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Status Updates posted by Mekii

  1. I can't see through my windows... completely covered by snow... lots of snow.
    1. Risibisi


      Hi, I'm just passing through and stop to say: Wow! Cool so much snow... here it's raining since 3 days... I want snow too *pout*
  2. Time to sit down with Far Cry 3 - Deluxe Edition, I need calm my brain from getting mod ideas for my Skyrim mod... I only have two hands >.<
    1. Mekii


      I take that back, counted wrong with 4 whole hours T_ T
  3. The best part with modding is the problem solving = tearing the hair of my big brother instead of my own.
    1. Shadiva


      haha Aaww yeah they are there for a purpose!
  4. Man tackar, man tackar.

    Den är några år vid det här laget, men

    det gör ju inte så mycket ^. ^

    Dewa mata!

  5. Ummm, well, been drawing quite a lot, but still I rather wanna do 3D, haven't had the chance though, but maybe around spring I might get going to study it. Already have a big pile of things I want to make, hehe... maybe a bit too many ideas though!
  6. Me not be here, me be hiding. No actually, computer failure.... or total crash actually, bought a new one a few months back. Completely forgot about Nexus though, good thing you dropped a comment or I would probably have been MIA still. Busy Last month though, B-day and work and other stuff, barley had time for some surfing!
  7. Hehe, your's ain't too bad either!
  8. Almost! Almost!

    Just some final touches and you will see the final result of the drawing... well, the character at least! Don't got the right colors I want for the background :(

  9. Oh, I donno 'bout that, I love to draw, but I haven't evolved too much latley, more like stepped down a notch or two cause I've been busy with other things... we'll see how it goes!
  10. Apart from the scratch wounds up on my head, I'm doing just perfect, hope you doing good over there too!

    Ps. Your PP inspires me to an drawing, I'm so going to draw you ;D

  11. Ah-ha! I saw the time had changed so...

    *Peeks back*, now we are even.

  12. I am just going to sit here and stare at you 'til you can't take it anymore. *Stares*
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