im looking for, is a mod that allows you to put extra Armor pieces and weapons in the workshop or something simiular and then that distributes them to your guards and if possible give farmer farming clothes and so on...
  5. Hi i've been looking for a mod that changes combat animation for quarterstaff to make it look like Monk attack style. plz help
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