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Status Replies posted by Mekii

  1. So... being gone for... for... some time, I'm full of joy due to that Forum rules and strikes is so packed with new banned people and formal warnings. I sense that I'll get to see plenty of funny lines. Ps. I think I've gotten addicted to Anno 2070 o.o
    1. Mekii


      Yeah, I like it, battle and management nicely fitted together, with co-op and MP play :o

      I haven't tried the CXL series yet, haven't really figured if I want to put money onto it or not.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I did just got so very confused by someones post... I think my head is tired cause it didn't make any sense at all to me >.<
    1. Mekii


      Nah, it was a post in the bugs forum. Have forgotten what it was about though.
    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      Neh, I just do it to avoid being part of the high unemployment here and have liveable budget.


      And ofc saving for moving else where.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      Nothing for me either, I just do it due to the lack of other options x(
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      Aw ma gawd, I'm studying that too, and civics... and a lot else *phew*.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  6. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      Blergh! I don't want to write more essays for at least a year!
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      I did get a urge for a Monster Energy now.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      I so wanna T. T The dark side better have cookies... or no wait, the Americanos have made cookie a dirty word... I want a candy bar instead!
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      I can hear Skyrim calling on me; "Play me! Play me now!", I must resist the temptation! Just got 25 minutes left for polishing them, after that I have to send them in.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  10. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      Haha, it wasn't that bad XD

      Just that the upper lid was hurting and being a bit swollen. I could however still see with it. Though it is however the first time I have to write 2 big essays at same time and both demands a lot of research and stuff.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Mekii


      I hope so too, but eh, left to see about that. Been some stressful weeks, hopefully I haven't made too many errors.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. Owwies, my upper eyelid hurts, kinda bluish too, wonder if I in somehow managed to pop a vein?
    1. Mekii


      Ummm, no, it's not quite like that. It's just on one eye, and the lid is bit purple, like if someone have been beating on my eyelid.
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. I think I'll have to chop my mod in bits, at least if I want to release anything soon.
    1. Mekii


      I would, but I'm so terrified of that my story and surprises may leak :x Haha, nah, that ain't it, haven't got around to it yet. I was going to wait with getting a Q&A 'til I got a bit more meat on the bones.
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I think I'll have to chop my mod in bits, at least if I want to release anything soon.
    1. Mekii


      I bug test (almost) everything I put in before adding the next thing. So far it is just some landmass and 2 characters. Given the size my mod will be, the bug testing process will make it take quite some time before I get anywhere. Phew!
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      I am a taxi driver in Calcutta

      I drive my little taxi in Calcutta

      Taxi, taxi, taxi, in Calcutta


      So lolz! The 90's = the age of partying.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  16. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      Aqua had some funny songs... Dr. Bombay was great. Why don't 'em make such music these days?


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  17. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      "I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

      Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

      you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

      Imagination, life is your creation

      Come on Barbie, let's go party!"

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  18. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      It kinda screams Barbie doll about UNP, and UNP just seem to offer a lot of School girl and bikini stuff rather than armors. Ofc there's some armors for it then.


      I can already see "can you adjust it for UNP????" in front of me... x_x

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  19. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      CBBE with bodyslider, been using CBBE since FO3.
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  20. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
  21. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      Large 2h weapons works sometimes, though, sometimes it get a bit too much. While on the subject of Monster Hunter; hunting in my mod is getting such a boost ;o
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  22. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      scissor head chop with 2 1h is nice... errr... I mean brutal.
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  23. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      The killer moves you can do when fighting without weapons is rather coolish :3


      I mostly go by 1h n shield n bow, though my Destruction/fire mage is a blast :O


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  24. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Mekii


      Haha! I crawled back to bed!


      I got 100 on 1h though I don't use all the perks, some of them sounds so boring. In fact quite many combat/sneaking/blocking perks does sound boring so I don't use them <.<

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  25. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      Umm, umm, you could buy them from my mom, but she has stopped to produce them now >.<
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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