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About multisim2

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  1. This was propably asked a hundred times before, but this bug is really a game breaking for a mage-oriented characters. When casting something on a spell with a left mouse button it seems to stuck and never release it at all! The spell is stuck in non-released state and is basically useless. The bug has happened after i have equipped a staff that had a fire buff, but it didn't shot a single fireball, just a simple "magic" sphere. Now the similar buff effect happens even on a non-buffed staffs too! This game has just several buttons for skills to please the console crowds, but getting that number dropped by a third? That's a game breaking bug for sure. What have i tried before: searching the net ( steamcommunity.com/app/367500/discussions/6/451851477882517413 comes first), reloading from a checkpoint, killing yourself, resurrecting yourself, giving the staff away. Didn't try to load from the backup, because it took me too much time to notice the bug.
  2. None of the suggested fixes did it for me. However i'll share a fix that did it for me. For whomever is concerned: Take a look if you have a inizer plugin inside "%GAMEFOLDER%/data/obse/plugins"; If you do check the insides of the "inizer.ini" and locate the "plugins/v.txt" (load order) string; Go to your "\Users\%USERNAME%\Appdata\local\oblivion" directory and locate the mentioned above file; If you possess both "plugins" and "pluginv" (or whatever) files change the corresponding string inside of an "inizer.ini" file. Now you can launch the game however you'd like. I didn't download this inizer plugin from an external source, don't know how i ended up with it.
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