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If this isn't the right place for this, please feel free to move it or direct me to the right place! How would I go about raising or lowering the tox of a given potion? I do have the Djinni tool, and I have looked at the tool's wiki, but I'm at a loss. I don't see anything about the toxicity when I click on a potion (for instance Swallow) and load it into Djinni's window. Do I need to change the tox of the *ingredient*? Do I need to do something else? I have tried unpacking KEY files and BIF files, but they don't actually unpack; the folder I told them to unpack into is empty. I have the Witcher series installed in C > Steam (NOT C> Program Files>Steam) and I ran UnBIF1.0 as "administrator", but again, nothing has unpacked. Note -- I know there is a mod that reduces (or eliminates?) toxicity from potions, but using it seems to require subscribing to a particular site, and I'm reluctant to do that, just to figure out how to make a mod of my own (This is, of course, assuming that lowering tox and raising tox would work in a similar fashion). If it matters, I can mod Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim with no trouble; I've been making mods for those games since it was possible to do that. So I'm not exactly a stranger to modding games... Just a stranger to modding The Witcher. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated! ETA the reason I'm reluctant to subscribe to the site I mentioned above, is that it's a pay-to-use site. Not slamming it, just not something I want to do.
Create Item Script Not Working
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Oblivion's Oblivion Construction Set and Modders
Thank you Roman and Pellape! I'll get back to work, with your advice. Also, Pell -- I use Notepad++, it shows line numbers, but I will definitely look up your tutorial, too. Everything helps! Having OBSE as a requirement doesn't bother me. My kids (oh lord my thirty-year old kids... I am old!) basically use the same setup that I do, so they use OBSE anyway. EDIT OMG YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! It worked! It worked, it worked it worked! Thank you both so MUCH! -
If this sort of thing has been asked and answered, I couldn't find it, so links to such an answer would definitely be appreciated! I have sorted through every "Oblivion Scripting Tutorial" known to humankind (here, as well as TESAlliance, TESNexus, TESCSWiki, and others, looking for instructions as to how to make this work.) (It's depressing how many links are now "Page Not Found" and "Domain for Sale") I can do this sort of thing for Skyrim, but for the life of me, I can't seem to do it (or remember how to do it, actually) for Oblivion. The Construction Set saves the script with no warnings or exceptions, so I thought the script worked. But it doesn't. When the player clicks the Drinks Pitcher (an activator) it should pop a message : "What do you want to make?" "Cider, Grape Juice, Nothing" It DOES that. If you pick "Cider", it should find out if you have 2 apples + 1 Firesalt. If you do, it should remove them from your inventory and add Cider. If you don't, it should say "You don't have the stuff for that." It does NOT do that. If you pick "Grape Juice" it should find out if you have 2 grapes + 1 Frostsalt. If you do, it should remove them from your inventory and add Grape Juice. If you don't, it should say "You don't have the stuff for that." It does NOT do that. It also never allows the Drinks Pitcher Menu to display again. I made the Drinks Pitcher Activator; I made the Cider; I made the Grape Juice. At the moment, the pitcher, a bunch of apples, grapes, firesalts, and frostsalts, are all sitting on a table in an otherwise empty test cell. I play-tested this with only Ob and SI loaded (well and OBSE) so I know there's no mod conflicts or anything. The trouble, I am positive, is my script -- Even though the Construction Set saved and compiled it with no problem. This is the script: Any advice, corrections, suggestions, or even commiseration would be more than welcome! Thanks
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Okay, I feel better. If a modder as experienced as you are feels that way, I no longer feel as dumb as a rock. I'm going to give your instructions a try now, though with my slow computer, we both know how long that'll take. Thanks! -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I'm about to scream. