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  1. Unfortunately 64bit won't do it. The scripting has nothing really to do with memory RAM, it never takes any significant amount of memory to run scripts en mass. It's Papyrus' fault here. The game could be 128bit for all that matter, Papyrus is the one working on the script processing; everything script related - running, lagging, stopping, crashing etc. is all done via the Papyrus scripting language not your PC's physical memory. The language would need to be rewritten to allow a more smoother scripting activity at all times, something this remaster most likely won't touch by any means. Fallout 4's scripting is pretty much the same thing like in Skyrim, so don't think anything significant can happen. We'll always have to moderate scripting activity in the current engine. 64bit will only prevent crashing via reaching the ever so dreadful 4GB limit that any 32bit executable has to deal with. Which means ENBoost's alternative solution to run game's textures into its own exe, the main culprits why the cap is often reached, will no longer be needed. I am skeptical about the remaster myself as we PC players gain no benefit from the graphics improvement given half the ENBs (that all run on dx9) on this site look better than anything Bethesda would like to develop for their future games, no small thanks to console hardware limitations. Though the 64bit support surely is the best thing they could change into, this one single feature is what PC absolutely needs and the only one really useful for one who modded the game like crazy. More graphic whorish with dx11 I guess it's okay if you really spend this game just to look at the scenery and improve it over and over.
  2. In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615 are all replies on the same post. With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts. Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
  3. First Nexus layout change that I like without of having to get used to, lol. A request if possible: Can you please put the search bar back instead of clicking on "Search" button first? I don't know why but it kinda feels weird to check mods here without seeing the traditional search bar. Wonder if anyone shares my point.
  4. Hey there, it always bugged me this; why the hell ragged flagon and the cistern are 2 different cells? Every time you want to go from your office to get a job from Delvin or Vex, you have to pass a loading screen back and forth. Reminds me of DB sanctuary from Oblivion where the training area was a different cell as well. Why Bethesda is doing this? My only logical explanation would be lagging, as there are quite a lot of npcs once you fully restore the guild... but the DB sanctuary had no npcs that were fully stationed in the training area... So back to the thread's point can anyone save me (or perhaps many others) from the dread loading screen between cistern and ragged flagon? Or at least care to explain me why 2 cells are required...
  5. Nah don't think so. I don't even know how to reserve vram for each process...
  6. Hey all. I'm having some serious problems with Skyrim. Using ely's memory info I found out the game crashes when it reaches 1.2gb memory usage (this happens mostly outdoors). Can't do nothing about it except opening console and typing pcb to purge the cell buffers but doing so every 5 seconds it's kinda annoying and some times it doesn't erase enough memory to prevent a crash. My specs : Win XP 32bit PentiumĀ® Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 3072MB RAM [x2 2GB (32bit)] AMD Radeon HD 6670 1gb Why I'm finding weird about those CTDs is because by the time Skyrim reaches 1.2gb I have around 1gb memory left, so those crashes could be related to graphic card? I'm not really good at PC specs so I could use any advice...my guess would be a 64bit upgrade.
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