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About greendayfan1010

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  1. Hi Wondering if anyone can make the hidden blade from Assassins Creed or even the Double Hidden Blade please and thank you
  2. Hi all I am wondering if anyone can make the hidden blade or the double hidden blade from assassins creed for New Vegas thanks
  3. Just to let you guys know that there are two March 2012 listed on the Mods of the month page but love the site anyways.
  4. I am experiencing a problem with the fighting arena in Leyawiin in won't let anybody in. It's like there is an invisible box around it and I need to use it advance in the fighters guild cause I am using the elder council mod can anyone help please and thank you.
  5. I got permission from the author but they don't know how to convert it to oblivion so if anybody can help I appreciate it.
  6. Yes I have but they haven't gotten back to me yet
  7. oh ok so someone has made it for fallout 3 yet not oblivion weird
  8. That Picture is from the movie no one has actually made the spawn armor yet so I am looking for someone to make it please.
  9. Was wondering if anyone know if they can make the armor spawn wears or know where to find it if already made thanks [email protected]
  10. could people stop putting spiders in there mods cause for one I have severe arachnophobia and some other people might to so please stop if I see one mention of spiders in the description I won't download even though the mod itself might be cool so yet again please stop putting spiders in mods thanks
  11. Hi I was just wondering if anyone could make the Spawn armor from the movie please Thanks and if it is already made could you send me the link.
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