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding your instructions. I still get the BYOH model and it still has the wrong crap with it. *sigh* Email incoming -- maybe you can dissect it and discover what I've messed up. My stuff's easy to find; it's always prefixed with "Alla" -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Yes, thanks be to Zenithar. Or Sheogorath, maybe. Seriously, all this requires is something to parent the bed, table, dresser, yellow rug, and yellow dishes TO. My trouble has been being able to make my item the Parent. I'm not sure I understand. Originally I used "search replace" to turn the goblet (okay, so it wasn't a tankard, my brain is goo), bowl, wallbasket into "gemAmethyst", because deleting them entirely made Skyrim blow up (sort of.) So what I *should* do is duplicate the corner shelf in the render window, along with the goblet, bowl, and basket....? Then I replace the goblet, bowl, and basket with MY goblet and bowl, and turn the wallbasket into a gem (since I don't want the basket; the gem drops to the floor like any other item and you can pick it up. LOL I should replace it with "Nails" actually, since those are more useful than a gem) Then I make "AllaMyShelfWithStuff" recipe, the Created Object of which is AllaNobleShelf, with the conditions having the global you outlined, plus the condition copied from the actual BYOH...whateverPart023ShelfCorner recipe Then I parent my goblet, bowl, and box of nails to the AllaNobleShelf or am I *still* being dense? -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hmm okay something still is going wrong for me. If I duplicate the corner shelf, etc, everything works great, BUT -- It always has the existing rusty tankard and bowl on it, no matter what else I parent to it. And if I get rid of the rusty tankard and bowl for MINE, they're also gotten rid of for the vanilla. I tried making my own workbench keyword "AllaFurnishSmallHouseKW" I added that to the workbenches for that room (primarily because I couldn't actually figure out which was the "House" and which was the "Entryway", but anyway...) and everywhere else the keyword from the duplicated item had been, such as the form lists The item no longer showed up in the crafting menu So I put back the vanilla keyword, and it showed up, and I could one-click furnish the house, BUT I still had to leave the tankard and bowl alone, or they didn't show up in vanilla either. Then I tried duplicating the corner shelf in the render window, parenting only my stuff to it -- same result. Either the tankard and bowl were gone for everything, or present for everything. I tried placing a "NobleCornerShelf" in the right spot and -- CK wouldn't allow me to "select reference in render window" or any other way. What super-obvious thing am I missing? (Other than my mind, but I lost that about three saves in to this mod attempt.) EDIT -- The trouble seems to be, no matter what I do, MY object is not the one created at the workbench. My "misc item" shows up in the crafting window, but what it creates is the vanilla version with the cup, bowl, snowberries, and wall basket. The bench insists on creating the BYOH noble shelf, NOT the AllaNobleShelf. Why? -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
holy crap it worked finally! LOL well, onward now.... ETA -- Now, if I remember from the first time I almost got this right, what I do now is.... Place all the stuff in that room, such as the shelf, a static bowl, a chair and table, a retextured bed, a bookshelf, and a non-respawning strongbox (just for examples) Set all those things to "initially disabled" Make the shelf the "Enable object" by clicking on it in the render window for each thing And if possible, change the name from "Corner Shelf" to "Furnish Small House" Right? -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
You know, I'm almost to the point where I would do my own workbenches, provided I could have a way of doing "Enable Alla's Bench OR Enable Vanilla Bench". Let me try redoing the KW , and then if it still dun't play fair, I'll pop you the esp (it's boring at the moment, no fun textures, just . the . dang . shelf and my NIF for the main hall. -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Didn't see your answer, Ishara... That'll teach me to hit Refresh Page first. Okay, what I have so far is AllaBYOHInteriorPart023ShelfCorner - MiscItem, with the BYOHBuildingObjectInteriorScript and my own keyword AllaBYOHBuildingInteriorPart023ShelfCornerKW in their proper spots (Basically, I duplicated the corner shelf item, then added my keword and deleted its original keyword) Recipe (COBJ) - Created Object = AllaBYOHHouseInteriorPart023ShelfCorner, Workbench Keyword AllaBYOHBuildingInteriorPart023ShelfCornerKW and Conditions are Target = PL (player), Function name = GetItemCount, FunctionInfo = MiscItem AllaBYOH...Shelf, Compare is == , value 0, variable AND I added mine to the same formlists as the one I duplicated (there were like 6 of them) annnnd I'm still getting nothing in the workbench menu in game. Now, that could possibly be because I need to do something to the script itself. I'm a bit antsy about doing that, because I can't compile scripts. No matter what I do (and I've tried every solution