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Everything posted by Canderis

  1. Bump? Anyone? I can even do the texture if you send me the right files.
  2. Bump. Can someone please make this? I would, but i'd need the CS
  3. Can someone replace the dragonbone helmet with a retextured version of the iron helmet? I really love the look of that helmet, but i need the stat boost of dragon. And if someone can make this, can you also make the stats compatible with this mod?
  4. I tried googling this but i couldnt find the answer. I am trying to update my oblivion game to the latest patch, but it keeps stopping because of this error. I have the regular game, and the shivering isles expansion installed.
  5. If to save work I can ignore the animations. I mod another game and animations are the hardest thing to do in. So i wasn't really expecting the animations to be right.
  6. I was wondering if anyone could make a double bladed sword (ex-http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e284/Metal_fan101/Doubleblade.jpg) I can do the 3d model but I got no idea how to put it into the game. I think taking each type of weapons should have a double version. Thanks in advance.
  7. Really didn't k now what to reply. I fixed up the first post.
  8. Yes, and I can't mod oblivion for the life of me.. I tried, and failed. I wish it was like modding kotor then I could do everything....
  9. Well I was thinking for the mercs guild you once you join you could be first be hired by one of the random forts (a new, more complete one) to defend it against its rival fort. You should meet up with your fellow mercs at the fort, defend it against the first wave and then invade the fort. You then will return to the guild and be paid for the job. I think then you could be hired by the imperials to defend a border fort from invading hostiles from (the black marsh?) You then fight them, defeat the invading army, and return for payment. Next could be a mission of leading an attack force into an oblivion portal to close it and save the village (new one?) There could be a mission where you take a boat to some remote island and invade it for some random lord of something. For the bounty hunter guild would be kind of like the dark brotherhood except you don't always kill people you knock them unconscious and bring them into the guild. You also would e operating on the right side of the law as the people you bring in are criminals. I can help skin stuff but I have no clue what to do with the textures I edit once I do that.
  10. Well since there is actually some people who are going to help, I am going to make this post better. WE NEED QUEST MAKERS Progress: Mercenary Guild: Story: 10% Interiors/Exteriors: 0% Dialog(not in game): 0% Dialog(in game):0% Quests:0% Voice Overs:0% Total: 3% Bounty hunter: Paused. Story so far: Your first mission for the Mercenary's Guild you are hired by Fort (Name coming later). They are fighting a mini-war with another fort. You and like 5 other mercs from the guild are suppose to defend the fort against the first wave and then invade the fort, taking out its leader. Then you return to the guild and you are paid and get an advancement in rank. Your next job would be defending an imperial outpost on the border of Cyrodiil from invaders from the Black Marsh. You fight off the invaders and then return to the guild and get paid. And another rank up. After that job you are hired by a fort to close an oblivion portal that opened up right next to the fort. Once its closed you return to the guild for payment and a new rank. You then are hired for an invasion. Some wealthy man wants to concor a nearby island. You meat him and his attack force and head to the island. You fight your way up the island and concor the castle. Your reward is a house on the island. You then return to the guild and learn your superior was killed on a mission. You get paid for your last job and then are assigned to go join the battle that killed your superior. A rouge army, based in a cave, is invading (Bruma?) you must defeat the army and kill their leader. Your superior's corpse is right by their leader. Once you finish this quest you are finished with the quest line. Bounty hunter coming soon. TEAM: Canderis: Story/Ideas Armagedd0n- Interiors/Exteriors NEED: Quest Makers.
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