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Everything posted by Avishays

  1. @koechophe Thanks a lot this looks great, I may use it or may not - but if I do i'll be sure to contact you first before releasing anything ( If I do). p.s. I don't meet with the presented condition above, "Cake", I hope it is still okay with you ? D:
  2. Sounds really cool ! Good luck with that :)
  3. Thank you so much, that was really helpful !
  4. I want to create new assets, to be more precise new building models Can someone point me in the right direction - totourial, forum etc' that can guide me ? Do I need to make new textures? new meshes? normal map? How exactly can I do this ? If it's even possible.. Thank you :)
  5. The backflag concept is amazing so definatley keep it ! and I personnaly think you should lower it alittle, until the point it also covers the neck - I think it wil look much better :D
  6. I don't have much to say except ill be definatly keeping and eye out for this mod and I wish you best of wishes with it !
  7. This sounds great, youre ideas are really good and I would be thrilled to see this mod completed ! :D
  8. This looks so great, you are so talented ! well done im definatltey looking forward for this :]
  9. Is there anyway to 'harden' aliaster with the console or with the toolset? I want Loghain on my side but I also want aliaster to be king with anora...and I dont have any save game before Goldana...
  10. Roana - too bad I deleted any save before...but thanks anyway Keldorn - I really appriciate it thank you very much :D
  11. Hehe thanks alot for the reply - but i dont think you understand...ill explain better: After I killed Uldred he dropped this set of armor "Fade Armor" which is not a mod. now I put the set and some other crap in the Bag of Holding containder wich IS a mod.I sold the bag of holding to Buddah(the merchant in camp) and I did some quests.When i finished it and I went to get the bag back from buddah - eveything in it was missin,inculding the Fade set, so my questiong is this - Is there anyway to get it again with a console command like "runscript give_19283" or something like that? or maybe I can play around with the toolset or something...
  12. Hi .. I use bag of holding mod and to make a long story short - i lost everything in it.I dont mind loosing eveything thats kinda make everything alittle fresh and harder but i do mind loosing a set of armor i had there as you guessed it...the Fade Set...so my question is this - is there anyway to get it back (via console or not) even if i killed Uldred?
  13. Thanks alot alot alot that was very quick and exactly what i was searching for! Thanks alot :] ...you can close the thread or something now...
  14. Is it possible to take a character's head in one save game and somehow put in on a character on another save game? Thanks in advance to all the helpers :]
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