there is), my Windows10 won't enable the .Net Framework 3.5, which is what every dang compiler, including the CK's own, uses to work. Heck I've even tried reinstalling Win10 and letting it update or play with anything it wants, and it STILL won't let me enable that thing. It always says it can't find the files, and so I download them and then it says it can't find the files so I give up and scream. -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I should maybe mention I already have the NIF for the three floor plans (Alla Basic, Alla Towers, Alla Porches are their working names) so the game would only have to add and place one thing at a time for exterior and one for interior, kinda like each of the infinite "build this piece" clicks do for the vanilla house and its insides. It's always seemed to me that whoever coded HF went a little stupid. I mean good gods, "Build Small House foundation, wall support, walls, roof beams, roof, partridge in pear tree, and stuff" versus "Build Foundation, Walls, and Roof". And it's always irritated the living daylights out of me that the stuff is called "BYOHHouseInteriorThingPart0001000101010" instead of "BYOHInteriorCornerShelfwithStuff" and numbered 01,02,03 instead of Room01Plan99Piece47OtherDesignator55, without ever telling you what the heck it is, which means you have to open every dang thing in the CK before you can see if it's the bit you thought you wanted, because it's probably not that corner shelf, it's probably the pear tree for that partridge. -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Actually, kinda both! I'd like to use the HF crafting system to do this: Make the "Small House" blueprint Build the "Small House" Now, once you have the "Small House" built -- Back to the drafting table, and instead of just "Main Hall", you now see "Main Hall" and "Alla's Hall" (or whatever, you get the idea) Back to the carpenter's bench -- you can either build build build the vanilla main hall and turn the "Small House" into the Entryway OR You can build "Alla's Hall" which builds the whole thing at once. (One build-click instead of the elventy-one you have to do for the vanilla main hall - but you would still have to do the "Turn house into Entry" separately.) Inside, you can either click click click furniture vanilla style OR You can click "Alla's Ground Floor" and furnish the whole downstairs, then click "Alla's Upper Floor" and get all the beds, toy boxes, rusty tankards at once. So, basically -- At the carpenter's bench, One click builds "Main Hall".... or Main Hall with 3 Towers or Main Hall with 3 Porches At the work bench, One click furnished upstairs... or downstairs... or North Tower... or East Wing Does this make sense to either of you? Or am I being overly ambitious and wanting to do the impossible? -
[LE] Using Hearthfires Workbenches To Add New Items
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks, Max, that's good food for thought. And heya Ishara, great to see you! No, I don't mind using a different but similar system to craft stuff -- that's not a problem at all, and it's a good idea! What I wanted to do (for example) is build the house as usual. But in the Main Floor, I don't want a dining table and chairs, I want oh... say a bar and stools. And one thing I'd like to do is build the whole house, all at once -- Entryway, Main House, North Tower (again, for example). I figured what I'd do would be to duplicate the "main floor" thing from HF, but add the tower to the description -- increase the required items so you still need the total logs, nails, rabbit's feet, or whatever, but be able to construct it all at once. That part actually seems to be fairly easy (tho I haven't made a character and tested it yet.) It was the insides, the furnishings, that's messin' my little head up. But thanks to both of you, I may be able to figure things out! Yay, much appreciated. -
I'm pretty sure this has been asked and answered before, and I'm pretty sure there is a tutorial out there somewhere but I can't find it anymore. (I've just spent four hours "googling" and searching here... I have no life, apparently!) How the heck do you use the workbenches to create or add your own items to a HF house? I know you can stick something -- let's say a table -- into the cell, place it where you want it, and then make it enable-able (is that a word?) from the primary item you select at the proper workbench. But how the heck do you extrapolate that to, for instance, having the table ITSELF be the primary item you create? If anyone has a tutorial for this, that isn't a video (I can't hear, so vids aren't an option because they make no sense without, well, the instructions lol) or if anyone knows how to do this, I'd love some links or info! I'm *not* looking for a mod to do this for me, I just want help to figure out how to do it myself. Thanks!
