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About humannature66

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    FO3, NV, Skyrim, FO4

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  1. In response to post #56151196. #56157651, #56162521 are all replies on the same post. Atm the old site is still usable i just noticed, renamed to ... Old.nexusmods.com ..
  2. In response to post #56151196. I second that. The new design is overloaded, needlessly convoluted and confusing now. The search-funtions are unusable. Even via google-search i get better results of nexus-mods than by the actual search-tool here on the site. The mobile-version lags like hell on simple functions like screener-approval on my mods, for example, while the pc-version misses features like the notification-box completely!? To be honest, since the new site-design is on, i find myself only rarely looking into the nexus any more. The joy is gone.
  3. In response to post #49015162. #49016337, #49016562, #49019317, #49020807, #49022562, #49023832, #49024342, #49026332, #49027617, #49028217, #49028247, #49033977, #49041757, #49044022, #49055282, #49057587, #49103087, #49156727, #49165927 are all replies on the same post. Priceless :D :D In Vegas no one complained about the shown (vanilla) skin. You guys did an awesome job!
  4. Any news on the matter? I need to get Nate back to life. My char 'Nova Jones' still misses her hubby.
  5. Thievery stops if the mod includes contents that can technically not be compiled ;) Btw., nice to see you back, midtek.
  6. I have a suit / armor which i wanna pimp with increased jumpheight and the freefall-legs capability. Can anyone help me adding these functions with the CK?
  7. She's waiting in Halo's Aether for the new world ... her wardrobe full of Leather & Latex outfits ... :cool: http://www.ld-host.de/uploads/thumbnails/18187890271b599e8a58252e2e567ad9.jpg
  8. This is an "older" thread, but that could also mean, in the meantime someone developed something new on this matter .. Maybe? Does anyone know some kinda city or spacy environment? I have made more "modern" outfits than ancient stuff, and i'm bit done with settlements and dungeons ... I miss something modern like it was done here and there for FO3. Something or someone who made a future city, anything like that. I like Halofarm's environments for taking shots, especially the street or the apartement. Some city with SkyCrapers or a spaceport, anything like that would be nice. And that on using Skyrim's awesome graphic engine ..
  9. Wahrscheinlich ist im NiTriShape die Textur 'abgeschaltet, sodaß Du keine Colors angezeigt bekommst. Das macht man gern bei Bodies und Armors, wenn die im Game separat durch ne extra zugewiesene Textur belegt werden. Warum das so gemacht wird? Das wird immer dann notwendig, wenn ein Bodymodel in verschieden Versionen genutzt werden soll, z.B. haben die Vanilla-bodies mal normale Haut, mal die verseuchte Version, oder eben auch Reptilhaut. Alles ein Body, aber verschieden Häute. Viele vanilla-Kleidungen sind nur in der Farbe unterschiedlich. Da wird im Game eben auch einfach nur ein anderes Textur-set zugewiesen. Gleiches mesh, viele verschiedene Texturen. Ich sag Dir nachher genau, wo Du was ändern musst. Das wär jedenfalls jetzt mein Verdacht. Schick mir evtl. nochmal das mesh rüber. Ich hab ne neue HDD drin, manches alte Zeug ist weg.
  10. check how they did it in these mods: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1066/ http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8850 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5461/ combine it with this mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1580/ works also nicely with nuke-grenades :cool:
  11. nope, thatz not it. i'm not sure, but i think it can only be fixed in Blender, not in Nifkope ... :ermm: ... those half-shaded faces don't even use the texture. Tho the rest of the mesh works correctly (double-sided, transparent, whatever ... everything else works normal) ... these dumb little distorted faces seem to be twisted somehow, and they won't go ! >:( ideas?
  12. From time to time i get something like twisted vertices / faces, after extruding / manipulating vertices in Blender. It only becomes visible later in Nifskope (and of course ingame): http://www.ld-host.de/uploads/thumbnails/bcf8f93d3d322acade3aefbfb1e7e949.jpg I'm a bit embarrassed, but i don't know whatz causing it, nor how i can denie or fix it, but i'm doing anything wrong obviously. Does anyone have an explanation? ... somehow i hope it's not a noob-mistake ;D ...
  13. how much ? :tongue: (just joking) Maybe, highheel-addict that i am ... :tongue: Also, Elewin is HighHeel-specialist.
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