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  1. Cant get it to work at all, Dual Sheath Redux esp does not register for the patcher nor the CK, so there is no way I can edit it.
  2. F4SE 3.0 screwed up my game, I can launch it normally but for some reason when I launch F4SE, it loads fine, but when the audio settings try to load up (it takes a while for those to load for me, idk why) it crashes when they finally start loading up, it never fails either, happens every damn time now. Update: I fixed it somehow, not exactly sure how, but I think it was when I deleted all the F4SE files and reinstalled F4SE 3.0. It may have been trying to use an old F4SE .dll file or an old plugin was no longer compatible...
  3. It has something to do with AWCKR Framework, I have this issue as well, and I see a lot of people on these forums with that same mod installed having the same CTD issues, either update AWCKR to the latest update, (as of this post it is ver. 2.2.2 now.) or uninstall it and all other AWCKR dependent mods and then start a new game. And if the updated version crashes as well, I would bring it up with the mod author so they can hopefully fix it.
  4. I can get behind this idea. I wish I were a modder now so I could get to work on this. Please can we have someone competent in modding games get on this asap? To keep it lore friendly and keep it so that the vertibird does not drop your prized power armor in a combat area to be hijacked by hostiles, either, drop it sans fusion core, or have it able to have a companion assigned to the power armor to drop in it and clear out all hostiles then once they are gone and there is no danger from hostiles hijacking your power armor they climb out or can be commanded to get out and make their way back to base. Leaving you there with your power armor.
  5. As far as I can tell that's normal right now. I don't have it either. You have to add esp mods manually to your plugins.txt in Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Local\Fallout4. Although it seems like at the moment Fallout 4 is adding all esps inside the data folder to that file on its own. But I'm not rure if that is always the case. Actually you are half correct, it is a file that is in the folder you mentioned, and it was added automatically, but it is not the plugins.txt as you said. It may have been that for previous Bethesda games, but it is not that way anymore it would seem. Now files like that are handled by a txt file called DLCList.txt. Just wanted to clarify that before people start modifying their plugin.txt file based on what you said and then screw up their game as that file tells you to not modify it.
  6. Not sure where to put this bug, as it has to do with modding the game, but it is a vanilla FO4 bug, and not a bug introduced by mods. In fact, that is the issue, I cannot add any mods at all as the Launcher has no file selection screen for them. Any way to fix that? I already tried the bEnableFileSelection=1 ini tweak, and that did not work at all because I assume the option is not there at all, not just grayed out and not clickable like in Skyrim when it launched.
  7. Yes, it could very well be Readius having a problem with NVEC, in fact, I think that is the reason Readius stopped working for me there for a time after I installed NVEC, forcing me to uninstall and reinstall it. Doubt it is the load order though, as that is where BOSS put NVEC. Anyone know of an alternative to Readius? You know, so I don't need to have that ugly pipboy on my wrist all the time, obstructing certain outfit choices? No, it isn't the Readius, does it with the PipBoy 3000 as well. So I am stumped, may as well start disabling mods and reenabling each to try to figure this out... So I disabled every mod that wouldn't cause my game to crash out imeadiately if it were disabled, and it is still crashing when I scroll past it or select them and toss them to get rid of them then open up my pipboy to pick a new weapon. This mod just doesn't work for me... Don't know if this is the issue or not, but I may not have downloaded a compatibility patch I needed for this mod to work with Lings Coiffure. I don't know why that would affect the weapons but it may very well be my issue, will try the patch and see...
  8. NVEC Complete Homemade Pipe Bombs crashing my game as I try to scroll past them in the PipBoy menu. My guess is it is a conflicting mod, and I have no idea which one it is... My load order is, [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] CFWNV.esm [X] NVEC Complete.esm [X] NV Child - Shojo Headgear.esm [X] Lings.esm [X] Shojo Race Vegas.esm [X] Craft Master.esm [X] Leveled List Organizer.esm [X] Craft Pack.esm [X] CASE.esm [X] Children of the Wasteland.esm [X] Shojo Neko.esm [X] ChildrenEmpire.esm [ ] Compiled Patch.esp [ ] BathFix.esp [X] Readius_NV.esp [X] MercGrenadeRifleDemoPyro.esp [X] American Hammer Compact.esp [X] Devil'sMistressReturns.esp [X] FingerOfGodNV.esp [ ] Weathered10mmFixed.esp [X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp [X] LingsPrettyThings.esp [X] Classic Companion Config.esp [X] CCC - weaker weapons.esp [X] ModFusion.esp [X] AlucardCasullCASE.esp [X] Leveled List Organizer.esp [X] Classic Fallout weapons armory.esp [X] 223Pistol.esp [X] CFW-DLC.esp [ ] Alternative Blood Spout.esp [X] A1_The_Naked_Gun_by_Oppaiko.esp [X] Classic Quad Barrel Riot Shotgun.esp [X] Stronger Bozar.esp [X] Type 6.esp any help would be appreciated.