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Link for the HF Multiple Adoption mod tutorial added to front page. Keep in mind -- that tutorial is for use with a specific multi-kid mod, but it works perfectly. -
I realise this topic is sort of necro'd, but -- Remember, you have to be LEVEL 22 for Skald or Brina to send you after the giant -- which is the quest you have to complete along with WN, before you can be thane.
One way to do it would be to edit the Magic Effects used by the enchantment(s) that you want to have infinite charges; making them have 0.0 Base Cost. This would result in the enchantments using 0 charge. Of course, I have no idea what that might do when you go to use an enchanter to apply such an enchantment to an item... It might work fine, and you'd just have to limit yourself on how powerful you think the enchantment should be; or it might crash the game. My thinking behind this warning is - if you're putting an enchantment on a weapon, I'm pretty sure the system limits it based on the enchantment's charge cost (i.e. with no charge cost, you might be able to set an enchantment to do 10000 fire damage; or it might crash trying to figure out the max damage). It didn't crash, but it also doesn't seem to work -- weapons still have charges that are depleted as they're used. Any further ideas? I'm not trying to get someone to do the work for me, I just don't understand how to do this.
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Not entirely sure what you're asking -- Do you mean does the NPC you married come there? (Or the kids you adopted) Yes, from what I can tell. But remember, you have to give them time to move there. I don't think it's instant. -
I'd like to make weapons "no recharge". That is to say, I'd like to be able to make a Fire Damage Enchantment that the player can place on their favorite weapon, but that NEVER RUNS OUT of charges, and doesn't have to be recharged via soul gems and whatnot. Ideally, I'd like to make it to where NO weapon ever needs recharging (except maybe staves since they're weird anyway.) After all, your armour enchantments never have to be recharged, even if you get hit a zillion times in one fight. So why should your weapon have to be recharged even if you use it a zillion times? 1) Do I just make (for instance) "AllaNoChargeFire" enchantment, and uncheck the "Auto-Calc" box, and set the charge to 0 ...? or does the charge need to be set high, or something? or, 2) Can this be done as a hidden perk, for lack of a better way to put it? Not something added to a perk tree, but something like the "Shout" perk, that exists as soon as the player exists? If so, how the heck do I go about that? And, final note, I CANNOT use video tutorials or yootoob tutorials, for a variety of reasons. Thanks for any advice or help!
I did this for giggles, and I got no errors.
To use custom armours, you need to create an Outfit for your Follower. So, once you've done everything else to make your Follower, go to the ITEMS tab in the CK's Object Window. Navigate to Outfit, right-click to make a NEW outfit. Now, in the Armor section of the ITEMS tab, find your custom armor and drag that to the open Outfit Window -- Your robe and boots and rings, your armor and shield -- whatever applies. Name the Outfit something logical to you -- For instance, MFancyClothes. Click OK Open your follower from the ACTOR tab, and click the Inventory tab of the Actor Window. Where it says "Default Outfit", you'll see a dropdown menu. Scroll through it until you find the MFancyClothes outfit you just made, and select that. Then click OK on the Actor window, and Save your plug-in, and you're set! This does assume, of course, that you brought your MFancyCustomArmor into the plugin to begin with. If you didn't, then you'll need to do that, and you'll need to be sure that in addition to bringing in the NIFs for each piece of armor, you also make an ArmorAddOn. If you didn't do that, or don't know how, say so, and I'll explain that part, too. Good luck!
