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About UnbetledJoker

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  1. First off that is a beautiful mesh very well done. If I were more skilled I would pick this up and run with it. I hate all how 'realistic bouncing breast' and 'nude meshes' always seem to be smuggling basketballs in their chest and ass. It would be refreshing to see something along the lines of realistic or at least believable. I myself always use a custom made body for both male and female but all I know how to do is edit an existing .nif mesh. Hope this bump catches a pro modders eye.
  2. I don't know, that was just a wild guess really.. I just can't think why it's not working, and then - even more bafflingly - I just checked again and originally I was editing the ultra dragon mask; which has a unique mesh and textures - but then Krosis, a normal mask - not corresponding to any of the same files did the same! Went invisible in the menu and, on trying to equip, the game crashed. This is a wild guess but I had this issue with my new body mesh. My problem was that when Blender exported the mesh it added an extra NiNode labeled 'SceneRoot'. Selected the proceeding NiNode then 'Block -> Crop To Branch' Again just a shot in the dark but it could be that simple.
  3. Everything you need to know for the current tools available is here http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3790&navtag=file/images.php?id=3790&tab=3
  4. As stated multiple times before it mostly depends on the trends on the modding community. For all Bethesda games I generally play my first vanilla playthrough l play a man and on the second heavily modded playthrough I play a woman. I seem to play the same roles with each gender males a hulking powerhouse and females either a face melting mage or a sneaky assassin. Morrowind Vanilla - Orc Male greatsword wielding death machine Modded- Breton Female master of destruction Oblivion Vanilla - Imperial Male sword and shield paladin Modded - Moonshadow Elf sneaky thief/archer Fallout 3 Vanilla - Male heavy weapon and heavy fisted tank Modded - Female lightly armored sniper Again same pattern, with males I play an evil character who takes what he wants and slays anyone who stands against him. Females I play as a more sympathetic character who still takes what she wants just doesn't let anyone see her. Most people seem to think that a male playing a female character is either gender confused or has the mind of a 12 year old ... and the latter is true hahaha oh man can't wait get some BBB I love Better Bouncing Bread
  5. So I have ran into a snag.After reading through the forums and through trail and error I finally figured out the correct export settings for NV hairs. Now they show up but are not using vertex colors. I do have Vcol Paint selected in blender before I export. What could be stopping my mesh from using in game color management ?
  6. Its hard to tell without a list of mods your using that effect cities and landscapes but I did have a similar problem in Chorrol while using Better Cities and Unique Landscapes. After I rebuilt Batched Patch it all worked fine. Hopefully that helps you.
  7. That still sounds like a skeleton problem. Try deleting the skeleton from the mesh you altered and importing it again. 1. delete the skeleton 2. select all ( press 'a' once or twice in Object mode ) everything will turn purple 3. File -> Import -> Nif. 4. select the original armor mesh 5. select [ Import Skeleton Only + Parent Selected ] and [ Realign Bone Tail + Roll ] 6. click ok Now you should be ready to Export.
  8. This is my first attempt at lifting and pushing the breasts with clothing (Hentia Dark Lilith) .... not overly please with this one but it was just to get a few ideas on how to do it. http://i.imgur.com/0y8w4.png http://i.imgur.com/luhxU.png http://i.imgur.com/YcER4.png any tips on how to get better results? Edit: to clarify this is what I did; Fitted to armor to the body Joined the armor to the body Manipulated in Sculpt Mode using mostly 'Grab' and 'Draw' Separated the meshes and cleaned it all up.
  9. hah I'm no modeler either. This is my first time ever using Blender. As for the breasts I figure by the time I am ready to upload I will have 4-5 bust sizes, 3 breast shapes and 3 nipple options. I thank you and electrro for that suggestion it is a hard public to please lol. The breasts are natural so I have decided to base the shape off of age as they lose there elasticity between 20-35. The hip shape is going to stay the same though the thickness of the hips will change with each size. The curves of the hipbone and the thick hips are what make it what I intend it to be. The armors I release I'm going to reshape the breasts to imitate the natural lift of a bra ( there you will get your desired cleavage ) and I'm going to try to recess my booty mesh around applicable armors to get the look that its to tight. My ambitions for my first attempt at 3D rendering are high but I think I can pull it off.
  10. As far as I know there is no one file that install full FCOM. FCOM is just what allows you to play the 4 massive overhauls together with little to no conflicts. The Big 4 are Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items, Oblivion WarCry, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and Martigen's Monster Mod. This is hands down the easiest to follow installation guide. Follow this exactly and you can have it installed in an hour or two. FCOM Installation Guide And this is a very good set of mods that I'm using right now. All very easy to install. A warning though if you don't have a high end computer you'll want to stay away from Really AEVWD it absolutely murders framerates. Great Complete Oblivion Overhaul Guide
  11. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/401589-jokers-new-body-mod/ Put it up in Mod Talk to see what people think of it. Thanks again it looks a lot better than it did before I joined my meshes.
  12. Hey all, I have been working on this for about a week now and it would not have been possible without the help from the people on this forum. So thanks to everyone who helped me out and of course to electrro who my meshes are based on. :thumbsup: This mod is still a Work In Progress only have the largest figure done so far . I would like to upload 3 bust sizes and 3 hip sizes all at once and maybe a fitted armor mesh. So with out further adieu I present.... The Onion Let me know what you think. I'm open to suggestions and any advice on improving it.
  13. Thanks, this didn't totally fix my seam line but it allowed me to seamlessly create the curves with a single mesh instead to two which made my project so much nicer looking.
  14. Is that for formfitting clothing to my mesh? because I'm talking about joining the femaleupperbody.nif > femalelowerbody.nif I don't know a great deal about Blender but no tutorial I have watched or read has talked about joining meshes together except for joining the verts in Edit Mode. http://i.imgur.com/JLVLK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BsvJY.jpg I got the authors go ahead. Yay
  15. Sup Nexus, last week I decided to try my hand at modding my first step was my own body mesh...my only problem is the waistline. No matter how many hours carefully creating each curve to match each other and joining all the connecting verts I always have a quite noticeable waistline. I personally don't care but a friend really like the mesh and wants it for himself so I've decided to share it on The Nexus ( providing I get permission from the original meshes author ) and even if I don't I want to give my friend a 'finished' product. So anyone have advice on fixing that seam ? again, any advice is very appreciated. Joker
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