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Everything posted by thecaptainvneck

  1. I'm using the latest verion of NMM and I seem to have the same problem too...
  2. Hello! Whenever I start up Skyrim and load any save, the game prompts me with the Sounds of Skyrim options and the Bag of Holding options. Also my entire inventory is missing except for Vanilla items and both my mod followers are no longer with me (Bag of Holding's inventory is also all missing except for the Vanilla weapons and armor). All modded locations have to be rediscovered and all the modded quests I had are gone. Everything loads vanilla but is still present in the game. I can still obtain all my modded items and quests, but it's like I never had them to start with. Basically what Star Wars did to all the Expanded Universe is what happened to my game. When I exit the game and start up again, regardless if I make a new save or not, all of this will repeat itself. All my story progress is still there and my skill tree is still the same, but I'm missing a LOT of the things that I had. I think I can either attribute this to my installation of Windows 10 or the new mod cache system for NMM, but this is just my speculation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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