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  1. Afaik, that's a known bug of the fallout 4 engine. It just doesn't handle projected decals very well. I think they only "respawn" after a certain amount of time has passed when re-entering an interior. It's a real shame that Bethesda hasn't fixed the issue after all these years.
  2. 1. Make sure that your textures do have the correct format(e.g. BC3/BC7) 2. Make sure that your mesh and textures are in the correct directory according to your .esp. For instance: Meshes/myMod/myMesh.nif and Textures/myMod/myTexture_d.dds and Materials/myMod/myMaterial.BGSM 3. IF USING NO MATERIAL FILE: Your BSTriShape within your nif should have a BSLightingShaderProperty. Said ShaderProperty comes with a BSShaderTextureSet node which you can use to point to the directory where your textures are at. You can look at existing Bethesda meshes to see which index numbers you need to use for your diffuse, normal and specular textures. 4. IF USING A MATERIAL FILE: Make sure that your material files points to the correct textures. Make sure that the path to your material file is set correctly within your nif under the BSLightingShaderProperty node. Again: You can take a look at how Bethesda sets up paths in their nifs.
  3. I don't know what the cause is - it might have something to do with the cells being loaded and the way they're then edited - but it has happened to me many times already in different custom worldspaces. Just smooth out those parts and everything should be fine again.
  4. 1. Which approach are you using to generate LOD? The CK or xLODgen? 2. You wrote that your plugin uses completely new meshes etc. Are you exclusively using those? What happens if you put in vanilla meshes that have LOD and then try to generate? Do you get the same error message? Does it generate at least some object LOD? 3. Did you setup the path for the LOD meshes for your meshes correctly? You need to specifiy the path in the CK for each new static object that you add.
  5. Just to let you know, the tutorial you followed is mostly for objects which should have havok interactions. Just making it "static" in the Rigid Body Info will suffice for most circumstances, but your object may still show havok behavior in certain situations. For instance: making your mesh part of a SCOL and then turning on havok will almost certainly result in the SCOL moving within the CK. I don't know the technical details behind all of it but the 3DSMax exporter for NIFs which was used by Bethesda has some scripts which set the correct values depending on the type of object you want to export. Since I don't own max myself, a fellow modder was so kind to provide me with the values which max uses when exporting primitive/mesh/convex hull collision for static objects. I can't guarantee that this is the best way to do it, but I've created hundreds of objects with custom primitive and convex hull collision this way in Nifskope with everything being tested properly(shooting at the objects/running into them/using them as part of SCOLs and precombined meshes) and I never ran into any issues. I don't know if you'll ever need those values but I wanted to provide them just in case:
  6. The problem is that the NIF "TruckTrailer02" consists of BSMeshLODTriShape notes. I've had the same issues with those very notes. No matter what I did, they always ended up looking like that in game after altering them in any way. It might have something to do with Outfitstudio and the unofficial Blender plugin not being able to export them properly or there might be something else involved. However, I've found a workaround that works for me. Once you're done with your adjustments and you've your NIF exported follow these steps: 1. Create a backup of your NIF. 2. Open up your NIF in Nifskope and go to the parts that you edited, more specifically the BSMeshLODTriShape note and select it -> right click -> block -> convert -> Bethesda -> BSTrishape. 3. Save your file. 4. Test it in game 5. Rinse and repeat by converting the remaining notes to BSTrishapes if it's still f*#@ing up. Edit: You will obviously need to create your own collision if you made bigger changes to the existing mesh.
  7. Nifskope isn't working for me at the moment with the next gen archives. But since I have most Fallout 4 archives extracted to look at them, I just switched Nifskope's resouce path. It's unfortunately only a workaround and not for everybody, but most modders already have all the resources extracted.
  8. Good lord, this is beautiful! Awesome work. I will defiinitely check it out when I come back to modding, since I was looking for exactly something like this.
  9. Did pyNifly already update for 4.0? Because I remember reading a reply from the author on github some time ago that it doesn't work with blender 4.0 yet. I personally circumvent the problem by keeping an older version of Blender on my drive just to work on Fallout stuff, whereas 4.0 is used for everything else. Also: you might need to adjust flags after converting from a LOD shape to a BSTrishape.
  10. Will we be able to hide the "Last active" date as before?
  11. A lot of modders tie their quest mods to main quest related events to assure that it's integrated naturally into the game. Which makes sense in a lot of cases, since mods can feel really out of place quickly. I'm afraid that you won't play my upcoming quest mod when it releases...
  12. I just tested your attached nif and it shows up in game. Did you save and enable your esp properly?
  13. I just ran into the very same problem with the security doors yesterday. I looked at the NIFs and tried to compare them and it appears what Larann says might be the best explanation. What you could do if you really want to use these other doors is reworking their nifs, but that would involve some work.
  14. I tried to replicate what you just mentioned. I extracted the "Interiors\Vault\SetDressing\ChristmasTreeFull.nif" mesh. Then I took the FlagpoleUSA01.nif and copied over "bhkNPCollisionObject" and the "BSXFlags". Then I did sanitize > reorder blocks, and saved everything. I then created a new static object, used my new nif and went in game and everything worked fine. I suppose something must have gone wrong on your end. Either while extracting or while saving the nif. I would recommend to repeat the whole process and if everything fails you can still accept South8028's friendly offer.
  15. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll definitely try that. I already kind of played around with the idea because I set another armor for an important character to "unplayable", I just wasn't fully sure that it also extends to the trade inventory. Is there a way to dynamically flag items as "unplayable" at runtime or do I need to do this for each item individually?
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