In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615 are all replies on the same post. With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts. Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.