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About Daederik

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I always say to myself "It could be worse - it could be StarForce" >.< My biggest issue with this, is I don't think Steam should be a REQUIREMENT at all, unless you're buying it FROM Steam. That being said, Steam I think is a decent enough service, and has it's place...but it shouldn't be a requirement. It is what it is though. they're not going to change it, and it won't be effecting me in a really negative way.
  2. I've ordered mine from game.co.uk, and they have a pretty good reputation on getting stuff to you on time, so I'm not too worried about it. Right now I'm a bit frustrated...I'm a WoW player, and I'm just absolutely tired of it to the point I've completely lost the plot. So not logging into that. I'm Beta testing The Old Republic at the moment, but...well let's just say I'm not able to at the moment (saying nothing else) So I'm kind of inbetween games right now. Bought a new video card to run this a bit better (6870. yayyyy) Told the wife "I'm not available" when it comes out :P. Certainly that won't happen, but I think she'll be nice and give me some time to mess about with the game a little :). yeah, I'm ready :)
  3. Ok, I'll play. AMD Phenom II 940 @ 3Ghz 8GB DDR2 ATI Radeon 6870 (1gb flavour)
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