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Here's a link to a great tutorial from Verteiron on making an Actor Magnet. It's really fun. -
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
Allannaa replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Making Activators I got tired of having a bunch of bowls of fire salts, void salts, vampire dust, and the like sitting around the cottage, because every time I took a deep breath, I knocked a bowl off a shelf or table. Then I got tired of having chests full of ingredients sitting around, and I got tired of "sorted" chests. Soooo.... I made a bunch of pretties, though you can use the vanilla art too, obviously (I did that with eggs) -- a Bowl of Apples, a Dish of Fire Salts, and so on. This way I can still have the look of all that neat stuff, without having it fall to the floor when bumped, AND without having it disappear when used. As "Flora", and with no "bigger harvest" mods employed, the player gets 1 apple, or 1 Fire Salt (or whatever) each time she "harvests" the dish in question. (I used the over-ride command to make the activate text say "Pick up" or "Take a pinch of" -- you get the idea) And I thought about making "containers" instead of Flora -- but then the prompt is hard-coded as "search". Which sounds kind of silly... Search Bowl of Apples? Really?... That's goofy. UNLESS -- there's a way to change the Activate message for these containers ONLY and not globally, either directly, or with a VERY SHORT script that doesn't require a quest-container. But that's way beyond me. I also want the player to get more than one item -- 3 apples, or 3 pinches of Fire Salts -- when they "harvest" the dish -- and either have the dish pretty close to unlimited item resources available, OR, refill itself daily (instead of the usual 3 days for respawn). I'm actually not even sure that Flora does respawn, so that's an answer I'd like to have. So I decided to make Activators instead. I opened the "Activators" part of World Objects and created "New". I named it "Bowl of Fire Salts", used the NIF I created, changed the over-ride text from "Harvest" to "Take a pinch of", and attached the following script. Scriptname AllaIngredientHarvestScript extends ObjectReference ;for harvesting Potion-Food or Ingredients from the dish or jar Message Property EmptyMessage Auto ;Message The dish is empty Ingredient Property FireSaltsfromBowl Auto ;what you get from this dish ;use Ingredient for Ingredients ;use Potion-Food for food or drinks and so on Int Property ResourceCount Auto ;how many resources you get each time, 3 Int Property ResourceCountCurrent Auto ;how many resources currently remaining in dish, -1 Int Property ResourceCountTotal Auto ;how many resources this dish has before empty, 999 ObjectReference Property objSelf Auto ;objectReference to self Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator) ;player is accessing the dish If ResourceCountCurrent == 0 EmptyMessage.Show() EndIf If ResourceCountCurrent == -1 (game.getPlayer()).addItem(FireSaltsfromBowl, ResourceCount) EndIf EndEvent And so -- From a Dish of Apples, the player can "Take an Apple", but the art-object remains in place. From a Bowl of Fire Salts, the player can take three Fire Salts, but the art-object remains in place, and doesn't clatter to the ground if you bump it (because it's a static object, not an "inventory" item.) This would, of course, work for every single food, drink, or ingredient in the game, but I limited it to the commonly found stuff, and didn't include rare or hard to find things. It also seems to work for Soul Gems (filled or empty). I made a jar (using the butterfly jar and a bunch of "soul gem pieces" and called it Jar of Empty Petty Soul Gems, but with this one, the harvest really is only one item. I've actually never been able to get a script to work -- EVER. The only one I use (other than the stock stuff of course) in any of my mods, is a "Firelighter Script" which was provided by Ishara. If that makes me sound as if I'm as dumb as a box of skeever tails, well, there's a reason for that. I am that dumb when it comes to scripting. I've tried to learn, I've followed the Wiki, I've gone through tutorials including Sjogga's, which at least makes some sense, and everything else, but the whole subject confuses me and makes me want to jump off Bard's Leap or something. So this is a first for me -- because IT WORKS! I'm not sure the "ObjectReference" property is necessary. If anyone knows, speak up, and I'll add your answer in here,. I'm still wondering if/when/how Flora reset, and wondering if/when/how these activators will reset, so if anyone knows that, I'd love to have the answer and I'll add it here, too. Note, in the title I substituted "FireSalts" or "Apples" for the word "Ingredient", depending on what I was doing. That may not have been necessary either. There may be a way to make ONE script for all the activators, that gives the right ingredient for the visual each time. But again, beyond me! This way took a while, but at least it was easy (for me, anyway.) Enjoy! -
The above script worked perfectly when attached to an activator. I clicked "New" in the Activator portion of the window, added the NIF for the item I made, selected the ingredient in the dropdown, and then attached that script. It's awesome.
No way, I like my bowl of apples that I created myself, as the static art object hehe. But what do you mean about copy an activator -- I'm assuming you mean duplicate an existing one -- I prefer to create new. But are you saying just making an activator will work, with no need to script or what?