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  1. I have the answer to this problem. 1) Unequip any weapons or spells your character is using 2) Open the console 3) Click on your character 4) Enter the command recycleactor (yes, you're reading this correctly) and press enter 5) Exit the console. Your screen will go wonky for a few seconds then revert to normal leaving your character with a normal expression. I tried this on a whim when I was left with no other option to fix this, and it actually worked.
  2. Uh, guys...I had this issue too and, well, when I updated SKSE, it went away
  3. The execution is what killed this whole thing. Valve should've allowed modders to accept donations for their work like Robin does here on the Nexus without either Valve or Bethesda trying to get a slice of it. I mean, I have sold things on Steam Marketplace and I have seen that they take 13% of what the buyer pays - THIRTEEN PERCENT! Now consider the sheer number of transactions that go on in SM everyday and you'll wonder, like me, "Ye gods Valve, aren't you already making enough?". Now Bethesda should've been more gracious here. Yeah, it is their game, but a modder does what they do either out of love for the game or perceived necessity (like the unofficial patches). They should never have tried to aid in something like this (trying to cash in on something someone else did for fun is kind of underhanded). I just hope there's no long term damage when all is said and done here
  4. I wouldn't download them because: 1) I am trying to keep my Skyrim as "lore friendly" as possible (unlike what I did in Oblivion) 2) I own Vanguard Princess and despise the game.
  5. Thanks Bben. It happens intermittantly for me and I have been trying to figure out what's causing it. Now I know, and I now know how to fix it.
  6. I will say this - CBBE is my favourite for the girls (I HGECed in Oblivion so I sorta leaned toward what I knew and loved). But thanks to this thread I finally have a male body that looks amazing (4uDIK's Real Body). So, Uriel, kudos are coming at you for this
  7. This'll be easy to fix. Just slide it down in your loadorder until it appears. You may have another armour that adds to vendor lists (like Serenity or the Armamentarium Armours) causing interference
  8. Thanks for that - I couldn't find the darned thing either :thumbsup:
  9. I'm in the same boat, but I think I sorted it out. I updated the driver as per SoSuMi's recommendation, but then I went and set Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering to "Off" (Best Performance) and the problem seems to have gone away (or it will until the NEXT update Steam forces on us....inconsiderate jerks :verymad: )
  10. *sigh* I was afraid of that. Oh well, thanks for the answer Hickory
  11. I have the latest version of Modular Beautiful People and I am loving it...there's just a tiny problem I am having. The Miqote race seems to be lacking a mouth. Now, when I say that, I mean that when my girl opens her mouth I can see through her head to her hair which is annoying and bugging the crap outta me. Now, the .nif that is supposed to give her a mouth is bethlashL.nif, but all this does is give her her eyelahes. I have tried substituting nifs and got her a mouth - but at the expense of he eyelashes. So my question is: Does anyone know where I can get a .nif (I'll borrow from another race if need be) that will give her BOTH eyelashes and a mouth?
  12. I am still not getting the dialogue box for commenting on the site in IE 8 yet (if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears). I'll keep eyes on this and hopefully it'll all sort out (I am using Firefox to post this). But I do like the two borders that were added - it looks a whole lot better than it did yesterday. Still gotta get use to this new look though....
  13. I'm looking and I have to say, I don't like the new look. Some of the things you've done are neat (Image share for instance), but the new layout just seems to confuse the heck out of IE8 (my preferred browser). I tried to comment and nothing happened so I had to fire up Mozilla to comment. You did say however this is still a WIP since you still have tweaking to do. I just hope you can pretty the old girl up again.
  14. I do have a second HD I springboard off of after reformats, so at least I'm not going from scratch. I am going to take things a lot slower this time (I just dumped a arseload of mods in and started merging so in my haste...) .
  15. Doesn't matter - I've formatted again. I'm going to try this one more time
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