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Status Replies posted by Mekii

  1. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      Imekii, is multitasking, cooking and also doing fun stuff. It needs candy and Asian food as "fuel". It's super good!
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  3. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      I got good batteries, that's all I'll say ;D
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      Morning? it's 14:30! That's so far off morning as it gets! Closer to evening.
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  5. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      Forgot to say: New religion + language is also included in the mod. 2 factions does not believe in the "ordinary" Elder Scroll gods.
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      Well, it leans a bit towards fantasy. Somewhat based on Warhammer + my own story (7 volumes). It is on the other hand quite lore friendly still. If someone nags about NPCs not wearing winter clothing in a desert I'll wonder if they are somewhat nuts.
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  8. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Mekii


      In short, I call it Skyrim: The New Land, the player have the ability to go to a newly discovered island. Have the possibility to create a own king-/queendom from scratch.


      The conflict in Skyrim have never satisfied me so the player will also have the possibility to wage their own war against 3 factions, or join a faction and fight for them. The first faction is having about 25 Quests focusing on their war. Side quests/tasks, such as caravan escort, assassination, guard duty, sabo...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Now... where can I find some volunteering female voice actors... hmm, hmmm.
  10. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      Precis, fast maj, ibland så måste man ju vara lite vuxen även fast man inte vill -.- Som nu t.ex. nu ska jag vara jätte tråk och gå och lägga mig. xD
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      Vengaboys svänger fortfarande:


      Mouse T är rätt så kul den med:


      Hrrrrm... någon känner sig lite dans sugen nu xD


      Kroppsligt är jag nog äldre, i huvudet är jag nog mycket yngre!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      Hmm... hur gick den där sången nu igen...

      Ummm... oh! "Boom boom boom, I want you in my room!"


      Nu vet jag inte varför jag kom och tänka på den o.o

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
  14. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      You can mod the PS3 into a controller! Then you got easy access to both controller and power button... and ofc Changing games!
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      Errr... errr.... Spegelsmurfen, det är namnet på han. ^.~
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      Gargamel! Or, or, or Gammel Smurfen... or or or Glasögon Smurfen!


      Or better up, he can do Smurfan!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      Well, either a screwdriver or ol' fashion stick and stone and some brutal force. That to might do the trick! xD Ummm, yeah, drilling is good. On the other hand, why not take out all the electronics and make a own "shell" for the controller! :D
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      I wonder how he would do as a Smurf... aybe I should request that. Smurfa mera!
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      I think that I deserve some Kudos now... oh yeah, I'm so worthy of da Kudoz.


      And why oh why is SR3 packed with cheaters, ruining co-op completely! T. T

      Now I don't want to play it anymore.


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      Nah, it will be just fine! Nothing to worry about, I promise!
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
  22. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      Haha, works too! Put stick a cellphone to it and make it play x-mas music! Now that's a cool controller!
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      I have a tiny 360 controller n it glowz! :O:O Beat that PS3 xD
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  24. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Mekii


      He's song are strange but humorous. One gotta admit that he is quite a rapper when it comes to some other videos of his.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  25. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Mekii


      A little bit of Saints Row the Third, a bit of Armored Core V... and... and a bit of Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce... I'll probably play SR3 the most, got to love prof. Genki xD


      PS3 eh? Have never been able to drag myself to like PS3 :/

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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