Hey I'm new to the forum but I've been playing Fallout 3 for awhile. I just beat the main story line and I've completed all the other DLC except for BS, I'm having an issue with the game at the moment. An issue I'm hoping someone can help me solve. When I'm at the Purifier at the end of "Take It Back!" I enter the code and it goes through the whole sequence of the credits and whatnot, but after the credits I get kicked back to the spot where I was before. As in, if I enter the Purifier, punch in the code, and watch the credits, then the screen jumps back to my character laying on the floor. I have no command options, no movement options, its very frustrating because no matter what I try doing I just can't get Broken Steel to start. I have the lvl cap at 30 so thats working fine, I've encountered a Super Mutant Overlord aswell as Hellfire Troops from the Enclave. I have no idea what the issue is and I'm about ready to throw my keyboard at the wall! Please, somebody, help. -StycianLeo