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Status Updates posted by Mekii

  1. So... being gone for... for... some time, I'm full of joy due to that Forum rules and strikes is so packed with new banned people and formal warnings. I sense that I'll get to see plenty of funny lines. Ps. I think I've gotten addicted to Anno 2070 o.o
    1. Shadiva


      Well so long the spammers and trolls get it in the face i'm happy (^^) Oh you have, so it's funny then? been traying myself the Cities XL 2012 but is so ghastly difficult to geta nice economy in, it's almost creepy, will need to put a lot of hours to make it more refined :D
    2. Mekii


      Yeah, I like it, battle and management nicely fitted together, with co-op and MP play :o

      I haven't tried the CXL series yet, haven't really figured if I want to put money onto it or not.

    3. Shadiva


      I wouldent hav bought it if it wasent on sale on Steam, only 170sek for it, 19,90€ so i was like Meh! but haha hard one, still very nice looking city builder game :)
  2. Lite sent så här men ändå; Gott nytt år!
  3. Tack detsamma! Hoppas Tomten tycker du har varit snäll i år!
  4. Now Imma jump out from my window cause tomorrow is the end! ... Really, I wouldn't jump out from my window, it's too cold outside, I'd freeze to death!
  5. X-mas vacation! Wooohoo! Time for fun stuff!
    1. Shadiva


      Aye it sure is! got my vacation now, and for 2 weeks :D
  6. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mekii


      Nothing for me either, I just do it due to the lack of other options x(
    3. Shadiva


      haha a lot of work for that reasen, you want to apply to University and need more points?
    4. Mekii


      Neh, I just do it to avoid being part of the high unemployment here and have liveable budget.


      And ofc saving for moving else where.

  7. I did just got so very confused by someones post... I think my head is tired cause it didn't make any sense at all to me >.<
    1. Shadiva


      Is it about the chop down a three with a fish? cuase tbh both question and answer dident make any sense to me at al haha :D
    2. Mekii


      Nah, it was a post in the bugs forum. Have forgotten what it was about though.
    3. Shadiva


      Oh i see haha
  8. aw ma gawd, my eyelid got worse over night. The eyelid is so off limit today.
  9. Owwies, my upper eyelid hurts, kinda bluish too, wonder if I in somehow managed to pop a vein?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mekii


      Ummm, no, it's not quite like that. It's just on one eye, and the lid is bit purple, like if someone have been beating on my eyelid.
    3. RubikNight


      Did someone beat you? Otherwise you got stop beating yourself.
    4. Shadiva


      guess you need to go to the hospital thenm just in case there is anything infectious and need pencelin for it, it realy dont sound that super haha go go, chop chop!
  10. -my test to remove Fast Travle (does not effect Skyrim) has so far gone good. The carriage travles more realistic with the bossibility of getting ambushed by bandits. The bandits doesn't act enteirly as I want, have to work on that.
  11. Mohahaha! Some people are priceless. "DT", it's just Monday but my week is already made - haha! ps. There can only be one Dark0ne.
  12. I think I'll have to chop my mod in bits, at least if I want to release anything soon.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mekii


      I bug test (almost) everything I put in before adding the next thing. So far it is just some landmass and 2 characters. Given the size my mod will be, the bug testing process will make it take quite some time before I get anywhere. Phew!
    3. Flintlockecole


      Find some who'd do Q&A for you. Big mods take time (I.E Falskaar and the like).
    4. Mekii


      I would, but I'm so terrified of that my story and surprises may leak :x Haha, nah, that ain't it, haven't got around to it yet. I was going to wait with getting a Q&A 'til I got a bit more meat on the bones.
  13. S.O.S the muppets took my mother!
  14. A whole bag of Ying Che, someone will have a mouth full later.
  15. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Shadiva


      Lol like hell, Yes! where is Dr: Bombay, we often sing him at work ;D, Tiger took my family the tiger took my mother! haha cant be more "Ful-snyggt" then that haha
    3. Mekii


      I am a taxi driver in Calcutta

      I drive my little taxi in Calcutta

      Taxi, taxi, taxi, in Calcutta


      So lolz! The 90's = the age of partying.

    4. Shadiva


      haha Yeah it realy was :D
  16. I want Candy *chugga chugga chugga* I want candy *chugga chugga chugga*

    Ridiculous mode - Activated

  17. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shadiva


      Aww like a cute Chobit, where i can buy one, i like totally need one =D
    3. Mekii


      Umm, umm, you could buy them from my mom, but she has stopped to produce them now >.<
    4. Shadiva
  18. Adda på du bara, är helt ok
  19. Now... where can I find some volunteering female voice actors... hmm, hmmm.
    1. Flintlockecole


      TES Alliance has a voice actors guild, might find someone there.
    2. Mekii


      Ah, thanks for the tip!
    3. Flintlockecole
  20. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shadiva


      haha hm what to make a good controller of, *Holds the DvD player* perhaps alittle big but Meh! ho cares, though i might need it for something, cant recall what it is atm... Perhaps this *Takes out alien artifact of DOOM* now this just might work :P
    3. Mekii


      You can mod the PS3 into a controller! Then you got easy access to both controller and power button... and ofc Changing games!
    4. Shadiva


      Yeah should totally be epic! but i still want al my X-mas light on it! perhaps try putting it al in the strange sidebar on the side of the console, i think there's something else that's supposed to get in there but cant be that importent can it? atleast i get an awsome console yay! *fap fap*
  21. Enjoy your Friday too! Weeeheee! O(≧∇≦)O
  22. I have a lot of love for myself today so I am giving myself a comment! Woohoo!
  23. You know it have been snowing A LOT when... One can't get out of the house.
    1. Flintlockecole


      I wish it snowed where I'm at like that. I just get rain for five months and sun for seven.
    2. Mekii


      It can be nice with so much snow, though now I'm very late for work and that ain't so good. :/
  24. Anyone want to make a snow angle, been snowing n blowing all day. Brrr.
    1. Mekii


      Hawt Chocolit, nam nam.
    2. Shadiva


      I dont wanna do it even if an actuell angel was created of it lol i think you actually die if you touch the snow! :O this weather have been soo insane cold today in Värmland :(
  25. I need a better hobby than to spend my time in Forum rules and strikes.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. acidzebra


      I'm happy I'm not the only one who reads the entries there :)
    3. Mekii


      I tend to love the pirates excuses for not buying i.e Skyrim. It's worth buying dang it O_O
    4. Shadiva


      Yeah absolutley, it's a sweet game.


      @acidzebra glad you help out us little peeps, perhaps i turn to you next time i got a problem ;)

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