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Everything posted by stycianleo

  1. Hey all, So I've been playing around with the console and I know we can add effects to armor and weapons so I got to thinking; "what about clothing?" I figured out the command to add the sneak buff from the operative suit is "amod 2EC4B9" to any piece of clothing or neuromod but for some reason it doesn't seem to work on the hats. Anyone got an idea for a work around or any idea why it's not possible since the hat seems to take on other mods like +50 hazard resistance (amod 002C38BF)
  2. I need a "pounding a fist on the table and laughing" smiley. You guys watch WAY too many kung fu movies. Well they actually aren't too far off, certain warrior cultures have utilized such devices. For example, look at the katar, it was used and produced in South India and was known to cut through chainmail and it was basically a short blade attached to a rig for punching. Consider the fact that a trained martial artist has been recorded to produce as much as 1000 psi, now with a weapon like the katar aimed at the neck which was notoriously covered in chainmail or areas like the armpit, knee, ankle, hips; all these areas could not be covered in plate armor because of the need for articulation meaning that they were predominantly protected by chainmail. A katar in the hands of a practiced user could theoretically get to these areas by moving within the arc of swords and axes, even soldiers wielding polearms might find themselves victim to such fighters if they don't stick their target in the first lunge.
  3. If your project pans out and this armor gets developed I would definitely use it. Awesome work of art.
  4. I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy X and I was wondering if anybody could do me the huge favor of making a mod that brings Auron's clothes and his Masamune to DAO? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/desertlion/masamune-auron.jpg
  5. Thanks for the assist, I'll change my race first and if that doesn't do the trick I'll begin the long process of turning on and off all my mods. If it turns out to be one of my gun mods, I'm going to cry. Lol
  6. Hey I'm new to the forum but I've been playing Fallout 3 for awhile. I just beat the main story line and I've completed all the other DLC except for BS, I'm having an issue with the game at the moment. An issue I'm hoping someone can help me solve. When I'm at the Purifier at the end of "Take It Back!" I enter the code and it goes through the whole sequence of the credits and whatnot, but after the credits I get kicked back to the spot where I was before. As in, if I enter the Purifier, punch in the code, and watch the credits, then the screen jumps back to my character laying on the floor. I have no command options, no movement options, its very frustrating because no matter what I try doing I just can't get Broken Steel to start. I have the lvl cap at 30 so thats working fine, I've encountered a Super Mutant Overlord aswell as Hellfire Troops from the Enclave. I have no idea what the issue is and I'm about ready to throw my keyboard at the wall! Please, somebody, help. -StycianLeo
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