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About Jfuzzman

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  1. Mine's worse. l: They all start to attack me.. for some reason the dogs are on my side though when they do.
  2. I think I have an idea on how to fix it... at least for me. It might help you too.
  3. I've tried this with 4 different characters and I keep on getting the same result. When Harken first turns you into a vampire, and sends you off to talk to another vampire in the castle, all the other vampires attack me on sight.. When I'm one of them. What could be causing this?
  4. I downloaded some mods and I'm not sure how, but they've caused my game to not recognize people, at all. If I put my cursor over most people nothing appears, therefor I can't activate them and open up conversation. How could a mod cause this, and how could it be fixed?
  5. WOW! Yes! I am connected by a wireless adapter, and the same thing happens to me when I open my Skyrim launcher..it's funny because Oblivion was next to perfect when it came to mods!
  6. Geez..I didn't have this problem yesterday, at all. Speaking of which, I can't run SKSE for some reason, it says I need to update to the newest skyrim or something..when I have the latest patch. >.> There's got to be a better way for Bethesda to run their computer games.
  7. I don't know, but it's really getting bothersome! :wallbash:
  8. It wasn't doing this yesterday..I decided I didn't want the "Open cities" mod..and now I can't save or it will close instantly, no error message just close. I can't wait or enter a new place, and I think it's because it auto-saves. Can somebody help me?
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