Before you continue, I'd like to acknowledge that I refer to certain quests of the main story in Fallout 3 and a quest in Point Lookout and the Fallout Wiki. Consider this your spoiler warning. EDIT: I just decided to do some research on the Fallout Wiki and am now aware that there was indeed a secret Vault, much like the one I was describing that was located in Los Angeles. It is in Fallout: BoS. To try and make this mod correct with the Fallout history, let's imagine that the CEO of Vault-Tec maybe had his own plans and went on to create a secret Vault that had NOTHING to do with Vault-Tec. I don't feel like re-editing my whole post just yet so just try to take this new information into consideration as you're reading. Secret Vault Wiki here: I'm not sure if this has been discussed but I sort of got the idea from another thread I was reading that had to do with all of the mysteries about vaults and Vault-Tec. It would make complete sense, in my opinion, that the head of Vault-Tec made a secret vault for themselves that had nothing to do with testing, unlike the other vaults that each had a designated experiment that was being conducted. A vault that was never listed amongst the other vaults where the head could have been left untouched by government and even other Vault-Tec employees. So here's my idea. Create a vault to be discovered by the player that houses Vault-Tec employees and even deeper information about all of the Vaults and the secrets of Vault-Tec. Basically, the people that live in here were raised by their parents and grandparents and taught the secrets of Vault-Tec. So here's where we brainstorm... What exactly has Vault-Tec been up to all of these years? What is the dilemma? What is the possible solution? Some more ideas I have: - Once you find the "CEO" of Vault-Tec, you can influence him into a good/bad karma decision about the future of the company. - This vault won't be easy to find. To make things interesting, think back to the Chinese Spy quest on Point Lookout where you had to use special glasses to find the secret entrance to the mansion. You would need something similar in order to find the location and the entrance. There would be steps to finding the Vault. The first being a random encounter with a strange character that may or may not be an ex-employee of Vault-Tec (think back to the woman that tells you about the failsafe in the abandoned house in Vault 112) at the entrance of one of the major cities (Megaton, Rivet City, Underworld, etc). They would give you a special device (maybe some sort of metal detector/drill kind of device) that would be able to detect exactly where underground this vault is. They would also give you very vague details on where it is.. For example he/she might say, "Go to Big Town and head directly west until you find it". Basically you'd fast travel to Big Town (or whatever location is decided on) OR have a marker set to that location if you haven't discovered it yet. Once there, you'd literally walk in the direction given for a certain amount of time until you find it. Maybe a radio signal could be picked up to generalize the location. Once the exact spot is found the device given to you could be a drill or sand blower of sorts that would clear the ground to reveal a manhole. I think this could be really interesting and could be a really fun collaboration amongst the community of modders. I'd want this to be done well enough to feel like a mini-DLC. Decent voice acting and all. What do you guys think? Any possibility of this ever happening? I don't think it would be TOO complicated considering that modders could use a combination of Vault 101 and 112.