  9. Get FNVEdit, that will tell you what mods are conflicting with others and if the load order is wrong. Check the post I posted in this thread, specifically the video, it will give you some basics on how to use FNVEdit. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/717158-fnv-will-not-run-fnvedit-reports-major-errors/ Also, go to to your new vegas folder and make doubly sure that every *.exe in it is being ran in administrator mode
  10. A PC is just like any machine, as long as it is well maintained, the better it works as well as the longer it works. Now I shouldn't have to tell anyone on this site that, but I feel it needs to be said still, as a fair number of gaming issues can be solved with a little PC maintenance. I recommend a program called Defraggler to handle your HDD defragmentation needs, as it is important to keep your hard drive defragmented on a regular basis, and in my opinion, Defraggler does that better than the Windows default defragger. More features too. Get it here http://www.piriform.com/defraggler/download Keeping your HDD defragged on a regular basis can solve issues like your game lagging, freezing, and even some crashes. Also, if you don't have an Anti-Virus program I would STRONGLY recommend you get one, if money is an issue Avast has a totally free version that is awesome for a free AV program. Find it here http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download It may not have all the features of an AV program that you would pay for, but it at least has Virus scanning and removal and Real Time Shields, two features that are essential in any AV program, also, it is a totally free program (if that is the version you get) and does NOT run out of time after 30 or 60 days like trial AV programs do. True, you get better protection in an AV program you paid for, but for free Avast is in my opinion, the best. Defragging your computer and scanning for viruses weekly should be something you do, if you cant remember to, those programs I recommended both include features that you can schedule those tasks to run. If you are wondering WHY you should defrag and scan your computer for viruses regularly, well, through regular use of your computer, bits of files in your computer will get misplaced to other folders or w/e, so you need to keep defragging your computer to have it find these misplaced bits of files and information and place them back where they should go, especially if you install and uninstall stuff a lot, as that will misplace bits of info on your PC MORE. It will speed up your computer a fair bit. Also, Viruses are a constant thing on the internet, and through regular internet browsing you more than likely WILL pick up some form of malicious software at some point. Having an AV Program to protect against these threats is ALWAYS a good idea.
  11. Only thing I can come up with is one or more of the updates to your mods screwed your game up royally, I would say uninstall all your mods then try it, if that doesnt do it, uninstall all the DLCs as well and reinstall them sans mods, or, if all else fails, do a full uninstall of the whole game including DLC and mods and then reinstall it and try it just vanilla, no mods, no NMM, no NVSE and a new game, if that fixes things, go ahead and reinstall a mod one at a time, test it, then install another one to test, hopefully you find the offending mod. Disregard some of what I have said about it being the mods that screwed up your game, and take a look at this... As this guy says at about 5:00-5:35, older versions of FNVEdit like to do weird things to some DLCs, so it may be that as well, so update FNVEdit after reinstalling, as I am unsure you can fix this w/o a full reinstall, or if you can, I am not sure how...
  12. thats Skyrim for ya, weird lighting and shadows, best thing is to just deal with this issue as it really isnt game breaking.
  13. Uninstall all the mods you have installed and try playing vanilla Skyrim and see if that helps, all I can think is that one of your mods you installed broke your game.
  14. You're welcome, I had this same issue when I upgraded to my Radeon till I looked it up online and found out for myself that ATI cards have been having that problem since update 11.11, and that little tweak fixes a lot of the problems that they have with Skyrim...
  15. Try updating your graphics card, I had those long loading screens too until I upgraded from an Nvidia Geforce 210 to an ATI Radeon HD 6570, so upgrade to a better card is my suggestion, the card I upgraded to didnt cost that much either, only about 65 bucks.
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