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Nexus Mods Profile

About Rossthechihuahua

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    United States
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  • Favourite Game
    Touhou Project

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It's too bad literally nobody uses these forums so this suggestion will go unseen ^^;
  2. That sounds like a great idea, there aren't many bow mods being made. A few arrows and this cool trajectory mod, but other than that bows are pretty forgotten. If they were easier to use, I'm sure they would be more popular. Whenever I use a bow, I feel like I have to stretch my arms out completely to get a strong shot... Unfortunately idk how to make mods ^^;
  3. There used to be a U10 mod for having infinite pockets, so if you were to holster a weapon, it would reappear automatically. And if you wanted to remove the weapon, you could hold the spell button and press the grip button to remove it. But there isn't a mod for that in U11... So I think it would be a great idea to make this kind of mod! It would be very convenient. Thanks!
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