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Everything posted by Niomi

  1. Hello! Was hoping someone with modding expertise might be able to fix the glitching on both these armor sets? Where the armor connects to the skirt piece, it glitches on the character's right side and bunches up, making it bounce obnoxiously. It's unbunched once during one gameplay and managed to look normal for a whole 5 minutes before jumping got it scrunched up again and it proceeded to look dumb again. You can see it glitching up onto the bottom of the corset-like piece, which I think (though have no way of knowing for certain, just a guess) is causing it to glitch and bunch like this in movement. And it has nothing to do with ass size since the character had it set as flat as the adjustment will let me get it. Video showcase: Majestic Armor: https://sendvid.com/bcfh0zl8 Hyperboreal Lorica: https://sendvid.com/t9nbqymq I apologize if the quality is poor, uploading compresses the hell out of it. I can send the video files over discord or something if needed.
  2. Hello, I was hoping that someone could possibly port over Witcher 3 Yennefer and Triss Armor, I know that the Triss armor has been ported over with recolors to it, but the Yennefer outfits as far as I'm aware have not been. Especially this one in particular: I know the author themselves said they wouldn't be porting over because they don't plan to play SE/haven't been playing Skyrim.
  3. Ah! Thank you, I've been looking for something like this but must have missed it.
  4. Hi guys! Feel free to tell me straight up if this has been done already(I've searched for quite sometime and haven't found anything on it, but maybe I've overlooked it?) But anyway, is there any possibility to make the game allow more than one follower at a time? Specifically two, I'd like to keep Dogmeat as well as one other person. If it's not something that can be done, stinks but thanks everyone for trying/letting me know!
  5. Sorry if this is a question that's been answered before, but is it possible to have the Ultimate follower overhaul and SKSE working together? The creator says you have to run it on the original launcher, but SKSE will only work for me if I run it through its launcher. When I try to install and just run with the regular launcher my SkyUI fails, and if I run through SKSE - the game will crash because of UFO. Is there any possible way to have both?
  6. I recently saw a mod that made the character more interactive with the characters around them. Like if your dragonborn is standing near a person they'll actually tilt their head to look toward them. I should have saved the darn page but I figured "I'll find it later" and, now I can't. Anybody know of it? EDIT: Found it!
  7. Hello! I was wondering if maybe anyone would be interested in making a specific animation mod for the Yari/spears. Maybe something a little along the lines of this! http://i.imgur.com/d0myWu3.jpg If you can it would be so appreciated, if not - thanks for taking the time to look! C:
  8. I did as suggested, and removed also any other body mods just incase. Unfortunately the "bruises"(which I just assume are the shadows for beneath her chest) still appear. EDIT: It's all fixed now! Thanks guys! c:
  9. So, I'm having some trouble with female character body mods. I've tried uninstalling all the ones I have and then reinstalling the ones I do want to work and they always end up the same. Waaay different then they are supposed to or like this: http://i.imgur.com/m4zWueCl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3TwmlBEl.jpg I included my list of mods just in case that will help. I'd really appreciate anyone who can help figure this out for me! http://i.imgur.com/2xMQiTAl.png http://i.imgur.com/rbq893Bl.png Thank you for your time!
  10. Originally I was going to buy my next computer from Digital Storm, which seemed like a reasonable price(To me - at least, not sure about others.) But lately I've been reading a lot and doing some research and they say to build your own gaming computer, that it's cheaper and of course can get the stuff you want in it. I'm not sure if many of you are familiar or not with Digital Storm, and I'm not either(Reviews for it seemed positive but it was on the website and I'm not sure how well to trust reviews on official websites - paranoia that they're being paid or whatever you'd like to call it.) I was going to buy an alienware but the prices were insane and since it's owned by Dell now I'm not too thrilled about customer support, since my previous experiences with Dell were less then helpful to say the least. So my real question is based on everyone who's probably way more efficient with computers then I am, and those who maybe have bought from Digital Storm. Would you recommend buying from them, or just building my own? Also, for building what would you recommend as a guide in building your own? Or to learn how to, and what websites are best for buying parts and etc? I know of Newegg, but that's about it since I've only recently started researching the possibility of building my own. Sorry for all the questions, and if they're kind of confusing! But I appreciate the help none the less, thanks for your time.
  11. Does anyone know where to get this animation stand for holding the sword as well as the ears? http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s67/Tainted-Goddess/10386-2-1329654105.jpg
  12. i would like to know if anyone know this mod as well and if anyone know where i can get Zero Gravity Arrows, thanks Abou the armor it may be a rip,judging by the details.Try thise armor.That's not the same i know! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10995 About the cities,one of my friend on the nexus uses this two mods,and his pics looks like those you linked more organic cities whiterun trees Thanks so much!
  13. I was wondering if anyone knew where the mod for the re-done Whiterun and armor attached in the pictures below were? http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s67/Tainted-Goddess/7116977873_fef318b035_o.jpg http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s67/Tainted-Goddess/6970903324_ce232982f3_o.jpg ((Sorry if the size is a bit big))
  14. Sorry, I'm not really good with terms, I usually just follow guides step-by-step. So if my answer doesn't make sense or doesn't answer your question, I apologize. I'm guessing though what you mean is if I've unzipped the file(?), in which I have extracted and placed the file into the Data folder. I've also done it separately by extracting and then placing it in. I've also extracted and placed Textures for MOD(s) in the texture folder and the same in their correct folders. I hope that makes sense or answers what you were asking. If not, I'm sorry and can you rephrase your question. so I may understand it?
  15. I seem to be having some trouble installing mods. The problem I have is when I download the MOD(s) and put them into the Data folder, and run oblivion they don't show up in the "Data Files" for me to check. I've downloaded OBMM, turned off the UAC, and even placed it in another area rather then the "Program Files" but I end up with the same problem. With OBMM, it shows up on the list but when I activate it and everything it just creates the blue box that lets me know its "activated" and does not appear on the left frame. I run Oblivion to see if maybe it just doesn't show up in the left frame, and check the "Data Files" but it still doesn't show. I've uninstalled Oblivion, reinstalled and even reinstalled MOD(s) to see if that would work. Yet, no matter what I try it does not show up in the Data Files folder. I've looked up several things regarding running on windows Vista, but even following the instructions step by step it still does not show in the folder like it should or does for most. I don't have a Meshes folder, and I've created one thinking that it may help. I've deleted it, everything remains unchanged. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks. :thanks:
  16. I noticed when you are addicted to something you get a withdraw that lasts about five seconds and then you're absolutely fine again for what seems like the longest time. It'd be nice to see something realistic, like maybe your vision remains blurry for a longer period of time, or even to see your accuracy go down or something. If It was made and I over looked it, please let me know. I searched but I didn't see anything like that come up, and it would be nice to see some more realism in that. Also, what happened to all the birds? I'm sure they didn't all die out. o_O What about some attacking ones every so often or something? >_> You know you're walking through this desolate wasteland and there are no attacking birds?! D: Anyway, thank you for your time! :)
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