Nexus said last year (when the user profiles was changed) that "PCs will always remain our highest priority".
You can find Iluviel's comment (that I just quoted) on page 2 of the comments here:
You can't have both FOLON and vanilla Fallout 4 at the same time (since FOLON is a total conversion mod for Fallout 4).
But you could try this mod: Fallout London - Standalone Releaser. It adds some of Fallout London's assets to the vanilla/base game.
Do you have a browser addon/extension named Dark Reader installed?
It is not supposed to look like it does in your screenshot. There was someone who had the same issue a page or two back in this thread. They said it was caused by the Dark Reader browser addon.
One thing I know is that the body slots in the Armor (ARMO) and Armor Addon (ARMA) records must be the same, or you get invisible clothing. I found that out after I made my Vtaw and VTAC preview mesh mod and some people said they had invisible clothing when using my mod. It was because they were using some mods that changed the slots and conflicted with mine. My mod only modifies the Armor record.
Sometimes it works on the first try, other times you need to click "View download history" a few times before it works.
Another thing: The download history doesn't show if they've downloaded all the required mods, it only shows one of them. This has been a known bug for a few years.
Maybe it could be made an option for the author: Show file size or show total number of files.
Would also be nice if we could sort our files and not need to have a 'Main file' and 'Optional file', but instead being able to name them ourselves and create our own. Would be quite useful when you have many files on one page.
Seems it only uses the main files.
I have a mod that has 45 files: 2 main files, one is 124.7MB, the other is 573.2MB. 43 optional files that are between 416KB-283.9MB in size. The most recent file I uploaded was an optional file that is 1.9MB. On my profile it says the mod size is 124.7MB.
For my mod, showing how many files would be better than showing size because downloading the largest file is not necessary to use my mod.
I had hoped that updated mods would also get some more visibility.
There are at least 6 suggestions on the feedback board that asked for more visibility for updated mods:
Another thing: What about when one person uploads many mods on the same day and then pushes everyone else off the front page? BellCube made a suggestion for how to fix this here: that I agree with. This could be done for updated mods as well maybe.